I recently had the opportunity to speak with Bobbie Freiberg, CLU, co-author of 'The 15-150 Secret To Simple Dieting'. 'The 15-150 Secret to Simple Dieting' is a guaranteed proven way to lose the weight you want, without giving up the lifestyle you deserve. The book helps teach you to change little ways you cook at home and order out to get rid of those sneaky carbs and fats that you don't even realize you're eating. At the age of 50, Bobbie lost 45 lbs on the diet in less than 7 months and has kept it off for over 1 1/2 years.
Who did you write this book for?
All the frustrated dieters out there that can't understand why there are so many thin people around us!
I was one of them. Tried every diet out there only to fail. After I lost 45lbs on this diet in less than 7 months, I wanted to share the secret.
Is there a central message in the book?
If you can limit your fats to no more than 15 grams per day, and your carbs to no more than 150 grams per day, you will lose weight! The book shares simple ways to accomplish this.
What are you sharing in your book that will add value to the reader’s life?
When we understand "why" something happens, we can then deal with the "how to". Our book gives you insight, encouragement to keep you on track, recipes to enjoy and ways to order at restaurants so you can enjoy your lifestyle.
Most authors have one specific reason for writing a book. What was yours?
If I can do it (lose weight), anyone can!! It took me 50 years to learn the secret....I wish I knew it in my 20's.
What is the part of your book you personally like best?
Chapter 9 - Bobbie's story. Frustrated dieters will relate to me and know I understand where they are coming from. They will associate with me and hopefully that will give them the encouragement to begin the diet.
How important was research in the writing of this book?
Dr. Steven Rosenberg, my co-author, invented the diet. As a science teacher, he conducted
a series of test, using a calorimeter, and found the best burn in your body is the 15-150 Diet. Dr. Rosenberg also is a psychotherapist and writes in the books ways to stay on track with the diet. There is also a CD available on our website if you would like to hear Dr. Rosenberg's "relaxation" session whereby you can listen to the tape, at your convenience, to help you succeed.
Other than selling your book, what do you hope to accomplish with it?
Enlighten readers that there is a way to fight obesity which is a major problem in the world today.
Who should buy this book?
Men, Women, Teenagers....it is geared for the entire family. It is a healthy way to eat for everyone.
Where can people buy your book?
www.15-150Diet.com, Barnesandnoble.com and Amazon.com.
Any last points you would like to make?
The book is the beginning to a new younger you! Other benefits of the diet are that it is an anti-inflammatory diet which reduces bloating within your body. It also reduces free radicals. Your body has been fighting to store those excess fats and carbs...once you cut down these
excess fats and carbs, you will feel energized, look great, and love those compliments!