Tuesday, November 15, 2011

John Meacham Reports Being Born Again By The Holy Spirit In 'Divine Revelation'

Meacham believes Christ is calling upon Christians to join the Armies of Heaven to form Heavenly Churches in America and the rest of the world

In his new book 'Divine Revelation: A Call From Christ To Join The Armies Of Heaven,' John Meacham reports being Born Again by the Holy Spirit as described in the Bible passage John 3:1-8. John discloses that in the shower he asked God to take control of his life because the fear of going to prison and haunting thoughts of a recent anxiety attack consumed his mind and had spun his life out of control. John described that while curled in a fetal position on the shower floor and as the water fell over him, the Holy Spirit entered him and he experienced a new birth.

In 'Divine Revelation,' John Meacham shares that after this Born Again experience he knew that he must relinquish total control of his life to God and he started a routine each morning that included prayer, meditation, and Bible study. He tells the reader that he thanked God for taking the reins of his life and guiding him down the Lord’s path.

In 'Divine Revelation,' John Meacham discusses Jon Meacham’s (no relation) Newsweek article about the death of Christianity in America and the declining number of Christians who are Born Again. Like David Platt in his book 'Radical,' John names the American Dream as one of the primary detriments to Christianity in the United States. Meacham also poses questions about the life focus of Christians in America on such issues as health, financial security, good times, homosexuality, and intellectual endeavor as other life choices, in addition to the American dream, that prevent Christians from being Born Again.

In 'Divine Revelation,' John Meacham closes his discussion of being Born Again with a word of thanks to God for his new spiritual life and a prayer request that every Christian will someday be Born Again.

John Meacham’s book 'Divine Revelation: A Call From Christ To Join The Armies Of Heaven” is a message from Jesus Christ to everyone who calls themselves a Christian. Through the divine revelations of John Meacham and numerous Bible passages Christ speaks to the reader about accepting Him as their Lord and Savior, about being Born Again, about leading a rich Spiritual Life, about joining the Armies of Heaven, about Church Reform, and about helping Him prepare the church for His Second Coming.

'Divine Revelation: A Call From Christ To Join The Armies Of Heaven's' primary objectives are to prepare the reader to meet Jesus face-to-face in heaven and to help prepare Christian Churches for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The book blesses the reader with the Holy Light of Jesus Christ and then inspires the reader to a closer walk with Jesus.

In addition to 'Divine Revelation: A Call From Christ To Join The Armies of Heaven,' John Meacham wrote the book 'Is Your Church Heavenly? A Question from Christ for Every Christian'. John wrote 'Is Your Church Heavenly?' when Jesus called him to the Sea of Galilee in January, 2005 to write this book for Him. 'Is Your Church Heavenly?' is a current day application of the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches in the Bible book of Revelation and includes a Group Study Guide to be used by churches. Jesus continued to send John Meacham messages about the church when He sent him Seven Messages for Seven Churches in September, 2011. The seven churches Jesus Christ sent messages to were the Episcopals, the Presbyterians, the Methodists, the Pentecostals, the Independents, the Catholics, and the Baptist. John has included each of these seven messages from Christ on his website at www.johnmeacham.tateauthor.com.


John Meacham has heard the voice of God from a fiery cloud, seen the dazzling light of God’s Glory, been indwelled by Jesus, traveled to the Sea of Galilee to write a book for Christ, and received seven messages for seven churches from Jesus Christ. John serves the Lord as a Christian Author and Prophet for Jesus Christ who has authored four Christian books and worked in Christ’s Church as a Pastor, Preacher, Workshop Leader, Bible Study Instructor, and Teacher.


John Meacham
Web: http://johnmeacham.tateauthor.com/
Email: john@dazzlinglight.org