As the United States approaches another serious financial challenge known as the ‘Fiscal Cliff’, citizens look to the country’s political leadership and ask, “Why are we not pulling together as a team? Why are the leaders of the United States not united? Where is sage leadership when we need it? Why are politicians not letting go of bipartisan baggage and stepping up?”
As bipartisan bickering continues in Washington, the question at the forefront of the consciousness of many Americans is “What ever happened to teamwork?” Award-winning author and international business consultant John J. Murphy of Venture Management Consultants answers this question and many more as organizations worldwide seek his wise counsel and coaching. From the U.S. Navy to Fortune 100s, Murphy teaches that teamwork is the ultimate reflection of wisdom and balance. He is the author of 14 books and has appeared on over 400 radio and television interviews. In his opinion, the answers to these questions can be found in his definition of teamwork.
“We must begin by looking at what teamwork really means,” stated Murphy. “Teamwork is a cooperative effort in which individual interests are subordinated to the interests and the needs of the team. This means giving up some of the me for the we. Teamwork is a process requiring ‘we-opic’ vision and a ‘what’s in it for the we?’ perspective rather than the all too familiar ‘me-opic’ and ‘what’s in it for me’ attitude.”
John J. Murphy’s body of work is immense. It is especially pertinent in light of today’s need for building effective teams, learning to work as a team and the development of team leadership. He is the author of numerous books on leadership and teamwork, including ‘Pulling Together: The 10 Rules For High Performance Teams’ and ‘Pulling Together: The Power Of Teamwork.’ His company, Venture Management Consultants, specializes in helping people and organizations worldwide achieve and sustain peak performance through effective deployment, development and implementation of best practice techniques. These include, but are not limited to, lean six sigma, leadership skills training, and leadership in management, leading change, kaizen, customer service and sage leadership.
“I think teamwork is critical to success in any arena,” Murphy continued. “People worldwide need leadership that understands this. It does no one any good when we have leaders dividing people rather than pulling them together. The power of teamwork is what makes nations and organizations great. ”
John J. Murphy is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at Murphy’s books are available at Amazon, at his website and many other online book outlets. More information, including a full list of services and authored works, can be found at his website at
About John J. Murphy:
Recognized as an international expert on leading culture change, John Murphy helps organizations address this issue head on. The author of 14 books on related topics, and a guest on over 400 radio and television stations, Murphy teaches leaders worldwide how to integrate the culture piece (of OE) with the systems, structural, and “tools” components. Approaching the change process with an integrated strategy leads to powerful, measurable, sustainable results.
John J. Murphy
Venture Management Consultants