Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Teaches Schoolchildren How To Turn Diary Entries Into Books

Dr. Holstein is both a Positive Psychologist and the author of ''The Truth (I'm A Girl, I'm Smart And I Know Everything) Dr. Holstein recently appeared at Ocean Township Intermediate School in Monmouth County, New Jersey to encourage children to become authors

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein recently appeared at Ocean Township Intermediate School in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Dr. Holstein was one of six authors invited to teach talented groups of 6th graders who wish to refine their writing skills. This year marks her fourth year as a guest author. Next year she will be inaugurated into the school's Hall of Fame.

Dr. Holstein taught six different classes of 6th graders in the course of the day.  Her topic was "From Diary Entry to Fiction, Poetry and More." After sharing a ‘Truth for Girls’ video, 'The Truth for Girls, Puberty, Mood Swings and More', Dr. Holstein taught the children how to first write a diary entry and then how to change, modify, exaggerate or brainstorm off of it, to turn it into a fictional work of some sort.

"The fiction that the students produced," Dr Holstein stated, "in a one-shot deal was fabulous.  I was amazed at their abilities to use expressive language and to a full plot that could even expand into a book from just a short diary entry.  Never underestimate the potential creative skills and ingenious ideas of kids. I can't wait to do this again."

Dr. Holstein's book, ‘The Truth, (I’m a girl, I’m Smart and I Know Everything)’ is a first in positive psychology. It is a fiction book for girls, tweens and teens. Written by an 11 year old girl as a diary, Dr. Barbara has embedded within the story positive truths and concepts geared to help girls develop self-esteem and resiliency

Her second book in The Truth Series is 'Secrets: You Tell Me Yours and I’ll Tell You Mine…Maybe!’  Now the girl is 13. She handles many adolescent issues, including a crush, moving, a death in the family, feeling fat and problems with girlfriends.  Kids and parents have a book they can share and use as a sounding board for needed communication between the generations. Both 'The Truth' and 'Secrets' are great for grandparents, older siblings and teachers to establish lines of communication with the tweens in their lives.

"If I can help children," Dr. Holstein continued, "move from reading another child's diary, like 'The Truth', and/or write their own entries into diaries and then move to an inspirational level of fictional writing that helps them believe in themselves, then I feel blessed in my work as a positive psychologist and educator."

In addition to running a thriving practice, Dr. Holstein is a very successful author across many genres. The human spirit, with its capacity for survival, growth and joy, has always been a subject of interest for Dr. Holstein.  She is available for media interview and can be reached using the information below or by email at


Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, internationally known Positive Psychologist is the creator of The Enchanted Self ®, a positive psychology method for increasing happiness.  Dr. Holstein has been a school psychologist for over 25 years. She is in private practice in Long Branch, New Jersey with her husband, Dr. Russell M. Holstein.

Dr. Barbara speaks regularly on radio programs around the country, and appears on television in New York and New Jersey. Her inspiring audio shows and podcasts can be found on the web, along with hundreds of her articles and stories. She has been a contributor to Heart and Soul, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Redbook, Real Simple, The Wall Street Journal, Time on line, and Family Circle Magazine.

Her pathfinder book ‘The Enchanted Self, A Positive Therapy’ was published in 1997 by Harwood Academic Publishers and is now in its second printing through Brunner-Routledge. Her second book ‘Recipes for Enchantment, The Secret Ingredient is YOU!’ has received rave reviews as a wonderful inspirational story book. ‘DELIGHT’, Dr. Holstein’s third book is available in two versions, paperback and a CD-rom that includes music, art, and Dr. Holstein’s voice.

All books are available at the author’s websites below, online booksellers and stores nationwide.


Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
170 Morris Ave.,
Long Branch, New Jersey 07740