Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Steve Snyder, Author Of Multi-Award Winning Military Book, 'Shot Down', Announces Appearances, Schedule Of Events For August 2019

Snyder's book has received 29 industry awards. His father, pilot of the 'Susan Ruth', was shot down over Europe during WWII. 'Shot Down' is a dramatic retelling of the stories surrounding that event. The book was recently placed on the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) Recommended Book List.

Steve Snyder, award winning author of 'Shot Down', a military aviation book that has taken 29 industry awards, has announced his event lineup for August, 2019.

Snyder's father Howard was a B-17 pilot who was shot down while flying the Susan Ruth (named after his daughter) while flying over the French/Belgium border. The mission set out to bomb Frankfurt, Germany. The book covers the events leading up to and following that day. Of the 10 man crew, some died, some were captured and some, including Howard Snyder, evaded capture.

Snyder's list of appearances for August 2019 include:

August 3 & 4 – Book Signing – Thunder Over Michigan – Willow Run Airport – Ypsilanti, MI

August 6 – PowerPoint Presentation – 306th Flying Training Wing – United States Air Force Academy – Colorado Springs, CO

August 13 – Interview – Savage Nation – Michael Savage

August 17 – Interview – Yesterday USA Radio Network – Walden Hughes

August 21 – Interview – Holistic Health – Lori Jean

August 31- September 2 – 75th Anniversary Celebrations of the Liberation of Belgium – Momignies, Belgium

Snyder's book is utterly unique in that it details the varied, detailed, and amazing stories of what happened to each crew member. Snyder's father, Howard, was missing in action for seven months. Readers are given the opportunity to read the letters and documents that were exchanged before and after the Susan Ruth was shot down. 'Shot Down' is filled with photos that enhance the presentation of these extraordinary WW II events that must never be forgotten. Steve Snyder has gone to the extreme to capture the details that make 'Shot Down' a one-of-a-kind dramatic presentation, told by a writer who was in the very middle of the story as it happened.

'Shot Down' has received numerous high profile industry awards. These include:

2018 TopShelf Magazine Indie Book Awards - 1st Place winner
2017 TopShelf Magazine Editor's Choice Award
2017 Independent Press Awards - Winner Military Nonfiction
2017 John E Weaver Excellent Reads Award - Winner Non-Fiction Military
2017 Book Excellence Awards - Finalist Military
2017 New York City Big Book Awards - Winner Military Nonfiction
2016 Online Book Club Book of the Year Contest - Winner
2016 The Author's Show 50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading Contest - Winner
2016 National Indie Excellence Awards - Winner - History - US
2016 National Indie Excellence Awards - Winner - Military Non-Fiction
2016 Beverly Hills Book Awards - Winner Non-Fiction Military
2016 Global Ebook Awards - Silver Medal Winner Non-Fiction Military
2016 Shelf Unbound Best Indie/Self-Published Book Competition - Notable Book
2015 Books and Authors Book of the Year - Winner Non-Fiction Military
2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards - Winner Military
2015 International Book Awards - Winner History: General
2015 Readers' Favorite Book Awards - Gold Medal Winner Non-Fiction Historical
2015 Kindle Book Awards - Finalist Non-Fiction
2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards - Finalist Historical Non-fiction
2015 Independent Publisher Book Awards - Silver Medalist History (U.S.)
2015 Independent Author Network (IAN) Book of the Year Awards - Outstanding Non-Fiction (General)
2015 Independent Author Network (IAN) Book of the Year Awards - Second Place Winner
2015 NABE Spring Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards - Best Books Military
2015 Nonfiction Book Awards - Bronze Medal
2015 eLit Awards - Gold Medal History
2014 Foreword Reviews' INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards - Finalist War & Military
2014 USA Best Book Awards - Finalist History: General
2014 USA Best Book Awards - Finalist History: Military
2014 Southern California Book Festival - Honorable Mention General Non-Fiction

Reviewers have praised 'Shot Down'. Publishers Weekly stated, "This is a great introduction to the history of the U.S. air war in Europe, humanized by the experience of a single bomber crew." The European Center of Military History said, "Steve Snyder has reached a level of scholarship few amateur historians achieve." Foreword Reviews called it a "masterful book." Midwest Book Review called it "An inherently fascinating and deftly written account."

Steve Snyder is available for media interviews and speaking engagements and can be reached using the information below or by email at 'Shot Down' is available at Amazon and other book retailers. An in-depth interview with Snyder can be accessed at The Authors Show site. More information is available at his website at


Steve Snyder retired from VSP in 2009 after 36 years in national sales and sales management, He began his quest to know everything possible about the World War II experiences of his father, pilot Howard Snyder, and his crew of the B-17 Susan Ruth. Gradually, it became his passion and resulted in 'Shot Down'. He belongs to numerous World War II associations and is Immediate Past President of the 306th Bomb Group Historical Association.


Steve Snyder

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

La brujería blanca es tan mala como la magia negra: Harry Potter y el mago de Oz son peligrosamente engañosos y dañinos

Descubra por qué los demonios son el poder detrás de TODOS los psíquicos, videntes, etc. y por qué los libros en Amazon sobre el ocultismo, que enseñan conjuros y hechizos de amor, tanto como otras rituales y ritos de magia, son abominables para Dios Todopoderoso y más.

Según Wikipedia, el autor oculto Gareth Knight, "remonta los orígenes de la magia blanca a las primeras adaptaciones de la religión paleolítica y la historia religiosa temprana en general, incluidas las tradiciones politeístas del antiguo Egipto ..."

Hay un gran interés en la brujería blanca incluso hoy en día. Una búsqueda en Google de la frase "brujería blanca" arroja más de 50 millones de resultados. Muchos de los sitios de brujería blanca intentan trazar una línea entre "magia blanca" y "magia negra", con la esperanza de distanciarse de los practicantes de las artes negras. La investigación en la palabra de Dios nos muestra claramente que tanto la "magia blanca" como la "magia negra" están prohibidas:

¿Hay alguna diferencia espiritual entre la magia blanca y la negra, o ambas emanan de la misma fuente de poder? La magia blanca (a veces 'magia') se ha definido como la magia utilizada solo con fines benéficos y benévolos, mientras que la magia negra se ha definido como la magia utilizada con fines malignos, dañinos y malévolos. La magia blanca, aparentemente benévola, se ve como un poco de diversión y simplemente como una herramienta para crear cambios positivos en la vida. A continuación se muestra una revisión en Amazon de un libro sobre magia blanca.

“Las acciones simples, las rimas creativas y las intenciones sinceras pueden traerle los deseos más profundos de su corazón. Ya sea que desee crear una transformación en sus relaciones o que desee hacer del mundo un lugar mejor ... Encuentre el amor, elimine una maldición y devuelva la pasión a una relación. Expulse la depresión, protéjase de la energía negativa o haga que un negocio sea más rentable. Con más de 200 hechizos, este libro abre todo un universo de posibilidades para realizar cambios positivos para usted, sus seres queridos y su comunidad ".

Otra definición espiritualmente más precisa de la magia (hechicería) sería asociarse con espíritus demoníacos y las fuerzas de la oscuridad para intentar satisfacer los deseos humanos lujuriosos de poder, riqueza y placer.

De hecho, la Biblia no hace distinción alguna entre la magia blanca y la negra y nos dice que tengamos cuidado con todas las formas de magia y brujería. ¡No consulte a brujas, magos, hechiceros, adivinos, médiums, adivinos y nigromantes! ¡No tenga nada que ver con la quiromancia, la lectura de hojas de té, la lectura de cartas del tarot, la lectura de cristales, las tablas ouija, la astrología, los horóscopos o la magia blanca o negra en cualquier forma! "¿Por qué?" Tu puedes preguntar. ¡Porque TODOS estos son condenados por la Biblia y son detestables al Señor! No son buenos, sino malos, según el Creador de este universo. De hecho, ¡te quedarás contaminado espiritualmente solo por buscarlo!

"No te conviertas en médiums ni busques espiritistas, porque te mancharán. Yo soy el SEÑOR tu Dios" (Lev.19: 31).

"Pondré mi rostro en contra de la persona que recurre a los médiums y espiritistas para prostituirse al seguirlos, y lo aislaré de su pueblo" (Lev. 20: 6).

"Que no se encuentre a nadie entre ustedes que sacrifique a su hijo o hija en el fuego, que practique la adivinación o la hechicería, interprete presagios, se dedique a la brujería, o haga conjuros, o que sea un médium o espiritista o que consulte a los muertos. Cualquiera que estas cosas son detestables para el SEÑOR ... "(Deut. 18: 10-12).

"Cuando los hombres le piden que consulte a médiums y espiritistas, que susurran y murmuran, ¿no debería un pueblo preguntar a su Dios? ¿Por qué consultar a los muertos en nombre de los vivos? ¡A la ley y al testimonio! Si no hablan de acuerdo con esta palabra, no tienen luz del alba "(Isaías 8: 19-20).

Dios es celoso; Debemos buscarlo a él y sólo a él. Él también es un Dios de prueba, y cuando las pruebas y las aflicciones dolorosas nos llegan a los cristianos (como lo hacen a todos), nuestra fe se está probando y refinando. Debemos acudir a Dios y su Palabra en busca de ayuda, guía y fortaleza, no a nuestro enemigo, el diablo y las fuerzas de la oscuridad.

Debemos estar atentos a los planes del diablo; uno de sus planes es ocultar el mal detrás de una hermosa fachada y eso se aplica no solo a las películas de Harry Potter, sino a otras. En la película, El mago de Oz, promocionada como una película familiar, es la bella Glinda, la Buena bruja del Norte, quien ayuda y protege a Dorothy y sus amigos de la malvada bruja del Oeste. Cuando Dorothy se encuentra con Glinda por primera vez, exclama: "¡Pensé que las brujas eran feas!" Glinda, la bruja "buena" le explica a Dorothy que solo las malas brujas son feas. Si alguien desea envenenarte, la mejor manera de desprevenirte es disfrazar y endulzar el veneno.

Queridos amigos, no crean en todos los espíritus, pero evalúen a los espíritus para ver si son de Dios, porque muchos falsos profetas han salido al mundo. (1 Jn. 4: 1)

Nuevamente, la Biblia no hace distinción entre la magia blanca y la negra y condena la práctica de todas las artes mágicas, incluso si aparentemente se ayuda a las personas en lo natural (pero se destruyen espiritualmente).

"Y no es de extrañar, porque el mismo Satanás se disfraza de ángel de luz. No es sorprendente, entonces, si sus siervos se disfrazan de siervos de justicia". (2 Cor. 11: 14-15)

El apóstol Pablo arrojó una fortuna a un demonio de una niña diciendo: "En el nombre de Jesucristo, te ordeno que salgas de ella" (Hechos 16: 16-18). ¡Cuando el demonio se fue, su habilidad para predecir el futuro también desapareció! Reiterar, consultar un medio de orientación es mostrarse infiel a Dios:

"Saúl murió porque le fue infiel al SEÑOR; no guardó la palabra del SEÑOR e incluso consultó a un médium para que lo guiara" (1 Crón. 10:13).

También se debe tener en cuenta que la chica de la adivinación mencionada anteriormente siguió a Pablo y proclamó que Jesús era "un camino" para Dios (griego). Primero, Jesús no es simplemente un camino a Dios, sino el único camino a Dios (Jn. 14: 6; Hechos 4:12; 1 Jn. 5:12).

En segundo lugar, solo porque alguien habla de Jesús mientras se involucra en la maldad (como practicar la magia), no hace que él o sus prácticas sean menos perversas o abominables ante los ojos de Dios. No hay tal cosa como un cristiano involucrado en lo oculto. Conocí a un joven de Haití que practicaba vudú y habló de sus poderes y cómo estos espíritus le contaron acerca de Jesús. Él insistió en que sus poderes eran para bien. Pero, ¿cómo podría ser bueno arrastrar las almas al lago de fuego, incluido el suyo?

El Señor Jesús declaró: "Pero los cobardes, los incrédulos, los viles, los asesinos, los inmorales, los que practican artes mágicas, los idólatras y todos los mentirosos, serán enviados al ardiente lago de azufre ardiente. Esto es la segunda muerte ". (Ap. 21: 8)

El vudú, como la adivinación y todas las artes mágicas, seguramente te condenará. Si está o estuvo involucrado en una práctica tan abominable o consultó a aquellos que lo están, debe abandonarlo y renunciar a él en nombre de Jesús; debes arrepentirte El poder espiritual detrás del vudú es del DECEPTOR, el DIABLO, que te quiere en el lago de fuego con él. NO existe tal cosa como una buena brujería, aunque podría llamarse BLANCO, a diferencia de NEGRO (Ap. 21: 8); todo es del diablo. No se deje engañar para que piense que algo debe parecer malo para que sea malo.

Desde lo más profundo de tu corazón, clama a JESÚS para que te salve, te libere y te limpie de todos tus pecados. QUEMA todos sus libros, materiales, parafernalia, vudú y brujería, etc.

"Un número que había practicado la brujería juntó sus rollos y los quemó públicamente. Cuando calcularon el valor de los rollos, el total llegó a cincuenta mil dracmas". (Hechos 19:19)

Cambio basado en la Biblia, especialmente en el Nuevo Testamento. Pon toda (100%) de tu fe y confianza en Jesús para la salvación. Rechace todos sus pecados, incluidas todas las formas de brujería y el Espiritismo. Tu destino eterno depende de ello.

Dan Corner, un ex pastor y ex católico, es autor de varios libros que incluyen 'La seguridad condicional del creyente: se refuta la seguridad eterna', 'El mito de la seguridad eterna' y '¿Es esta la María de la Biblia?'.

Dan está disponible para entrevistas con los medios de comunicación, incluidos los debates, y se puede contactar utilizando la información a continuación o por correo electrónico a, por teléfono al 724-632-3210 o por correo a PO Box 265, Washington, PA, 15301. Sus sitios web son ( y ( y

Acerca de Dan Corner:

Después de graduarse de la universidad, Dan Corner se salvó al leer la Biblia. Durante más de cuatro décadas, él ha servido diligentemente al Señor Jesús. Las experiencias pastorales, apologéticas, anticulturales y de evangelismo callejero de Dan Corner lo han equipado para luchar por la fe y ganar almas para Jesús de muchos orígenes.

Es un ministro ordenado y director de Alcance Evangélico que ha pastoreado durante casi siete años y ha escrito cientos de artículos cristianos, ha contestado miles de correos electrónicos y cartas y ha escrito varios libros de vital importancia en nuestros días.


Dan Corner ( (

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Trauma, Anxiety, Depression And Stress: Dr. Feyi Obamehinti Shows Us How To Overcome Trauma In New Book, 'Crushed To Restored'

Dr. Obamehinti's highly praised book takes a unique and powerful approach in showing people how to overcome unprocessed trauma. Her new book shows readers how to turn the need to survive into the opportunity to thrive.

Unprocessed trauma can destroy lives, families and careers. Like a grating background noise that never stops, some forms of trauma can follow us wherever we go and into whatever we do. It doesn't have to be that way.

Dr. Feyi Obamehinti's mission is to help those who have experienced trauma find hope again. Regardless of the injury, pain or distress we may have suffered, including any form of physical or psychological abuse, she can help us turn our need to survive into the opportunity to thrive. Because she has been there, she can point us in new directions that will help us be better and live joyful, thriving lives. She is firm in her belief that we don’t have to suffer the pain of unprocessed trauma one more day, and that we can take that next step towards restoration today.

Unprocessed trauma can take many forms - anxiety, stress, depression, anger, frustration, guilt, shame or hopelessness. While different in every case, all of these can result from unprocessed trauma of any kind.

"I wrote this book to help people," Dr. Obamehinti stated. "I feel it is imperative that we understand how unprocessed trauma can inhibit emotional and spiritual growth. I want them to know how important it is for them to be unstuck and move forward to live a victorious life by stepping up and processing their trauma."

'Crushed to Restored' is based on principles drawn from the book of Nehemiah. The book of Nehemiah teaches core principles for emotional, mental and spiritual restoration. Experiencing loss is something that everyone can relate to, whether it be from death, illness, miscarriage, rejection, bankruptcy or estrangement. The book of Nehemiah provides divine wisdom and the tools that equip Christians to confidently face any life situation.

Using the principles detailed in Nehemiah, Dr. Feyi Obamehinti teaches and shares her journey of healing from emotional and psychological abuse. A conversational approach is used to clearly explain the principles that will help Christians break free and grow in their relationship with God. This book will demonstrate that with faith, prayer, integrity and God’s help, we can successfully overcome any type of abuse or loss. We all can come out stronger in our love and service for God.

Readers and reviewers alike have given high praise for 'Crushed to Restored'. One reader said, "As an English teacher and Bible study leader, I know that learning is more than simply reading and studying something. Real learning takes place when ideas studied are pondered and applied to real life. This text guides the readers into that sweet spot where study of God's history with His people becomes personal growth in Christ." Another stated, "In her book, Crushed to Restored: Principles of Restoration from the Book of Nehemiah, Dr. Feyi Obamehinti tenderly guides readers through a frank and honest assessment of damage and loss caused by such circumstances, shares heartbreaking personal accounts from her own life journey, and then offers a step-by-step approach to victorious restoration lovingly orchestrated by our Loving God."

Dr. Obamehinti is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at 'Crushed to Restored' is available at her website and from online book retailers. More information is available at her website at

About Dr. Feyi Obamehinti:

Dr. Feyi Obamehinti is a wife, mother, ordained minister, speaker and author. She is also the co-founder of the non-profit organization, Oasis Focus Inc., and regularly hosts “Oasis Connection”, a Christian TV show she co-hosts with her husband on different TV networks.

Feyi was born in Phoenix, AZ to Nigerian parents and grew up in Nigeria with her paternal grandparents. She currently lives in Texas with her husband and her 3 adult daughters live in different parts of the world.


Dr. Feyi Obamehinti

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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show Lineup For The Week Of July 29, 2019

The Authors Show serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson, Executive Producer of The Authors Show, founders of The Authors Marketing Powerhouse, have announced The Authors Show radio and broadcast schedule for the week of July 29, 2019. The new show schedule is available at the Authors Show site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show radio shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide. The upcoming scheduled radio lineups include:

Week July 29, 2019 On The Authors Show:

29-Jul    Donna Louis
29-Jul    Carla D. Bass, Colonel, USAF (Ret)   
29-Jul    Bjarne Borresen
29-Jul    Willie Handler 
29-Jul    John W Noyes

30-Jul    Phyllis Entis   
30-Jul    Professor Pete Alexander
30-Jul    Michael Jordan 
30-Jul    Mandi Eizenbaum
30-Jul    Steven Howard
31-Jul    Phyllis Staton Campbell
31-Jul    James E. Demmert  
31-Jul    Kristin A. Oakley
31-Jul    Tommy Tutalo
31-Jul    Brian Aull  

1-Aug     Cara Cobb 
1-Aug     Siafa B. Neal
1-Aug     Dr. Dildra Martin-Ogburn
1-Aug     Mimi Amaral
1-Aug     Nick Fowler 

2/3/4 Aug   Gregory Gene Conrad
2/3/4 Aug   John Costello
2/3/4 Aug   Dan Corner
2/3/4 Aug   Luthie M. West
2/3/4 Aug   Elizabeth Ferry-Perata


Don McCauley is a marketing strategist and is the facilitator of the Free Publicity Focus Group, a marketing and publicity firm. He also serves as the host of The Authors Show Radio.  Danielle Hampson is the Executive Producer of The Authors Show radio group of programs.


Don McCauley
Free Publicity Focus Group

Danielle Hampson
The Authors Show

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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Anti-Christ's Mark Of The Beast Is Not A Social Security Number, National ID Card, Vaccine Or Anything Of The Kind, As Many Christians Believe

The Book of Revelation paints a picture that has been the subject of all kinds of speculation by the Christian Church throughout history. To discover the truth, Christians need only to turn to Scripture.

Today, with the advent of modern technology, conspiracy theories spread across the globe at lightning speed. This is especially true in regards to the conjecture surrounding the anti-Christ and the "mark of the beast" as related in Revelation. Many have stated that the mark refers to social security numbers, national ID cards or might even be delivered through vaccines. None of this is true says Dan Corner, Director of Evangelical Outreach. He recently had this to say:

As technology continues to advance and as we persist in hearing of wars and rumors of wars that Jesus warned about in Mt. 24:6, certainly many will wrongly think that the infamous mark of the beast is already out before it actually comes into existence. Such a view has also led to an unfounded anti-Christ conspiracy. The truth is, as of July 2019, neither the anti-Christ, nor the mark of the beast is here yet, even though the technology may be available for the mark. As you can be assured that one day the antichrist will be in global control, you can equally be certain that the mark of the beast will be issued on a worldwide scale at that same time. For this to occur, globalism will indeed lead to a one world government/organization led by the anti-Christ himself.

According to the Scriptures, the mark of the beast is received on the right hand or forehead. With modern technology, it is very possible that this mark may be directly linked to the RFID computer chip; whether it is or not, everyone who is living immediately before the return of Christ will be forced to take this mark in order to buy or sell anything.

Furthermore, the mark of the beast is a mark which refers to the anti-Christ, who is called the beast in Revelation. In fact, to be more precise, it is the number or name of this vile person who will get his power from the devil himself.

Please know that the mark of the beast is not any of the following: it is not the social security number nor is it the national ID card; it is not Sunday worship as the Seventh Day Adventists believe; nor will it be sneaked in a vaccine or some other medical procedure. There will be nothing hidden or secret about the mark of the beast when it comes out.

Rev. 13:15-18 reads: "He [the false prophet] was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666."

Some people think that they will just be able to hide out from the anti-Christ in the woods or mountains, but even in the early 90’s there was technology to detect a campfire on earth from outer space. Now today, radar in the home can detect a person who is there just by his breathing alone; there will be no escaping the anti-Christ.

"If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God's people" (Rev. 13:10).

Hence, this Bible warning applies to Christians; Christians will not be raptured out of here before things get tough and the anti-Christ comes to reign. There is no pre-trib rapture, and there is no Once Saved Always Saved; do not be deceived by the Left Behind series and other popular false teachers who claim otherwise. Do not believe anyone, no matter how prominent or smooth-talking, who claims that taking the mark of the beast is a sin that can be repented of and forgiven like others; that one act of disobedience and idolatry will damn your soul to the lake of fire, as is warned in Rev.14:9-12 by God's angel.

Regarding "that day" or "our being gathered to him" (2 Thess. 2:1), the Bible says:

"Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction" (2 Thess. 2:3).

"Finally, please remember this: If you receive the mark of the beast you will be tormented with burning sulfur" (Rev. 14:9-12):

A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name. This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.”

You must not take the mark of the beast, even if you have to die, which will happen sooner or later anyway. Victory over the anti-Christ and his mark is spelled out in Rev. 12:11. Memorize the following verse and act upon it!

"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death."

"Those who do take the mark of the beast were deceived by miracles performed by satanic power: But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur" (Rev.19:20).

"But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house. And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast" (Heb. 3:6).

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (Mt. 28).

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Phil. 1:21).

Fear God more than the anti-Christ; he is only a man who will one day be thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 19:20 cf. 20:10)! Instead, strive to be faithful to the very end to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dan Corner, a former pastor and ex-Catholic, is the author of a number of books including 'The Believer's Conditional Security: Eternal Security Refuted', 'The Myth of Eternal Security' and 'Is this the Mary of the Bible?'.

Dan is available for media interviews, including debates, and can be reached using the information below or by email at, by phone at 724-632-3210 or by mail at PO Box 265, Washington, PA, 15301. His websites are ( and ( and

About Dan Corner:

After graduating from college, Dan Corner got saved by reading the Bible. For over four decades, he has diligently served the Lord Jesus. Dan Corner's pastoral, apologetic, counter cult and street evangelism experiences have equipped him to contend for the faith and win souls to Jesus from many backgrounds.

He is an ordained minister and director of Evangelical Outreach who pastored for almost seven years and has authored hundreds of Christian articles, answered thousands of emails and letters and has written several books of vital importance in our day.


Dan Corner ( (

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Satan, the Devil And His Demons Are A Spiritual Test, Contrary To The Beliefs Of Many Christian Churches And Christian Organizations

Some Satanists deny the very existence of God, while others allow for God but believe Him to be weaker. Most Christian Churches allow for a powerful God but a much weaker Satan. What is true?

For centuries mankind has been debating why God might allow Satan to exist. Is there an underworld? If so, is Satan the ruler of that dark place? Or is it all just a myth? Dan Corner, Director of Evangelical Outreach recently had this to say:

Part of reality is spiritual reality. Just because you cannot see something with the naked eye, does not mean that it does not exist. The spiritual world influences the natural realm. God is real, but so is the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Eph. 6:12).

Unlike many people believe, the devil is NOT: (1) God’s equally powerful counterpart, (2) the ruler of the underworld, (3) a myth or (4) merely the symbol or personification of evil. The devil is indeed a REAL spirit being with a personality, emotions, intellect and will, and he is not in the lake of fire yet (Rev. 20:10). In fact, the Lord Jesus dialogued with him (Mt. 4:3-11). Showcasing the wicked character of this relentless, scheming arch enemy of mankind are some of his names and titles: Satan, the dragon, the serpent, the father of lies, the god of this age, prince of the power of the air (TV, radio anyone?), the tempter, the adversary or enemy, Lucifer (meaning bearer of light), the avenger, the false accuser of the brethren, and Beelzebub, the prince of demons (Rev.12:9, Jn. 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:4, Eph. 2:2, Mt. 4:3, 1 Pet.5:8, 2 Cor. 11:14, Psa. 8:2 and Rev. 12:10, Mt. 12:27, and Lk. 11:15).

God could get rid of the devil now if he wanted, but he is allowing the devil to roam freely around the earth among us which is part of our spiritual test (James 1:12). God is a testing God (1 Thess. 2:4; etc.), and he wants us to overcome the works of the devil, our sinful nature and the world, which we can only do with God’s help and his enabling grace.

"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings" (1 Peter 5:8-9).

We must continue to heed these warnings and submit to Jesus until the very end of our life (Rom. 11:19-22; Col. 1:23; Heb. 3:14); these warnings were written to Christians as the devil already has the rest the world under his control: “…and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will” (2 Tim. 2:26).

Satan has one main goal for you and your family and friends – to devour you; that includes various, serious problems in this life and damnation in eternal fire afterwards! He gives us thoughts and temptations; if the thoughts and suggestions coming into your mind do not align themselves to obedience to God's Word, they are from the Tempter! Do not entertain them; to "resist" these thoughts is to resist the devil. "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). 

There are many ways in which demons can deceive people, but the more common ones are through occult involvement such as astrology, Ouija boards, fortune-telling, seances, etc.  Dear reader, if you have ever dabbled with such, ask God to forgive you and renounce all such behavior.

Know that the devil can also formulate deceptive religious teachings to mislead you away from God (1 Tim. 4:1).  The deceiver is behind many miracles, visions, dreams, and near death experiences. "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons" (1 Tim. 4:1).

The devil can even quote scripture as we see when he tempted Jesus in the desert. "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone." (Mt. 4:6).

However, when the Father of Lies (as do his servants) quotes Scripture, it is distorted and used out of context in order to lead us astray. To avoid getting deceived by such false teachers who quote verses out of context, we must consider the verses before and after the verse in question. Additionally, when trying to arrive at the proper interpretation of Scripture, we must consider all verses on the subject in order to get a complete picture.

We must be alert to the devil’s schemes. Another one of his schemes is to hide evil behind a beautiful facade or a blissful feeling of peace and well-being. The devil can and does duplicate peace which he does in both transcendental meditation and in Catholicism after one receives the Eucharist (communion wafer). "... in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes" (2 Cor. 2:11).

"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14).

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1).

"Do not give the devil a foothold or opportunity" (Eph. 4:27).

I've noticed in my Christian life, believers who let down their spiritual guard and who are unwilling to go to the extreme of giving the devil no foothold and of being open, faithful and bold about their Christian beliefs; they get swept away or they "fall away." They give the devil some opportunity to tempt them into sin, ever so gradually as it may be, and they turn back to the darkness and spiritual death they were in before their salvation.

Give the devil, the tempter, no place;
Slam the door in his scheming face.
Be faithful to God in your spiritual race;
Endure to the end for salvation is part of grace.

Dan Corner, a former pastor and ex-Catholic, is the author of a number of books including 'The Believer's Conditional Security: Eternal Security Refuted', 'The Myth of Eternal Security' and 'Is this the Mary of the Bible?'.

Dan is available for media interviews, including debates, and can be reached using the information below or by email at, by phone at 724-632-3210 or by mail at PO Box 265, Washington, PA, 15301. His websites are (, ( and

About Dan Corner:

After graduating from college, Dan Corner got saved by reading the Bible. For over four decades, he has diligently served the Lord Jesus. Dan Corner's pastoral, apologetic, counter cult and street evangelism experiences have equipped him to contend for the faith and win souls to Jesus from many backgrounds.

He is an ordained minister and director of Evangelical Outreach who pastored for almost seven years and has authored hundreds of Christian articles, answered thousands of emails and letters and has written several books of vital importance in our day.


Dan Corner ( (

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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show Lineup For The Week Of July 22, 2019

The Authors Show serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson, Executive Producer of The Authors Show, founders of The Authors Marketing Powerhouse, have announced The Authors Show radio and broadcast schedule for the week of July 22, 2019. The new show schedule is available at the Authors Show site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show radio shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide. The upcoming scheduled radio lineups include:

Week July 22, 2019 On The Authors Show:

22-Jul   Edward M. Wysocki, Jr.
22-Jul   Lauren Kramer-Theuerkauf
22-Jul   Dan Corner
22-Jul   Sherry Duquet
22-Jul   A.K. Kronicles

23-Jul   Phyllis Staton Campbell
23-Jul   Dr. Patricia A. Farrell
23-Jul   Bob Rich, Ph.D.
23-Jul   Terrell Potts
23-Jul   Mike Kerr

24-Jul   Frank J. Andriuli
24-Jul   Daniel D. Corner
24-Jul   Samuel O. Enyia
24-Jul   Luthie M. West
24-Jul   Bethany Weisbacher

25-Jul   Ellen Frazer-Jameson
25-Jul   Linda Maria Frank
25-Jul   Susan St. John
25-Jul   Linda Maria Frank
25-Jul   Edward M. Wysocki, Jr.

26/27/28 Jul   Steve Snyder
26/27/28 Jul   Salvatore Esposito
26/27/28 Jul   Judith Briles, Ph.D.
26/27/28 Jul   Dewey Reynolds
26/27/28 Jul   Jeryn Alise Turner


Don McCauley is a marketing strategist and is the facilitator of the Free Publicity Focus Group, a marketing and publicity firm. He also serves as the host of The Authors Show Radio.  Danielle Hampson is the Executive Producer of The Authors Show radio group of programs.

Don McCauley
Free Publicity Focus Group

Danielle Hampson
The Authors Show

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Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Unfailing Light Is The Remedy For Alienation, Loneliness And Despair Says Award-Winning Author Bernard Fleury

Fleury's highly praised book, 'The Unfailing Light Remedy for Alienation, Loneliness and Despair' demonstrates that the acceptance of a single concept can overcome nearly all of the challenges we face

Light is basic to human existence. Light is a powerful source of healing that is utilized in x-rays, lasers, MRIs and phototherapy. We've been told that proper controlled exposure to sunlight is an important ingredient in good health; in the proper functioning of body muscles and nerves. Low exposure to light is considered poor medicine rather than good medicine. Light in the form of electricity powers much of our industrial enterprise - it illuminates our homes, hardens the fillings in our teeth and entertains us through television and computer technology.

According to award winning author Bernard Fleury, light is the basic existent of the entire universe - not a something alone but also a Someone - a something in nature and a Someone who forms and informs the human mind. The individual human mind has to be developmentally ready to both receive and perceive the light for the light to be comprehensible. This is true for both the light of nature and the Light of mind.

In 'The Unfailing Light Remedy for Alienation, Loneliness and Despair', Fleury tells us how the inner light can overcome the three primary curses all human beings face.

"We are called into life by the Light," Fleury stated. "We are meant to live our lives in the Light. We find fulfillment and peace if we are open to this Light and let it shine in our lives. This Light is synonymous with genuine love, an empathy, a sympathy, a compassion that embraces God, ourselves, our neighbor. It's genuineness is evident by the pattern of our lives. Go in peace, proclaiming the Gospel by your life. This is the dismissal admonition at the end of Mass."

The book has received rave reviews from readers and professional reviewers alike. Edith Wairimu said the book, ". . . contains amazing insight that is essential for anyone who seeks to understand light from a biblical perspective." Mamta Madhavan stated, "This book is profound and it will make readers contemplate life, the presence and grace of God, and the thorns that are alienating human beings from God.” K. C. Finn said "This book is very different in that it focuses on life and the more difficult aspects of the human condition, offering comfort through the belief in and praise of God in everyday practice. I found the ideas comforting and I think many others would too. Fleury is not overly pushy about specifically labeling one’s faith, but highlights more the importance of having faith and using worship to display that to others. Overall, I believe that The Unfailing Light: Remedy For Alienation, Loneliness, and Despair provides an effective addition on the personal side to a well considered series thus far.”

Nearly all of Bernard's books center squarely on the theme of Light as a Someone and a Something. He believes we are all Called Into Life By The Light. Life and Light are tied together. Lifelight describes their relationship best because both our “without” (our physical being) and our “within” (our spirit) are basically light in two different forms:

1. Physical energy that occupies space, has weight, can be measured, and

2. Psychic or spiritual energy which is a force that causes things to happen and, thus, real energy, but it does not occupy space, have weight, nor can it be empirically measured.

Fleury has received high praise for his work from readers and reviewers. His 'Light' book series has received numerous 5-star rated reviews. He was chosen as one of ‘50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading’ in the 2017 Book Awards. That honor came as a result of his appearance on The Authors Show. He was chosen from a field of hundreds of authors through a public voting process.

Bernard Fleury is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at 'The Unfailing Light Remedy for Alienation, Loneliness and Despair' is available at online retail book outlets. More information is available at his website at

About Bernard Fleury:

Bernard Fleury is Professor Emeritus at Westfield State University and a Roman Catholic Permanent Deacon. He holds an A.A. degree in Classical Languages, a B.A. in History, a M.S. in Elementary Education with a minor in Philosophy, and an Ed.D. in Administration with a minor in Government. He taught in both the undergraduate and graduate divisions at Westfield State University for thirty years and was a Public School teacher and principal for thirteen years. He also served as Director of School Administration at Westfield State University, and as Director of Teacher Education, Academic Vice President, and President protem at International College of the Cayman Islands over a sixteen-year period. At present he is a corporator in the Westfield State University Foundation. He has also worn a third hat as an ordained Catholic Permanent Deacon for the past thirty five years.


Bernard Fleury

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

White Witchcraft Is Just As Bad As Black Magic – Harry Potter And The Wizard Of Oz Are Dangerously Deceitful And Harmful

Director of Evangelical Outreach, Dan Corner is a Christian author, former Pastor, defender of the Christian faith and evangelist who has had over four decades of experience dealing with the Bible.

According to Wikipedia, occult author Gareth Knight, "traces the origins of white magic to early adaptations of paleolithic religion and early religious history in general, including the polytheistic traditions of Ancient Egypt . . ."

There is a great deal of interest in white witchcraft even today. A Google search for the phrase "white witchcraft" returns over 50 million results. Many of the white witchcraft sites attempt to draw a line between "white magic" and "black magic", hoping to distance themselves from practitioners of the black arts. Research in God's word shows us clearly that "white magic" and "black magic" are both prohibited:

Is there any spiritual difference between white and black magic, or do they both emanate from the same power source? White magic (sometimes 'magick') has been defined as magic used only for good, benevolent purposes and healing while black magic has been defined as magic used for evil, harmful and malevolent purposes. The seemingly benevolent white magic is seen as a bit of fun and as simply a tool to create positive life changes. Below is a review on Amazon of a book on white magic.

“Simple actions, creative rhymes, and sincere intentions can bring you your heart's deepest desires. Whether you want to create transformation in your relationships or you want to make the world a better place.... Find love, remove a curse, and bring the passion back into a relationship. Banish depression, protect yourself from negative energy, or make a business more profitable. With more than 200 spells, this book opens a whole universe of potential for making positive changes for yourself, your loved ones, and your community.”

Another more spiritually accurate definition of magic (sorcery) would be the partnering with demon spirits and the forces of darkness in order to attempt to gratify the lustful human desires for power, wealth and pleasure.

Indeed, the Bible makes no distinction whatsoever between white and black magic and tells us to beware of all forms of magic and witchcraft. Do not consult witches, wizards, sorcerers, fortune tellers, mediums, diviners and necromancers! Have nothing to do with palmistry, tea leaf reading, Tarot card reading, crystal reading, Ouija boards, astrology, horoscopes or white or black magic in any form! "Why?" you may ask. Because ALL of these are condemned by the Bible and are detestable to the Lord! They are not good, but evil, according to the Creator of this universe. In fact, you will become spiritually defiled just by seeking out such!

"Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God" (Lev.19:31).

"I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people" (Lev. 20:6).

"Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD ..." (Deut. 18:10-12).

"When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn" (Isa. 8:19-20).

God is jealous; we are to seek him and only him. He is also a testing God, and when trials and painful afflictions come to us Christians (as they do to everyone), our faith is being tested and refined. We are to go to God and his Word for help, guidance and strength, not to our enemy the devil and the forces of darkness.

We must be alert to the devil’s schemes; one of his schemes is to hide evil behind a beautiful facade and that applies not only to Harry Potter movies but others. In the movie, The Wizard of Oz, touted as a family movie, it is the beautiful Glinda, the Good witch of the North, who helps and protects Dorothy and her friends from the wicked witch of the West. When Dorothy meets Glinda for the first time, she exclaims, “I thought witches were ugly!” Glinda, the “good” witch explains to Dorothy that only bad witches are ugly. If someone desires to poison you, the best way to take you off your guard is to disguise and sweeten the poison.

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 Jn. 4:1)

Again, the Bible makes no distinction between white and black magic and condemns the practice of all magic arts, even if people are apparently helped in the natural (but destroyed spiritually).

"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness." (2 Cor. 11:14-15)

The Apostle Paul cast a fortune telling demon out of a girl by saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her" (Acts 16:16-18). When the demon departed, her ability to foretell the future was also gone! To reiterate, to consult a medium for guidance is to show yourself unfaithful to God:

"Saul died because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance" (1 Chron. 10:13).

It is also to be noted that the fortune telling girl above followed Paul around proclaiming that Jesus was 'a way' to God (Greek). First, Jesus is not merely a way to God, but the only way to God (Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 Jn. 5:12).

Second, just because someone talks about Jesus while engaging in wickedness (such as practicing magic), does not make him or his practices any less wicked or abominable in the sight of God. There is no such thing as a Christian involved in the occult. I met a young man from Haiti who practiced voodoo and spoke of his powers and how these spirits told him about Jesus. He insisted his powers were for good. But how could it be good if it will drag souls to lake of fire, including his own?

The Lord Jesus declared, "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." (Rev. 21:8)

Voodoo, like fortune telling and all of the magic arts, will surely damn you. If you are or were ever involved in such an abominable practice or consulted those who are, you must forsake it and renounce it in Jesus’ name; you must repent. The spiritual power behind voodoo is from the DECEIVER, the DEVIL, who wants you in the lake of fire with him. There is NO such thing as good Witchcraft, even though it might be called WHITE, as opposed to BLACK (Rev. 21:8); it is ALL from the devil. Do not be deceived into thinking something must look evil in order for it to be evil.

From the depths of your heart, cry out to JESUS to save, deliver and wash you from all your sins. BURN all your Voodoo and Witchcraft books, materials, and paraphernalia, etc.

"A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas". (Acts 19:19)

Change based on the Bible, especially the New Testament. Put all (100%) of your faith and trust in Jesus for salvation. Turn away from all your sins, including all forms of witchcraft and Spiritism. Your eternal destiny depends on it.

Dan Corner, a former pastor and ex-Catholic, is the author of a number of books including 'The Believer's Conditional Security: Eternal Security Refuted', 'The Myth of Eternal Security' and 'Is this the Mary of the Bible?'.

Dan is available for media interviews, including debates, and can be reached using the information below or by email at, by phone at 724-632-3210 or by mail at PO Box 265, Washington, PA, 15301. His websites are ( and ( and

About Dan Corner:

After graduating from college, Dan Corner got saved by reading the Bible. For over four decades, he has diligently served the Lord Jesus. Dan Corner's pastoral, apologetic, counter cult and street evangelism experiences have equipped him to contend for the faith and win souls to Jesus from many backgrounds.

He is an ordained minister and director of Evangelical Outreach who pastored for almost seven years and has authored hundreds of Christian articles, answered thousands of emails and letters and has written several books of vital importance in our day.


Dan Corner ( (

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Near Death Experiences Are Not The Truth Of Scripture – Raymond Moody And Dr. Eben Alexander Are Not Final Authorities

Evangelical Outreach, directed by Dan Corner, proclaims and defends the Christian Gospel against various forms of religious deceptions.

According to a piece published on CTVNews, one in 10 people have undergone a near-death experience (NDE). As the article stated, "The findings were presented at the fifth European Academy of Neurology Congress by researchers hailing from Danish specialty hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and the Center for Stroke Research in Berlin, and the Norwegian University of Technology in Trondheim, Norway."

From the perspective of many respected researchers, the near death experience is real. The stories related by those who have experienced an NDE vary greatly with God's word. Therein lies the danger says Dan Corner, Director of Evangelical Outreach. He recently had this to say regarding the near death experience:

Can they be trusted in explaining what happens after death? For the purpose of this article, a near death experience is an experience that people might have after their heart stops beating, and, from their perspective, they leave their own physical body and sometimes observe it. Most of the messages concerning the afterlife of these NDE’s do not line up with the truth of Scripture, and are, therefore, spiritually dangerous.

Following are some of the conflicting messages about the afterlife that people have reported: some go through a tunnel and see a bright light at the end, while others see blackness and fire; many agnostics, atheists and other Biblically unsaved people report entering a place of joy, peace and love, some even where God told them it did not matter what they did or how they lived on earth; some atheists become believers, while others claim to be changed, more loving, etc., yet without the necessary commitment to the Lord Jesus and his word in order to even enter heaven; some claim to now be able to communicate with the dead since they are back in their body. (Communication with the dead is an abomination and strictly forbidden by God in Deut. 18:10-12. In reality, it is demons, posing as your deceased loved ones, to lure you away from God- the dead cannot hear you.); finally, others give the impression of a pre-existence before their birth, thus reinforcing the false teachings of reincarnation and Hinduism.

The feelings and emotions that stem from these NDE’s are often so intense and sensational that it is very difficult, almost impossible, to persuade people who have these experiences to even question or analyze them in the light of scripture. The feelings are so real and powerful that they automatically assume that the message of their experience concerning the afterlife must be from God; the issue, however, is not whether or not an experience actually took place, but what is the source of the experience (or dream or miracle or vision)? Just because one experiences a feeling of peace or bliss, does not mean that feeling came from God. The devil can and does duplicate peace; this is what he does in transcendental meditation and in Catholicism after one receives the Eucharist (communion wafer).

Evil can have a beautiful side. We must be alert to the devil’s schemes; one of his schemes is to hide evil behind a beautiful façade or a blissful feeling of peace and well-being. If someone desires to poison you, the best way to take you off your guard is to disguise and sweeten the poison.

But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil (Heb. 5:14).

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world (1 John 4:1).

Test everything. Hold on to the good (1 Thess. 5:21).

It is also to be noted, by the way, that not only are there conflicting messages about the afterlife from all these different NDE, but there are also many conflicting messages about salvation from Mormonism, Catholicism, Seventh Day Adventism and Islam, all of which claim and report visions. Since the messages from these experiences, visions, miracles, etc., contradict one another, we know that God is not the only source of them because God is not a god of confusion.

Since Near Death Experiences contradict one another, how do you know which ones should be discarded? The all-important question regarding any life after death experience is: Does it contradict the unchanging and eternal message of the Holy Scriptures? If it does, then the spiritual source of the miraculous or supernatural behind the life after death experience was not the same source that gave us the Bible. It is also important to know that the Bible teaches there are two sources of miracles - God and the devil! Since the devil is always trying to mislead us in one fashion or another, and he can use very convincing ploys, we must be very guarded. He has and currently is deceiving billions about the spiritual.

The biblical evidence shows near death experiences are a popular and effective way the devil has been deceiving people about life after death. Many Near Death Experience people have a very pleasant experience despite being dead in their sins and spiritually lost; such proves that NDEs are not reliable concerning the afterlife since the Scriptures do not testify to a universal salvation for everyone (meaning not everyone goes to heaven); in fact, Jesus taught most will go to hell.

Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” He (Jesus) said to them, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. (Luke 13:22-24) The narrow door is heaven. (See also Mt. 7:13-14.)

By the way, reincarnation is refuted by Hebrews 9:27, which declares plainly "And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment."

Also, please know that after physical death there is no mention in the Bible of anyone going through a dark tunnel with a bright light on the other side with a sensation of great peace and love in the presence of such light, as in NDEs.

What is most dangerous about these experiences is if you think you have what you need to go to heaven, you will not look any further; we are to seek God (a continuous tense in the Greek) - keep seeking God in order to find him. God is Truth. He cannot be separated from the truth of his word. When it is written that the truth will set you free, that verse (Jn. 8:31), unbeknownst to most people, means freedom from the slavery of sin caused by the sinful nature (Gal. 5:19-21; Col. 3:5). If your NDE, dream, vision, etc., is from God, then it will draw you to the message of the Bible, which screams out that we must repent (Lk. 13:3,5; Acts 17:30; 2 Pet. 3:9), put to death our sinful nature (Gal. 5:24), and follow and obey Jesus and his word (the Bible) to the very end of our life for salvation (Jn. 10:27; Heb. 5:9; Lk. 8:21; Mt. 10:22; Heb. 3:14; Rev. 2:10,11; Gal. 6:8,9). If, however, the message of your NDE does not lead you to obey God in such a way, then your experience is not from God who gave us the Bible, but from our deceitful enemy the devil.

Dan Corner, a former pastor and ex-Catholic, is the author of a number of books including 'The Believer's Conditional Security: Eternal Security Refuted', 'The Myth of Eternal Security' and 'Is this the Mary of the Bible?'.

Dan is available for media interviews, including debates, and can be reached using the information below or by email at, by phone at 724-632-3210 or by mail at PO Box 265, Washington, PA, 15301. His websites are ( and http://www/ ( and

About Dan Corner:

After graduating from college, Dan Corner got saved by reading the Bible. For over four decades, he has diligently served the Lord Jesus. Dan Corner's pastoral, apologetic, counter cult and street evangelism experiences have equipped him to contend for the faith and win souls to Jesus from many backgrounds.

He is an ordained minister and director of Evangelical Outreach who pastored for almost seven years and has authored hundreds of Christian articles, answered thousands of emails and letters and has written several books of vital importance in our day.


Dan Corner ( (

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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show Lineup For The Week Of July 15, 2019

The Authors Show serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson, Executive Producer of The Authors Show, founders of The Authors Marketing Powerhouse, have announced The Authors Show radio and broadcast schedule for the week of July 15, 2019. The new show schedule is available at the Authors Show site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show radio shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide. The upcoming scheduled radio lineups include:

Week July 15, 2019 On The Authors Show:

15-Jul   Linda Maria Frank
15-Jul   Liz McCue
15-Jul   Charles W. Page MD
15-Jul   Joy Elaine
15-Jul   Sylvanus Adetokunboh Ayeni  MD

16-Jul   I. Kaufman Arenberg MD
16-Jul   Linda Maria Frank
16-Jul   Linda Maria Frank
16-Jul   Caroline H. Sheppard 
16-Jul   Brian Aull

17-Jul   Vince Nolan
17-Jul   John Costello
17-Jul   Wanda Adams Fischer
17-Jul   Feyi Obamehinti, Ed.D
17-Jul   Erich Hartung

18-Jul   Ottavio Lepore
18-Jul   Professor Pete Alexander
18-Jul   H. J. Chammas  
18-Jul   Deborah L. King
18-Jul   Jane Jordan

19/20/21 Jul   Brian Huey
19/20/21 Jul   Garrett Sutton, Esq.
19/20/21 Jul   Lisa Overcash
19/20/21 Jul   Bernard J. Fleury
19/20/21 Jul   Jim Dilyard

Don McCauley is a marketing strategist and is the facilitator of the Free Publicity Focus Group, a marketing and publicity firm. He also serves as the host of The Authors Show Radio.  Danielle Hampson is the Executive Producer of The Authors Show radio group of programs.


Don McCauley
Free Publicity Focus Group

Danielle Hampson
The Authors Show

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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Southern California Can Breathe Easy Until 2023 Says Biblical Prophecy Expert Dr. Richard Ruhling

Dr. Richard Ruhling is an expert on Biblical prophecy and is also the author of 'The Alpha & Omega Bible Code'

Dr. Richard Ruhling, whose article on an earthquake was recently turned down by LA Times, laments the inability of seismology to predict earthquakes with accuracy, but as an author on current events and Bible prophecy, he offers reasons why expectancy may focus on 2023.

Ruhling says virtually all Bible scholars see a 7-year ending represented by the 7 bad years of Joseph’s famine in Genesis 41, or the 7 days for the conquest of Jericho that typifies Babylon. Israel went around Jericho and blew a trumpet each day for six days and there are six trumpets in Revelation 8 & 9. Then they made 7 trips on the 7th day like the 7 plagues in Revelation 16.

On the surface, it might seem like those bad years could start anytime, but Ruhling notes a chiastic structure to the Bible. Like a chasm with both sides as a mirror image, there was a paradise in Genesis and again at the end in Revelation.

With this format, there were six days for Creation followed by a 7th day of ceasing or rest that came to be celebrated as a memorial to Creation in the 4th Commandment of Exodus 20:8-11.

For the chiastic structure in Revelation there will also be a ceasing of Christ’s intercession for us when, after six years of big trouble, Christ will cease his mediation and the 7 vials will be poured out on those who rebel and choose to do their own thing rather than repent.

Ruhling explains that the end-time “day of the LORD” begins with an earthquake that “shakes terribly the earth” Isaiah 2:12,21. For it to fit the chiastic structure, just as there was a ceasing of work on the 7th day in Genesis, there will be a ceasing of Christ’s intercession in the 7th year, and it should align with a sabbatical year.

For that to happen, Ruhling says the last 7 years must begin the year after a sabbatical year, the next sabbatical year being 2022. He believes the solar eclipse and blood moons, the Iran Nuclear Treaty and papal visits to Congress and UN in 2015 signaled it as a sabbatical year with further explanation in his book, 'Not Left Behind'.

Ruhling isn’t saying no earthquakes till 2023. Coming events cast their shadow before and he thinks we may see 7’s or 8’s, but the “Big One” shouldn’t come till 2023.

Ruhling denies dreams or visions and he doubts most people who claim God showed them because the Bible says God won’t do anything without revealing it (Amos 3:7) and he says what we need is in the Bible--the next verse is about the earthquake when the ‘Lion of Judah’ roars and the earth will shake, Rev 5:5; Joel 3:16.

For more information, readers can get his ebook, 'Not Left Behind', at Ruhling states that, for less than the cost of a Big Mac, people can feed their mind.

About Dr. Richard Ruhling:

Dr. Richard Ruhling attended a Bible college with a Religion major. The end times have been a special interest for him since attending a prophecy conference 30 years ago. He is an expert on Biblical prophecy and the author of 'The Alpha & Omega Bible Code', 'The Earthquake & the 7 Seals'


Dr. Richard Ruhling

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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Author Cheryl Williams Named As Top Female Author In Poetry Category In 2019 Top Female Author Awards

Williams took top honors in the awards program for her recent book, 'A Collection Of Poems: A Journey Through Life'.

Author Cheryl Williams has been named Top Female Author in the 2019 Top Female Author Awards in the poetry category. The win came as the result of her most recent book, 'A Collection Of Poems: A Journey Through Life'. Williams was chosen from a field of hundreds of authors by a panel of judges.

"Writing this book of poems was a way to help me unburden, to share my struggles and triumphs, and that of so many I have encountered on my journey," Williams stated. " My hope is that my readers will be encouraged, and inspired to never let go of hope.

"I am truly blessed to have received the award of Top Female Author 2019 in the poetry category. This is not only a win for me, but for readers who will discover, and experience my book as a result of it."

Writing has helped Williams connect with her inner self, finding positive ways to cope with life's struggles. She has been writing and singing for as long as she can remember.

Throughout her childhood she sang in both the church and school choir, and also enjoyed singing at talent shows and music festivals. As an adult she also participated in concerts, performing as a solo artist.

Music and writing are the tools that bring her fulfillment and healing. Her book, 'A Collection Of Poems', takes us through the power of the human mind, good or bad, and its impact on one's direction and journey through life.

With the help of music, writing, and positive thinking, Williams found hope and purpose in life. Life isn't fair. It is unpredictable, bad things happen to good people, and we never know what tomorrow holds. Cheryl wants her readers to realize that even when faced with insurmountable, hopeless situations, even when life seems dark and uncertain, we should never let go of hope and appreciate the beauty and blessings that life has to offer, making the most of every day, loving, living, laughing, and learning. Seasons change, and there is always a rainbow after the storms of life.

Cheryl Williams is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at 'A Collection Of Poems: A Journey Through Life' is available at Amazon. More information, including a number of videos and a collection of music, is available at her website at

About Cheryl Williams:

Cheryl Williams is a wife, mother, author, and nurse by profession, with a passion for the Arts.

Her love for poetry started at the tender age of five when she recited the poem "Grandfather Frog” for a school function. Six years later, her world was turned upside down after her mother suffered a massive stroke. During those uncertain times, music, writing, and poetry helped her cope.

As a teenager, whenever she wasn’t caring for her mother, Cheryl spent her free time writing and directing short plays as a form of entertainment for the children in her neighborhood.

She enjoyed singing in the church and school choir, while also performing publicly as a soloist in concerts and talent shows. As a result of her mother’s illness and her responsibility to help care for her, Cheryl was inspired to pursue nursing as a way to help others heal; the same way writing and music helped her find a path to healing. She resides in New York.


Cheryl Williams

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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Special Needs Students, Bullying And Angels - Jody Sharpe, Multi Award Winning Author Of Books About Angels, Announces Payson Book Festival, KPJM FM Radio Appearances

Sharpe's books are riveting inspirational thrillers written in honor of her daughter Kate and her husband Steve.

Bullying affects all of us, regardless of where it takes place. Tha belief in angels who walk among has been a prevalent belief for centuries. On the surface bullying and angels would appear to have no connection whatsoever. However both of these subjects are of particular interest to award winning author Jody Sharpe, who has managed to bring them together in a series of books that have taken a number of awards and have garnered a large number of top rated reviews. Sharpe recently announced several media appearances.

Jody will appear as a featured author at the 2019 Payson Book Festival held in Payson AZ. She also recently appeared on a live interview on KPJM FM, a a 501c3 non-profit corporation whose mission is to provide anti-addiction and anti-abuse education to help keep the community’s children from entering into destructive behaviors.

"I was honored to be on the KPJM fm radio station Payson, Arizona interview talking about the upcoming Payson Book Festival and the novels in my Mystic Bay Series, 'The Angel's Daughter', 'To Catch an Angel' and 'Town of Angels'. I had a wonderful interview with Pam, the radio host and we discussed why and how I decided to write books about angels living as humans. The answer is I think I might have met an angel once in human form years ago after my daughter died. We discussed also my newest book 'Town of Angels', where angel vs. bully. Of course I explained just like in all my books bullies can be thwarted by the characters, 'with soft voices and intuitive minds.' A bully really never wins!"

"The Payson Book Festival at Mazatzal Casino Ballroom is my favorite book festival of the year. Set in the cool pines of Arizona, writing talent from all over Arizona present their books. There are speakers, great food, entertainment, a raffle and lots of camaraderie. Come see us July 20, 2019 9am to 3:30 pm. I'll be there with my three novels in the Mystic Bay Series."

Jody Sharpe is a retired special needs educator. She recently released her newest novel 'Town Of Angels', a book that centers on the issue of bullying in a town in which angels are in residence. Thus she is uniquely qualified to discuss bullying (and specifically how it impacts special needs students) and angels. She recently issued a statement on her website that details a particularly disturbing form of bullying that happened to her in Kindergarten. The statement reads in part:

"Oh yes we’ve all been bullied. Recently, I remembered a long ago instance I must have placed in the back corner of my mind. Writing about bullying brought it back. 'Look at the baby cry.' That’s what I heard one day in Kindergarten. It’s a memory that makes me ponder now these decades later."

"The schoolyards of yesterday seem to be played out by adults in our midst today. Shouldn’t we the grown ups now be the role models of respectful behavior to our children and grandchildren? What’s happened I think is some adults have lost their way. Some are playing into the bullies fiery words by matching with their own fire."

"So way back in Kindergarten, a lesson was learned that must have brought me to this place of writing books about angels. You see the one who taunted me back then was my Kindergarten teacher."

The full text of both statement is available at Sharpe's website at

Jody Sharpe is an award winning author of several books about angels and now one in which a bully plays a prominent role. She recently announced that her latest book, 'Town Of Angels', is now available in both print and e-book format, and is also available in print from online and traditional booksellers. In addition, the book is now featured in a new video available at her site.

In 'Town Of Angels' it is angel vs. bully in the town of Mystic Bay, California, where a well kept secret lies. Angels live as humans there. After angels appeared to three children all was blissful in the town full of psychics, and ordinary folk. But as a bully, Klaus Waxman, comes to town, Angel Ken Leighton, a storeowner, must carefully guide his flock of humans not to give to in to the bully’s efforts. As Klaus opens a store mocking the resident angels sightings, Angel Ken guides psychic Justine Greer and her family to thwart his efforts. And with the help of the indomitable oldest psychic in town, Madam Norma, the bully meets his match with soft voices and intuitive minds…

Reviewers have given the new book the highest ratings. One reviewer stated, "The book’s characters are bright and well developed and the stories in Mystic Bay move the reader through this spiritual journey with guidance from angels. The images and fascinating stories behind the Mystic Bay series would certainly be worthy of a screenplay to further bring this saga of spiritual awakening to life."

Jody Sharpe knows angels exist. Her first book, ‘The Angel's Daughter’, was written in memory of her daughter Kate. Her second book, 'To Catch An Angel', was written in memory of her husband Steve.

Over a decade ago, when her daughter died tragically Sharpe faced down the most difficult challenge of her life. She was determined not to just merely survive, but to live; to honor the life of her beloved daughter, her twins, her husband and the rest of the rich life she had created before the tragedy. Blessed with an inherently positive outlook these trying times were strengthened by influences from the late Norman Vincent Peale to the children's book character, Wilbur the pig. For Sharpe, ministers of spirit and guidance took the form of angels. Sharpe's openness to change led her to write her first novel, 'The Angel's Daughter'. The story that takes place in the fictitious town of Mystic Bay, California and encompasses all Sharpe's attitudes about goodness, healing and moving on.

Jody is also the author of 'To Catch An Angel', written in memory of her late husband Steve. In 'To Catch An Angel', miracles happen in Mystic Bay, California, the town with the psychic and angel vibe. Angels are calling. Psychic Maggie Malone returns home to find she's swept up in the miracle of it all. She can't imagine why her mother left or who her father might be. But these questions pale in comparison to the wonder of the angels. Maggie meets writer, Noah Greenstreet. They realize they've met before, but where? Maggie and Noah embark on a journey to find our world is all awash with angels.

Jody recently gave a presentation at the KJZZ Arizona StoryFest. The event was held on June 1 in Mesa, Arizona. Participants were given the opportunity to meet some of Arizona's top author talent and featured a children's storyteller stage and and author's workshop.

Sharpe also presents stories and interviews about angels in her 'Tuesdays With The Angels' blog series. In addition she is now accepting submissions of angel stories for possible inclusion on her 'Tuesdays With The Angels' blog. She hopes to create a collection of angel stories that involve sightings of angels, interaction with angels, miraculous angel encounters and other types of accounts or stories. All submissions will be considered, but inclusion is not guaranteed. Stories may be submitted at

Jody was chosen as a winner in the annual '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading' Book Awards. She was chosen from a field of hundreds of authors through a public voting process.

Jody Sharpe is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at Angel stories can be submitted at All of her books are available at online book retailers. New quotes will be added every Tuesday to the 'Tuesdays With The Angels' section of her blog, which can be found at her website at


Jody Sharpe had a rewarding career as a Special Education teacher. Writing about angels became healing after losing her daughter and then her husband. The valuable lessons she learned about moving forward and loving life in the now have set her on a mission to tell the stories with love, humor and spiritual awakening. The fictitious town of Mystic Bay has given her an avenue to put characters and themes together hopefully enlightening the reader towards contemplation of the precious life and memories we are given.


Jody Sharpe

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Sunday, July 7, 2019

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show Lineup For The Week Of July 8, 2019

The Authors Show serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson, Executive Producer of The Authors Show, founders of The Authors Marketing Powerhouse, have announced The Authors Show radio and broadcast schedule for the week of July 8, 2019. The new show schedule is available at the Authors Show site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show radio shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide. The upcoming scheduled radio lineups include:

Week July 8, 2019 On The Authors Show:

8-Jul   Dr. Thomas G. O'Brien II
8-Jul   James E. Demmert
8-Jul   Larry Yoke
8-Jul   Tommy Tutalo
8-Jul   A.K. Kronicles

9-Jul   Edward M. Wysocki, Jr.
9-Jul   William J. Goyette
9-Jul   Bjarne Borresen
9-Jul   Maryann Hartzell-Curran
9-Jul   Brian Aull

10-Jul   Donna Louis
10-Jul   Cheryl Williams
10-Jul   Samuel O. Enyia
10-Jul   Donna Louis
10-Jul   Kristin Casey
11-Jul   Elizabeth Rossi
11-Jul   Donna Louis
11-Jul   Andrew Mann
11-Jul   Randy Mason
11-Jul   Shanti Prem

12/13/14 Jul   Dr. Nicole, MD
12/13/14 Jul   Daniel D. Corner
12/13/14 Jul   Michael Stephen Daigle 
12/13/14 Jul   L. Lee Kane
12/13/14 Jul   Linda Maria Frank

Don McCauley is a marketing strategist and is the facilitator of the Free Publicity Focus Group, a marketing and publicity firm. He also serves as the host of The Authors Show Radio.  Danielle Hampson is the Executive Producer of The Authors Show radio group of programs.


Don McCauley
Free Publicity Focus Group

Danielle Hampson
The Authors Show

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Friday, July 5, 2019

Award Winning Author Donna Fletcher Crow Announces Kuna Idaho Pioneer Short Story, Jane Austen Centre UK Article, New Installments In Jane Austen Series Detailing Southhampton And Portsmouth

Crow writes meticulously researched, entertaining novels of romance, history and mystery in an engaging you-are-there style that allows readers to live the history.

Donna Fletcher Crow, award-winning novelist of British history, is also a serious and indefatigable traveling researcher who depicts people and places from both past and present. She has won a plethora of high level industry awards across multiple genres, all the while gathering exemplary reviews from professional reviewers, avid fans and casual readers. She recently announced 3 new articles, all available at "The Authorized Version" blog.

The first is a short story entitled "A Nostalgic Look at the Fourth of July". In this narrative, a young Kuna pioneer experiences blow-out holiday celebrations in 1907 and a history-making trial in which Clarence Darrow, Harry Orchard, Big Bill Haywood and William Borah play prominent roles in the trial over the assassination of Governor Steunenberg.  

The Jane Austen Centre in the UK recently republished one of her articles on their website entitled "A Look at Jane Austen and Dawlish". The piece details the experience of a budding novelist who received personal advice from Jane Austen. The new article is available at the Jane Austen Centre website at

Finally, Crow recently announced publication of a new "Jane Austen at the Seashore" series. Crow invites readers to come along via the ongoing series of articles posted to her website entitled "The Authorized Version". In the new series, she recounts her experiences visiting Jane Austen's favorite (and sometimes not-so-favorite) seaside resorts across England’s south coast and relates them to Jane’s life and novels. The sites in the new series include, Teignmouth, Dawlish, Sidmouth, Lyme Regis, Southampton, Portsmouth, Bognor Regis, Worthing, Brighton, Ramsgate, and (moving inland) Chawton.

The latest entries in the "Jane Austen at the Seashore" series include "Portsmouth: Reliving Jane Austen's Mansfield Park" and "On the Jane Austen Trail in Southampton: Humor, Gardens and Balls".

Crow recently explained this departure in her literary output. “In publishing a short story as a means of celebrating the Fourth of July weekend, I have discovered the pleasure of working in this genre. Although I am known as “Novelist of British History,” I also have deep love for my own Boise Valley. Highlighting some of our fascinating history from more than a century ago was a delight which I hope will increase my readers’ knowledge while enriching the meaning of the Fourth of July for them as well.

“I am also especially delighted that the Jane Austen Centre in Bath, England, which does so much to bring the life and work of this preeminent literary figure to today’s generation, chose to present my article on their website blog and in their newsletter to thousands of subscribers around the world. Jane’s advice on novel writing to her young niece Anna is still as valid to writers today as it was 200 years ago. I often think of some of it while writing my own books.

“In addition, my on-going Jane Austen-led series on visits to English Regency Seaside spas has now reached the mid-point. I particularly enjoyed my visit to Portsmouth as I sought out the sites Jane used in her novel ‘Mansfield Park’ and experienced them through the eyes of her heroine Fanny Price. For my exploration of Southampton I drew heavily from the letters Jane wrote whilst living there. The flashes of her humor are great fun.

“Since I usually produce sustained, novel-length, sometimes even epic works, it is a departure for me to be focusing on articles and short stories. I am finding this enormously refreshing—for me, and I hope for my readers. I, of course, am also working on a new mystery novel set at Jane Austen’s seashore, but in the meantime it is a joy to keep touch with my readers through these shorter works.”

Donna Fletcher Crow is the author of 45 books, mostly novels of British history. The award-winning 'Glastonbury' is her best-known work, which received the prestigious First Place, Historical Novel, award from the National Federation of Press Women. Readers and reviewers have raved about 'Glastonbury', calling it "The best of its kind," "richly fascinating," "beautifully researched,", "gloriously evocative," and "panoramic." One Amazon reader said, "WHAT a work! Every reader can be enveloped in the sheer scope and quality, every historian be constantly nodding at the precise detail and accuracy, and every Christian can rejoice in the fullness of scripture. For me it is simply beyond descriptive praise. I would urge all who value truth to treat themselves to a feast."

The Daughters of Courage, 'Kathryn', 'Elizabeth' and 'Stephanie' is a pioneer family saga based on the stories of Crow's own family and other Idaho pioneers in the Kuna, Nampa and Boise area. Her current short story “A Nostalgic Fourth of July” is based on a scene from ‘Kathryn: Days of Loss and Hope'.

The Elizabeth & Richard Mysteries is a literary suspense series using literary figures as background: Rudyard Kipling in 'The Flame Ignites', Dorothy L Sayers in 'The Shadow of Reality', Shakespeare in 'A Midsummer Eve's Nightmare', and Jane Austen in both 'A Jane Austen Encounter' and 'A Most Singular Venture'. Watch for 'A Prodigious Sum of Corpses: Seeking Sanditon at Jane Austen’s Seashore', which will take the reader to the sites featured in Donna’s current blog series, following the steps of a murderer.

The Lord Danvers Victorian true-crime series is an Amazon bestseller in the British Detectives category. Books in the series include 'A Lethal Spectre', 'A Most Inconvenient Death', 'Grave Matters', 'To Dust You Shall Return' and 'A Tincture of Murder'. Donna provides a no-charge download of 'A Tincture of Murder' for those who sign up for her newsletter. More information is available at her website.

The Monastery Murder Series features atmospheric contemporary crimes with their roots buried deep in the middle ages. Books in the series include 'A Very Private Grave', 'A Darkly Hidden Truth', 'An Unholy Communion', 'A Newly Crimsoned Reliquary' and 'An All-Consuming Fire'.

Where There is Love, a 6-book series of the enduring legacy of love and faith, featuring historic people and events of the 18th and 19th centuries. Where Love Begins, book 1, has just been released in print for the first time. It is the story of Catherine Peronnet whose world is in tatters. Charles Wesley is engaged to another, her brother beaten by an angry mob, and her favorite pupil forced to leave school. Catherine endures the terrors of a circuit-ride, a threatened French invasion and the Great London Earthquake before finding happiness. Other titles in the series are: Where Love Illumines, Where Love Triumphs, Where Love Restores, Where Love Shines, and Where Love Calls.

Donna Fletcher Crow's work has received a number of high-level industry honors. These include:

A Lethal Spectre Pinnacle Achievement Award: Mystery, 2019
Glastonbury, First Place, Historical Fiction, National Federation of Press Women Award of Merit
The Banks of the Boyne, Silver Angel; First Place Historical Fiction, National Federation Press Women
The Fields of Bannockburn, First Place Historical Fiction, National Federation Press Women
Professional Achievement Award, Northwest Nazarene College
Juvenile Books Award of Merit, Idaho Press Women
Top Idaho Author
Pacesetter Award, Mt. Hermon Writers Conference
Outstanding Historical Fiction, Idaho Press Women, National Federation of Press Women,
Idaho Writer of the Year
Best Inspirational Novel, Finalist Romance Writers of America
Writer of the Year, Mt. Hermon Writers Conference

Donna is available for media interviews and can be reached by email at All of her books are available at online book retailers. More information, including a no-charge download of 'A Tincture of Murder', is available at her website at

About Donna Fletcher Crow:

Donna and her husband live in Boise, Idaho. They have 4 adult children and 14 grandchildren living on 3 continents. Donna is remembered by Idahoans with long memories as a former Queen of the Snake River Stampede, Miss Rodeo Idaho and runner-up for Miss Rodeo America. She is an enthusiastic gardener.


Donna Fletcher Crow

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