Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Some With Cancer Receive Divine Healing While Others Do Not; Christian Author Terry Allan Christian Explains Why

Terry's book, 'What Did Jesus Say? The Seven Messages from the Master' contains over 500 Bible verses spoken directly by Jesus as recorded in the red-letter edition of the New King James Bible, organized by subject, without added interpretations, commentaries or opinions.

Divine healing is defined by Merriam Webster as "healing attributed to the direct agency of God usually in response to faith". As we all know, there have been thousands of documented cases of Divine healing. Conversely, many sincere people, Christians too, have done everything in their power to be healed and have failed. Why is this so?

Terry Christian received Divine healing from bladder cancer. He recently offered his own story to demonstrate why Divine healing works and why it may not:

"Divine healing is a sensitive subject among many people, especially Christians, because very few want to take responsibility for their own illness or diagnoses," Terry said. "Many allow their doctors to predict the outcome of their medical situation while only a few will go out of their way to seek ‘divine healing’.

"Many Christians become sad, disappointed or fearful and give up. Some think they’ll get to Heaven quicker if they give up and that’s based on manmade religious opinions over the years, and is not something everyone agrees on.

"In 2009 I was diagnosed with severe bladder cancer and told I’d die in 3-5yrs if I didn’t let the doctors remove my bladder and attach it to the outside of my body. My desire to live was strong and it was then I decided to learn what Jesus said to those who were healed by him, so I began reading the 4 Gospels and focused on every healing story. Here are 2 things I found that stick out the most.

#1- Jesus most often said, ‘your’ faith has made you whole and, in His own town, Jesus could only heal a few because they lacked ‘faith’ That’s how important ‘our faith is to our own Divine healing.

#2- Those who desired Divine healing were seeking it, climbing a mountain for it, tearing a hole in the roof to get to him or pressing through a crowd just to touch him; they were not sitting on their ‘couch of discontent’ hoping he would stop over and heal them. They were actively seeking healing.

"I received my Divine healing from bladder cancer after I created a 21 day health sabbatical called the LIFE WALK. I came to Negril Jamaica’s 7 mile beach (where I now live). I was 59 at the time so I walked 59 miles up and down the beach reflecting on my life seeking Divine healing. I practiced 4 things I learned from JESUS.

#1- With GOD, all things are possible, all the time, wherever we are.

#2- We must pray, believing in our prayers.

#3- Faith must consume the one ‘receiving’ the healing.

#4- Some healings require prayer and fasting.

"Prayer and fasting calms our mind and spirit while resetting our body chemicals allowing healing and provides a great peace of mind and a sense of Gods Presence. It’s true, not everyone gets healed and it’s also true, not everyone dies early either.

"The main reason why some Christians receive Divine healing and some don’t is because being a Christian means having a ‘personal relationship’ with Jesus. Each of us are different in our obedience to God's Will and therefore we pursue His Will differently."

More is available at

Imagine you're walking down the beach, and you come across a crowd waiting for Jesus to appear and teach them. What would he say? Would he talk about current religious and political conflicts, or would he speak about Love, Light, and Truth? Readers can join in for a walk with Jesus and listen to his words as he shares with them the Seven Messages from the Master. Each spiritual message reveals His teachings that will strengthen and guide anyone to a most peaceful life in Christ.

'What Did Jesus Say' contains over 500 Bible verses spoken directly by Jesus as recorded in the red-letter edition of the New King James Bible, organized by subject. There is no interpretation, opinion or commentary.

Terry Christian's ministry, Foundations For Life, is an online ministry dedicated to helping Christians worldwide. Their calling is to help all Christians mature in their relationship with Jesus Christ. H-E-L-P means Helping Everyone Live Peacefully in Christ.

This brotherly approach allows us to focus on our loving similarities as members of the whole Body of Christ, rather than on our differences in worshiping and practicing our faith, so common today from one church to another or one Pastor to another. The mission is to teach the Way by the Word.

Terry helps families and congregations, as well as clergy, come together, in love, as one body in Christ, in one accord, in order to perform a greater work for Christ. He is dedicated to creating the relationships that build stronger marriages, families and churches.

'What Did Jesus Say...The Seven Messages From The Master' is available in full color glossy print, eBook and Kindle. An audiobook version is available for Windows and Macintosh. Several bundled packages are available at the book website,

Terry Christian is available for media interviews. Please contact PrimeStar Publicity using the information below.

More information is available at his ministry website at, and his book at

About Terry Christian:

Terry Christian is a former motivational speaker and executive trainer with over 20 years experience giving more than 2,500 presentations to private and public audiences across America and Canada. Today, Christian counsels individuals and couples seeking a more mature understanding of their relationship with Jesus Christ. His life is now dedicated to helping his Christian brothers and sisters live in a never-ending state of peace, love, truth and forgiveness as followers of Jesus Christ. He says after repentance and being born again, this was the main message Jesus taught; and teaching the Way by the Word is the cornerstone on which his book and ministry is founded.


Helen Cook