Wednesday, July 1, 2020

COVID-19 Is A Sign Of The Apocalypse Reveals John The Apostle

John the apostle reports the unfolding Biblical Story of The Revelation to John and the soon return of Jesus Christ.

With the ever increasing spread of COVID-19, countless news sources now report this pandemic as: Apocalyptic. For as the Saharan dust cloud approached Texas, the Charlotte Observer reported: “A humanitarian catastrophe. Texas COVID-19 spike could be apocalyptic.” And now John the apostle reports that the divine revelations disclosed at his website fully document the unfolding story of the apocalyptic Bible passage The Revelation to John 19:11-16 and God’s preparation for Jesus Return.

The Revelation to John 19:11. “Then I saw heaven open, and there was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True: It is with justice that he judges and fights his battles.” At his website, John the apostle writes: “On January 5, 2005, as I watched from my car, a spectacular full moon moved from the eastern to the northern sky over the earth and stone stage beside the Sea of Galilee. I opened my car’s windows, turned on the interior lights, and began reading in Revelation: “Then I saw heaven open” and the car’s interior became the site of a furious windstorm. Then at 6:21 pm the alarm sounded on my wristwatch for 19 seconds. And in that instant, I realized that every moment in my life had prepared me to take this message of Jesus’ Second Coming into the world.”

The Revelation to John 19:12. “His eyes were like a flame of fire and he wore many crowns on his head. He had a name written on him, but no one except himself knows what it is.” At his website, John the apostle writes: “During my devotions on November 16, 1982, the Holy Spirit led me outside, where I saw the fiery cloud that led Moses and the Israelites in the desert. And from the fiery cloud, God said these Words of instruction loud and clear: “Make it simple. Get it right.”

The Revelation to John 19:13. “The robe he wore was covered in blood. His name is THE WORD OF GOD.” At his website, John the apostle writes: “As a physical sign of Christ in me, I have a stigmata represented by scars on both wrist. Then on Father’s Day June 17. 2018, I bleed from both wrists as a physical sign of Christ in the world.”

The Revelation to John 19:14. “The armies of heaven followed him, riding on white horses and dressed in clean white linen.” At his website, John the apostle writes: “At Amity Church on Sunday April 14, 1985, Jesus indwelled me and sang the Hymn Eternal God, Whose Power Upholds condemning GREED and HATE. After the worship service that fateful Sunday, the Church Pastor, who stood at the pulpit a few feet away from where Jesus sang in the second pew, said, “I heard Jesus sing through you today!”

The Revelation to John 19:15. “Out of his mouth came a sharp sword with which he will defeat the nations. He will rule over them with a rod of iron, and he will trample out the wine in the wine press of the furious anger of the Almighty God.” At his website, John the apostle writes: “During Holy Week in 2019, Jesus instructed me to send these Words of Warning to Christian Churches:

⦁ “The time is coming. The day is near when the business of Christianity will come to an end.” Then during Lent in 2020, COVID-19 bankrupted Christianity.

⦁ “Christ’s Holy City in Rome is doomed!” Then during Lent in 2020, COVID-19 desolated Vatican City.

⦁ “You claim to worship me, but your words are meaningless and your hearts are in your bank accounts.” Then during Lent in 2020, COVID-19 filled Christian’s hearts with fear.

⦁ “When I return, the light will shine into your darkness and THE WORD OF GOD will once again bring happiness to poor and humble people.” Then during Lent in 2020, COVID-19 purged Christianity for Jesus Return on September 19, 2022.

The Revelation to John 19:16. “On his robe and on his thigh is written the name: “King of kings and Lord of lords.” At his website, John the apostle writes: “During my devotions on April 3, 2020, the Lord led me to Isaiah 40:3, where it is written, A voice cries out: In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Christ then called me to proclaim this message: “BE READY! BE READY! BE READY! Brothers and Sisters in Christ: BE READY for Jesus Return to Galilee on September 19, 2022.”


At his website, John reveals: “I am John the apostle, author of the Gospel of John and The Revelation to John, and I am here for Jesus' Second Coming to Galilee on September 19, 2022. I was born again on October 24, 1982. God spoke to me from the fiery cloud on November 16, 1982. I saw the dazzling light of God’s Glory on January 7, 1983. I received three dreams of Jesus' Second Coming on October 19, 1983, June 21, 1984, and October 19, 1984. Jesus indwelled me and sang at Amity Church on April 14, 1985. Jesus called me to Galilee to write the book ‘Is Your Church Heavenly?’ on January 16, 2005. I saw heaven open beside the Sea of Galilee on January 25, 2005. In a dream on August 19, 2017, God revealed to me that Jesus was born on September 19, 03 BC. I bleed from my stigmata on Father’s Day June 17, 2018. During Holy Week of 2019, Jesus gave me Words of Warning for Christian Churches. On April 3, 2020, Christ called me to proclaim this message: ‘BE READY! BE READY! BE READY! Brothers and Sisters in Christ: BE READY for Jesus Return to Galilee on September 19, 2022. BE READY for Jesus’ Second Coming at the Dazzling Light Website."


John Meacham