Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Four Ideas That Can Help Readers Move Beyond The Pandemic Offered By Louise Pistole, Author Of New Motivational Christian Book, ‘Discover Your Joy’

Pistole is an author, blogger, coach and motivational speaker who describes herself as a "joy-fanatic".

A recent article by CNBC stated, “America is ‘closer to the beginning’ of the pandemic than the end.” The article goes on to discuss how Americans enjoyed some normalcy of life during the summer. But now, virus cases are once again spiking out of control and are fueled by the delta variant.

People had ditched their masks but now even vaccinated people are encouraged, or even required, to wear masks again. Discouragement has set in.

And Americans are now anxious, depressed, burned out and angry about everything associated with the pandemic. Life seems to be backsliding instead of moving forward to healing.

So how can we mentally cope with life during the pandemic? How can we move from anxiety to living a life of joy? Louise Pistole, author of ‘Discover Your Joy’, offers four strategies that can help readers not just survive, but thrive.

One. Scale back the intake of news and social media. Both of these outlets fill readers’ minds with worrisome thoughts. Instead, look for positive things happening in life and focus on those things.

Spend time with other positive-minded people who will help focus on the good things in life. And, use positivity to encourage others who need a boost.

Laughter is a great form of stress relief and is good for the soul. Look for a reason to laugh every day to increase positivity and push negativity to the curb.

Two. Spend time in gratitude. By taking a few moments every day to express gratitude, life can make a change in a positive direction. As simple as this idea is, it is also sometimes difficult to be grateful when everything seems to be packed full of negativity.

Gradually ease into starting each day by saying a simple ‘thank you’ and follow up with a few things to be grateful for. Move on to writing a gratitude list in a journal.

Gratitude brings to attention the positive values that often get suppressed in the busyness of life. The more grateful one is, the more there is to be grateful for. Gratitude is truly the pathway to joy.

Three. Rely on hope. Hope is being positive under circumstances that are considered to be desperate. It is during the storms of life that a person needs to maintain positive thoughts and cling to hope. It provides courage, determination, and perseverance to cope and move forward.

Current problems or concerns will seem less difficult to bear by following a beacon of hope and encouragement. Joy comes after the darkness has passed.

Four. Nurturing the inner spirit is a form of self-care which is one of the best ways to preserve mental stability and is essential to living a life of joy. When lives are empty of energy, love, compassion, and kindness, everything else in life suffers.

Swap the chaos for calm by taking a walk in nature. Absorb the sights and sounds. Pause and listen. Let the mind wander. This activates all the feel-good hormones and reduces stress levels.

Meditation is a state of mind that de-clutters the brain and helps to reduce negativity. The result is a heightened self-awareness that focuses on peace and calm.

Yoga combines breathing and stretching to reduce stress. It opens the mind and fills the body with positive energy. Thoughts are clearer and the mind is more creative. It is the perfect recipe to be free from anxiety and depression.

Any form of self-care helps to heal the mind, body, and soul.

Moving from anxiety, depression, or trauma to living a life of joy may seem impossible. How does one actually live a life filled with joy? Author and motivational speaker Louise Pistole has discovered the key to doing just that. She gives us that key in her latest book, 'Discover Your Joy: Daily Splashes of Inspiration for Living an Abundant Life of Happiness, Blessings, and Inner Peace'. It is a book unlike any other you will ever read.

While many of us believe that happiness is found at the end of some long, arduous process, it is instead that we begin from a state of joy. Some of us have it backwards. Joy is not a reward - it is a choice. And because it is a choice, it is something over which we hold total control. That choice can be made now - today.

Many of us feel hopeless and joyless. Perhaps our intentions are out of alignment with our actions. Surprisingly we can live in joy every day of our lives, but again - it is a choice.

"I made my choice one Sunday morning about 12 years ago when my minister spoke about being joyful and watching out for joy-stealers," Pistole stated. "His message resonated with me and I began my journey to joy through reading, studying, and writing. As I began choosing joy day after day, it gradually became a habit in my life. Now my mission is to guide others to discover their own joy through these daily inspirational readings."

In Discover Your Joy, readers will:

• Enjoy daily inspiration for happiness and joyfulness,
• Learn how to live an abundant life filled with gratitude, hope, and joy,
• Discover inner peace through encouraging words,
• Discover how to become a Joy-Fanatic and enjoy one's best life.

A quick inspirational read every morning helps readers discover ‘moments of joy’ each day. Chock full of encouragement and motivation, readers will learn to seek and experience gratitude, hope, and true joy.

Readers and reviewers alike have praised 'Discover Your Joy'. One said, "Each page in "Discover Your Joy" is a simple and beautiful reminder that the world may not be perfect, there will always be the ups and the downs, but we have the ability to CHOOSE each day how we will use this gift we call life. I highly recommend this book!!" Another stated, "Pistole gives great insight into ways to remind us that our joy is important and to beware of “joy stealers”. This book is a great way to start your mornings with a great cup of coffee and to discover your joy each and every day!"

Louise Pistole is available for media interviews and speaking engagements and can be reached using the information below or by email at 'Discover Your Joy: Daily Splashes of Inspiration for Living an Abundant Life of Happiness, Blessings, and Inner Peace' is available in several formats at Amazon and other book retailers. More information is available at her website at

About Louise Pistole:

Louise Pistole is an author, blogger and motivational speaker who encourages others to seek their own joy, no matter where they are on their journey through life. She and her husband reside in North Carolina.


Louise Pistole