Thursday, April 21, 2022

Criminal Justice Reform - Quick Fixes Will Not Work Says TB Collings, Author Of Bestselling Police Drama, Dharma Cop, Tales Of Street Zen

Collings is a former lay monk who ended up working the streets of New York City as a law enforcement officer. His riveting story is detailed in Dharma Cop, Tales of Street Zen

TB Collings spent 30 years working in the criminal justice system. Prior to this he spent years in Zen meditation and mindfulness training in Japan and China. This seems like an unlikely background for a street cop. He has been on a 40 year quest to integrate these ancient disciplines into his work as a law enforcement officer, social worker and addiction counselor in New York’s roughest neighborhoods.

Collings recently posted an article on his website entitled, "Criminal Justice Reform - Separating Myth From Reality." In that piece he stated in part:

"Social issues like crime, criminal justice reform, mass incarceration and policing are very complex. The loudest voices often push simplistic solutions reflecting their limited viewpoint, accomplishing nothing more than distorting the issues. Whether progressive or conservative - the common feature of all these groups, with a 'tribal' mentality, is a response to complexity which denies all facts that do not fit neatly into their myopic view.

“Quick fixes are easy, but effective reform requires a difficult process which includes: diversity of viewpoints reflecting the interests of every group impacted, exhaustive fact finding with unbiased analysis, constructive conflict with negotiation, and a time consuming period of trial and error.

“The recent mass subway shootings in New York City by a deranged individual named Frank R. James highlights the results of 'quick fix' solutions cities and state legislatures have enacted in the wake of the infamous death of George Floyd. It is what often happens when politicians ride a wave of popular outrage and emotion following some tragic event.

“It is obvious that America incarcerates far too many young men, particularly young men of color.

"So COURT DIVERSION programs, BAIL(elimination)REFORM, kinder-gentler PROSECUTORS, and more LENIENT PAROLE OFFICERS are being sold as 'solutions.' They are actually simplistic 'quick fixes' that avoid real underlying issues that cause more harm than good."

The full text of the piece is available at

Can soldiers, cops, and first responders who routinely face danger and violence maintain their humanity? Can we act aggressively when needed without losing our compassion? In DHARMA COP: Tales of Street Zen Thomas Collings shares riveting stories of his 26 years working with convicts, drug addicts and emotionally disturbed individuals on the streets of New York, as both a social worker and a law enforcement officer. High stress encounters where split second life and death decisions are made.

Finding conflict resolution in many potentially violent confrontations, required all he learned during his years of monastic training in Japan and China. How to act rather than react? How to be still when those around you are acting out of anger, fear and desperation? How can a cop act from a place of wisdom and poise, to be a true peace officer?

Starting out as a troubled kid who turns to drugs and alcohol for relief, Thomas eventually commits himself to a life of clarity and stability through a variety of Asian disciplines, which he shares in this book. Learn how to use "soft power" as you follow the author out into the streets. As you read Tales of Street Zen, you will find more compassion for others, even in situations of conflict. You will find peaceful resolution where others see no hope.These stories offer proven strategies for success in high-stress situations whether you are a cop, health care worker, teacher or anyone who finds themself facing stressful encounters.

The book recently achieved bestseller status in several categories. Readers have praised Dharma Cop: Tales Of Street Zen. One reader wrote, "His stories alone could be television or movie scripts about what is real life on the streets. Far more interesting than the formulaic nonsense shown on the screen nowadays. It is both an easy read and provides real insight. Hard to beat that." Another said, "This book has amazing stories about officer experience combined with meditation." Another stated, "Gripping read of real life stories from a real life character. Don't miss the chance to pick this up and be taken back to the gritty days of NYC and one man trying to make a difference."

TB Collings is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at Dharma Cop, Tales Of Street Zen is available in paperback and ebook versions at Amazon. More information is available at his website at

About TB Collings:

Years of Zen meditation and mindfulness training in Japan and China seems an unlikely background for a street cop, but Tom Collings says it was “exactly what I needed to tame this wild mind.” His years traveling through Asia, studying with both Zen and martial arts masters was what he calls his essential “internal education.”

In DHARMA COP: Tales of Street Zen, Collings shares his 40 year quest to integrate these ancient disciplines into his work as a law enforcement officer, social worker and addiction counselor in New York’s roughest neighborhoods.



TB Collings