Monday, August 29, 2022

Five Tips For Coping With Stress And Cultural Change Offered By Dr. Richard Ruhling

Dr. Richard Ruhling Biblical prophecy expert and taught Health Science at Loma Linda University.

“Eight in ten Americans are stressed about their jobs,” according to the Huffington Post. The American Psychological Association says that 77% of people say the future of our nation is a significant source of stress.

"That was two years ago — it’s worse now with many working from home and home-schooling children," says Richard Ruhling, a retired physician who taught Health Science at Loma Linda University. He developed a Total Health Seminar with a focus of How to Neutralize Stress.

In nearly 40 years of medical practice, Ruhling has seen thousands of patients wanting a prescription for their nerves or sleep, high blood pressure, stomach problems - all of these and more can be due to stress. He says medical care is not a good answer for stress as drugs tend to cause dependency on a system focused on symptoms rather than causes.

Ruhling says, “Medical care is not healthcare. It has little to do with healthy habits that can add a decade to life, according to a UCLA 10-year federally funded study by Dr. Lester Breslow. The 10 years extra (average for 3 habits) results in more, compared to medical care that shortens life with adverse drug reactions as a leading cause of death," and that the CDC never reports this because they are in business with pharma.

Here are Ruhling’s 5 Tips for Coping with Stress:

1. Exercise helps alleviate the stress hormones that are triggered by worry, fear, anxiety. “A mile a day keeps the doctor away,” and it only takes 15 minutes to unwind from work pressures that have you uptight.

2. Follow the exercise (before or after supper) with a hot shower, ending with cold for about 15-30 seconds. It can double your white blood count to enhance immunity. That is far superior to a certain shot that ruins immunity in spite of big promises, which is why the government says you need it again — it didn’t work as they expected.

3. The British Medical Journal reported a plant-based diet resulted in 73% less severity to healthcare workers who got Covid and it is great for the immune system to reverse other conditions as well. Sugar is refined from plants; the current emphasis should be whole foods—not sugars, starches and oils refined from plants.

4. Government organizations cannot be depended on for truth. The FDA gets money from industries that sell alcohol, tobacco, drugs—they classify beverages with caffeine (a drug) as GRAS—Generally Recognized As Safe, but it’s a lie designed to sell more antacids (caffeine turns on gastric acid), more sleep and nerve pills, and the New England Journal of Medicine reported a strong causal link to cancer of the pancreas on March 12, 1981. You will cope with stress better if you accept the withdrawal symptoms of coffee for a few days and quit.

5. Stress in the city is high and will intensify. Consider a move to the country where nature is good for nerves and sleep and survival of calamities that come to the cities is a much lower risk. A year early is better than a day late.

Ruhling has an 8-minute intro to a high-value video with Cleveland Clinic’s Dr. Esselstyn telling how most disease is reversible without prescription drugs at  His latest (non-fiction) book is titled MegaQuake 2023, on Amazon at, that was the focus of a CBS interview, posted at

Dr. Ruhling is available for speaking engagements and media interviews and can be reached by using the contact information below or by email at More information is available at his website at


Richard Ruhling