Thursday, September 22, 2022

New Christian Book, Megaquake, By Dr Richard Ruhling, Predicts San Andreas Earthquake in 2023

Richard Ruhling, MD, MPH, taught Health Science at Loma Linda University and claims the world’s best-selling book is not myths, as some want to believe.

As stated in the Wikipedia article on prophecy, “ . . . a prophecy is a message that has been communicated to a person (typically called a prophet) by a supernatural entity. Prophecies are a feature of many cultures and belief systems and usually contain divine will or law, or preternatural knowledge, for example of future events. They can be revealed to the prophet in various ways depending on the religion and the story, such as visions, divination, or direct interaction with divine beings in physical form. Stories of prophetic deeds sometimes receive considerable attention and some have been known to survive for centuries through oral tradition or as religious texts.”

While much of the information derived from divination are concerned with “what” will occur, what is more interesting to modern followers of prophecy are the questions of “where” and “when”, with an emphasis on “end-times” prophecies.

According to the US Geological Survey, “the western United States lies along the boundaries of major tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s crust—the North American Plate and the ocean plates to the west. These plates are moving against each other, breaking up the crust along many faults like the San Andreas Fault.” Scientists today observe a crescendo of seismic activity on the Pacific Ring of Fire, and though the San Andreas Fault is 80 years overdue for a major earthquake, seismologists can’t predict when that will occur.

“By contrast, the world’s best-selling book reveals how we get there with confirmatory signs that are turning positive,” says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author of a new book, MegaQuake 2023, that predicts biblical end-times to begin next year.

Ruhling is an expert on Bible prophecy—he predicted war with Iraq before 9-11, based on “the vision at the time of the end” where a goat flies from the west to break the horns of a militant Muslim ram in the Middle East. The ram’s horns are the kings of Media and Persia in the book of Daniel. Those areas are now known as Iraq and Iran.

“We don’t want war with Iran, so we should wonder what makes the goat angry to fight the ram,” says Ruhling. He finds the answer in President Erdogan of Turkey’s appeal for 57 Muslim nations to besiege Israel. This is an echo of a prophecy more than 2500 years ago when nations will be gathered against Jerusalem. “The city will be captured, the houses ransacked, . .” This is a confirmatory sign, expected for Passover.

How does this impact the San Andreas fault? Muslims are expected to celebrate their mosque that has an inscription, “Allah has no son.” Suddenly, “the Lord shall roar from Jerusalem...the earth shall shake,” These passages have “day of the Lord” context when God “will shake the earth terribly,” says Ruhling, who sees Daniel’s prophecy of the ram’s horns half fulfilled by the death of Saddam Hussein, and “time of the end” coming.

Ellen White, founder of Loma Linda University, and for whom White Memorial Hospital in LA is named, had a vision of an earthquake at Loma Linda which is near the San Andreas Fault. She saw “buildings great and small falling to the ground...Many lives were blotted out...It seemed that Judgment day had  come.” In Testimonies, Volume 9, she cited Zephaniah which also has “day of the Lord” context.

Ruhling says her reference to “wickedness in the large cities” includes Hollywood that has exported negative lifestyles and vices to the world. Muslims say the US is the great Satan, and Ruhling sees a US parallel to Egypt. Egypt enslaved Israel as the US has with these same vices. Just as Egypt threw Israel’s babies in the river; the US has thrown 63 million babies in the trash via modern-day abortion practices. Judgment fell at Passover on Egypt as a jubilee event for Israel that meant freedom--it came every 50 years. 50 years from Roe v Wade is 2023, and Passover is when to expect the confirmatory sign of Muslims gathering against Jerusalem.

MegaQuake 2023, How 3 Timelines and 7 Events Signal Apocalyptic Times, ASIN B09W1XVVMV, is available on Amazon at low cost to favor leaving a review to encourage other readers to consider the warning. Readers can click “Look Inside” to see contents before buying at and Kindle offers a free app for pc or phone so one can spare the trees and not pay for paper or postage.

About Dr. Richard Ruhling

After Internal Medicine training and board certification, Ruhling had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda’s School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a low fat, low cholesterol diet reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure. Ruhling developed a Total Health Seminar to help people with positive lifestyle changes to avoid high-risk pharma alternatives and at 80 is in excellent health. He can be contacted for speaking for corporate medical cost containment or by churches wanting to consider an alternate to the rapture theory.


Richard Ruhling