Friday, January 17, 2025

Can Coma Survivors Remember Their Experiences? Author Saverio Monachino, A TBI Survivor Gives Readers A Rollercoaster Ride Through His Experience In New Literary Fiction Novel, Little Bit Of Faith

 The ebook version of the novel will be available at no charge January 20 through January 22 at Amazon

What happens during the coma experience? Do we have any conscious experiences? Do we dream? Or are we totally unconscious? Author Saverio Monachino can answer that question, and he does so in 'Little Bit Of Faith', available in ebook version at no charge, January 20 through January 22 at

As a traumatic brain injury survivor, Saverio Monachino struggled to reconstruct the ‘here and now’ within his head. The memory silos devoted to personal experiences had broken down and without their structured database in play he had to go searching for reality. TBI is unique to every individual, and some of those experiences defy explanation. When there is a disarray in the system it sometimes becomes impossible to separate fact from fiction or any form of temporal progression. Little Bit of Faith describes an individual’s journey back while at the same time opening a door to all the possibilities a reimaging of one’s life can bring.

Anyone who handles a patient load knows how difficult some can be. Dr. Selwood (a neuropsychologist) had a real doozy of a case assigned to her, Dr. Arthur McAiden. When McAiden first began his outpatient stint at the Kessler Institute he had trouble stringing cognitive sentences together. Selwood suggested he write his thoughts down, and so he did. At first, he wrote of the accident itself, which had her wondering how he knew what he did. Then his story moved on and intertwined his recovery process with what she believed to be a work of fiction. If he was trying to have fun at her expense, she did not know. Either way, it didn't matter, but, when he moved on and began describing his take on the triune others have used to describe his faith, she wanted to file this away in the circular trash can beside her desk. Then one of his characters came to life and paid her a visit. While her patient had struggled to re-enter the three-dimensional space those living on earth call home, Dr. Selwood, in turn, now struggled to accept the continuum of life Arthur had presented to her.

When writing Literary Fiction, Saverio Monachino amalgamates an odd collection of authors like John Irving, Tom Robbins, and Louise Penny into one, and the servings of psychological drama he presents come complete with a side order of comedy. Saverio believes adding a bit of humor helps wash down the truth while he discusses how open to interpretation the human condition can be.

Improbable as it may seem, Monachino’s gentle wit and informed narrative style are the glue that hold this metaphysical melange together. If you’re game to take a deep dive into the nature of consciousness, of bosons and other subatomic particles and the search for the ultimate intelligence, with a side trip into the Arthurian legend, 'Little Bit of Faith' may just be your cup of mead."

Monachino is also the author of the bestselling novel 'By Any Means'. In this spellbinding comic murder mystery, Monachino weaves a compelling narrative that immerses readers in a world of intrigue, humor, and suspense.

Leaking top secret information to the Press happens all the time. Just ask those holding government offices in Washington D.C. Up north in Montreal Inspector Gervais has experienced a perfected form of this art.

It all started on a typical summer night with Giorgio sitting on the roof reciting poetry, dressed from head to toe in leather and watching a man in the alley commit murder … with a hard salami. His life literally falls into the hands of the good Inspector and that’s when the fun begins.

“What,” Inspector Gervais wants to know, “do an overweight grocer, batman, tax attorneys, a dysfunctional Italian family, city politics and an esoteric secret society that may or may not be the remnants of the Knights Templar have in common?” Not much, but this is all he has to go on as he races to solve a gruesome murder ‘By Any Means’. Montréal in the summertime can be fun, murder can be funnier.

Readers and reviews alike have praised ‘By Any Means’. One Amazon reviewer said, "By Any Means is a fast paced, intriguing read. It immediately thrusts you into an unusual murder setting, which both grabs your interest to continue and introduces you to the witty writing style of the author. The book unfolds into a collage of family and other relationships, informative diversions into interesting areas of learning, and a front row seat to figuring out 'who dunnit’. I enjoyed the many interesting characters along with the wit and humor. I look forward to more from Saverio."

Another stated, "Funny? Yes, and the comedy is truly both deep and subtle. A mystery? Indeed, a murder mystery but those pages seem to cover the deeper mystery investigated by the author. It is obvious that BY ANY MEANS has gone to great lengths to open up more important questions than a who killed whom, as one begins to see the outlay of dysfunctional family dynamics, its development and picturesque guides to finding the right way to reconnect. After all, what in the world is more important, being the head of a super-secret organization that is hundreds, if not thousands of years old, or finding a mate who will hold your hand and bring a smile to your face. If that isn't enough of a psychological thriller then the author layers another common paradigm for the unrepentant on top; why is politics so much more important than truth."

Saverio was recently interviewed on "Let's Talk" on WDVR Radio in Sergeantsville, NJ. The interview is available at his website at

Saverio has also been interviewed by Theresa O’Brian. The interview and book review of ‘Little Bit of Faith’ is available at the Bethlehem Press website.

The cover of 'Little Bit Of Faith' been picked to be one of the contenders in the AllAuthor Cover of the Month contest - January 2025.

Saverio Monachino is available for media interviews and can be reached by email at More information is available on his website at

"A Little Bit of Faith" and "By Any Means" are available on Amazon at

About Saverio Monachino:

Saverio Monachino has worked in the Bio-Pharmaceutical arena in various regions of the U.S. and Canada (and dragged his family along with him). He had discovered compounds that advanced into clinical trials while managing large R&D teams. Things happen, life changes, comas come and when lucky, they go, and now, as a TBI survivor, he has had to, as the saying goes, ‘move the cheese’. Now, he lives, writes, and has fun.

One book he co-authored, "Frenchtown New Jersey: History Along the River," during his free time while helping run a bookstore in Frenchtown NJ. During his recovery process, he also organized a radio theatre troop which performed both on air and on stage and, more recently, became a founding member of a very distinguished philosopher’s guild where old men can pontificate on any topic they wish while asking the proverbial question ‘is anyone listening to me?’. Of course, first and foremost, writing about the experiences within his head while comatose is what drives his works of fiction


Saverio Monachino

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Trump Mimics Putin Says Bestselling Author Elizabeth Graham in New Book, From Democracy To Democrazy, Available At No Charge January 20 Through January 21, 2025 at Amazon


Kirkus Professional Book Reviewers said: "Graham's new book is an intriguing and informative "must read" from a woman who is probably the best-informed American on the terrifying realities concerning Vladimir Putin's motivations and his control over Trump. It is a warning to all Americans."  

Author Elizabeth Graham has announced that her bestselling ebook, 'From Democracy to Democrazy' will be available at no charge January 20 through January 21, 2025 at Amazon at

Elizabeth Graham had a Top Secret Security Clearance while a senior in high school, and immediately upon graduation began working undercover with the CIA. She later joined the SAIC's Foreign Systems Research Center (FSRC) for 12 years. Eight of these years were spent studying Russia and Russian, and she managed the largest Russian-language military, technical and intelligence library in the U.S. She began to travel to the Soviet Union and then became one of the very few Americans to move to the USSR. She lived under Communism in the Soviet Union, then Russia, and Central Asia long enough to become bi-cultural - she became Russian. Her first-hand knowledge and understanding of life in a communist or dictatorship country is shared with Americans in her book and in her substack by the same name. She believes the US is headed for disaster. In a recent article, she wrote in part:

In a few short weeks, Trump will become the 47th President of the United States - and perhaps the last. This is NOT something to celebrate, but an inauguration date that may go down in history as the end of U.S. democracy. Trump was telling the truth when he said: “If I am elected, there won’t be future elections, and you won’t have to vote again.” (The Hill, July 29, 2024)

In Russia, the president is elected directly through a popular vote to a six-year term. The process is basically the same as in the U.S. - except under Putin, it is totally manipulated. Putin began his presidency in 2000 and has been in office for almost 25 years. The Russian DUMA (their House of Representatives) has voted to leave Putin in power until 2034.  They vote out of fear, just like the U.S. Congress could not impeach Trump (twice).  Members of our Congress and their families were threatened.

Donald Trump is following Putin’s instructions or following Putin’s playbook to a tee. If Trump says there will be no more elections once he is re-elected - then BELIEVE HIM. This will be a jaw-dropping revelation for those who voted for this man, as well as an immeasurable giant step toward a dictatorship. Roughly half the population in the United States voted for Donald Trump. In doing so, they have unleashed a sociopath leadership that will imitate the government currently found in Russia under Putin - a ruthless dictatorship based on lies and propaganda that lead to brainwashing – “coercive persuasion and a systematic process aimed at altering an individual’s beliefs, attitudes and behavior.” (

In the very near future, those who disagree with Trump may be arrested. Under Trump, those who walked thousands of miles to escape persecution and threats to live in the “land of free” may be seized and thrown into prisons, detention camps, and/or deported. Laws and justice are almost obsolete, and the truth is now truant and no longer relative.  Trump is mimicking Putin by threatening invasion of other sovereign nations. If he attacks these countries without provocation, the International Criminal Court may issue an arrest warrant to Trump for war crimes – just like the current warrant on Vladimir Putin for his unjustified invasion of Ukraine.

We are becoming a living/breathing version of 1984 authored by George Orwell.  The back BOOK cover says “Written more than 70 years ago, 1984 was George Orwell’s chilling prophecy about the future.  And while 1984 has come and gone, his dystopian vision of a government that will do anything to control the narrative is timelier than ever…” In this futuristic book it says, “there are three slogans of the Party: war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.” If this sounds like Donald Trump’s mumbo-jumbo, then you are correct. (Ibid) And yes, the other half of the American population are tired of this doltish but lethal game. We see right through Trump’s lies and it would be laughable if not so deadly serious.

In the U.S., Trump uses the slogan "Make America Great Again". It is the exact same type of rhetorical and convincing message found in Russia, in Germany under Hitler, and now in the U.S.  Trump has seduced a large portion of the American public, just like other dictators “whose reign is based on a disinformation and propaganda ecosystem which elevates malicious content and creates an illusion of credibility.” (U.S. Department of State, “Pillars of Disinformation").

The truth about the January 6th insurrection is one such example. According to the NYT on January 5th, 2025, an article written by Dan Barry and Alan Feuer, says: “The Jan. 6 tale that Mr. Trump tells is its own kind of replacement theory, one that covers over the marble-hard facts the (same) way a blue carpet will cover those tainted Capitol steps on Inauguration Day.” The FACTS go on to tell us that “tens of thousands of hours of video footage and thousands of seized cellphones all amount to the truth. American television replayed this violence over and over for six months – this live coverage is the truth.  The attack on the Capitol was the largest digital crime scene in history, the total estimated cost of its aftermath exceeding $2.7 billion.” (Ibid) This Capitol repair bill should be sent directly to Donald Trump.

The Justice Department has stated that “over half of the 1,600 defendants have pleaded guilty. Sentences have ranged from a few days in jail to 22 years in prison for seditious conspiracy.” (Ibid) They all point the finger at Trump and the speech he gave after falsely claiming that the election was stolen, and he “reminded them to fight like hell.” (Ibid) Shortly afterward, Trump and his attorneys remarked “Trump had nothing to do with the insurrection.”  (YouTube-PBS NewsHours, September 10, 2024).

Within six months of the insurrection, which according to Constitutional Law was a treasonous act, Trump changed his description from “calamitous” to a “largely peaceful day.” He said: “the mob had been ‘ushered in’ by the police and those who had rallied with him were a ‘loving crowd’.”  (The Washington Post, Jul 22, 2021) This is madness.   As Trump’s mockery of American justice was reaching large proportions, his rhetoric turned into adulation and adoration of those who had attacked the Capitol. Instead of “marauders, vandals, and aggressors, they were now hostages, martyrs, patriots, and political prisoners.” (Ibid).

Rooted in Lenin-Marxist thought, the use of disinformation, propaganda, and brainwashing was first seen in the Russian 1917 Revolution. It was a rhetorical vehicle for spreading false ideas and thoughts. The Chinese began to use propaganda as demonstrated in the 1930 Mao Zedong letter showing his influence on the Chinese people. Then in the 1930s, Hitler (Germany) converted an entire peaceful nation into mass murderers with his convincing oratory.  They slaughtered over six million humans.

Project 2025 in the U.S., The Foundations of Geopolitics in Russia, and the book called Mein Kampf written by Hitler in Germany 100 years ago are all interchangeable - they impose the will of one man over the will of the people.

In June 2022, TIME 100 published a special edition about the “most influential” persons of the year. Alexei Navalny was asked to write a description of Vladimir Putin. His narrative begins with: “Perhaps Vladimir Putin’s true mission is to teach lessons. To everyone – from world leaders to pundits to ordinary people. He has been especially good at this in 2022. He reminded us once again that a path that begins with ‘just a little election rigging’ always ends with a dictatorship.”  When I read this statement by Alexei Navalny referring to Putin, all I could think about was President Trump’s taped phone call to Brad Raffensperger, the Secretary of State for Georgia pressuring him to “just find about 11,780 votes” to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

“Donald Trump has been crying “wolf” by declaring America’s legal system is a “witch-hunt” against him. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence would realize the hypocrisy of Trump’s current ploy. He never once declared ‘witch hunt’ in the 60 lawsuits he filed and LOST while contesting the 2020 election.” (NBC Newsline, Steve Corbin, January 3,2024) This still did not prevent Trump from referring to his big lie that “the 2020 election was stolen.” And every time he repeats this lie, someone out there in the American voting public will believe him.  

The full text of the piece is available at

All of this information and much more is available in Graham's book, 'From Democracy To Democrazy: A Warning To All Americans', now available at Amazon at More information is available at her website at

About Elizabeth Graham:

Elizabeth Graham lives in a quiet rural city in northern Arizona. She had 4 children and has 3 grandchildren. Her oldest daughter died July 16, 2016 - three months before the U.S. 2016 election and while living/working in Japan. Graham believes there was a connection between her daughter’s murder and the U.S. presidential election in 2016. The Tokyo Police ruled her death a homicide, possibly by poison, which is the signature lethal method used by Russians. There is more about her death in From Democracy to Democrazy.

Elizabeth was indoctrinated at a young age by her father who was a senior manager working undercover with the CIA. Her college days were in Los Angeles with the desire to become a high school teacher. However, she was destined to study Russia, Russian language, and live a life of Top-Secret clearances and undercover work. This led to senior nonprofit management positions and consulting jobs in strategic places like Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia, all the former Soviet countries (15 countries including the Baltics, Central Asia, and Ukraine), Pakistan, Afghanistan, Rwanda, Bosnia, Peru, Brazil, and many other locations. In this process of living and working abroad, she became bi-cultural - American to Russian and back – only to find that her birth country was in the process of losing its democracy and becoming a dictatorship.

Elizabeth Graham

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Thursday, January 9, 2025

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Announces New Edition Of Her Bestselling Self-Esteem Book, Conflict And A Bit Of Magic

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein is a bestselling author and visionary psychologist and film maker. In the tradition of authors like Judy Blume, Dr. Holstein pushes the envelope in covering the challenges women of all ages really face.

The importance of communication between young people and older parents and grandparents cannot be overstated. With the ever-increasing pace of modern life and the fragmentation of families, it can be difficult for different generations to find common ground and build strong, meaningful relationships. This communication gap can lead to misunderstandings, negative attitudes, and a lack of appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others.

To bridge this gap, it is essential for young people and older adults to make an effort to understand and respect each other's differences. This can be achieved through open and honest communication, as well as through shared experiences and activities. By taking the time to listen to and learn from one another, both young people and older adults can gain a greater appreciation for the unique perspectives and wisdom that each generation has to offer.

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein's book 'Conflict And A Bit Of Magic' provides a valuable resource for fostering communication and understanding between different generations. By using fiction to address real-world challenges, Dr. Holstein offers a engaging and accessible way for young people to learn about the importance of communication and the value of different perspectives. Through stories that are both relatable and thought-provoking, this book can help to build bridges between generations and promote positive, respectful communication.

In this book, a high school freshman is facing a number of challenges, including a disappointing boyfriend and the fallout from a party. She jumps at the chance to visit her aunt in Minnesota and escape her irritating family, only to find herself drawn into a seance that reveals mysterious information about a deceased relative. Upon returning home, she must confront more mysteries, as well as communication issues with her mother. However, she also experiences some enlightening moments that help her understand her situation better.

The second edition of Conflict And A Bit Of Magic will be published in spring of 2025.

As a school psychologist and in her private practice, Dr. Holstein has worked with many children and parents, assisting them in developing skills in decision-making, self-awareness, and courage, as well as improving inter-generational communication.

She is a visionary psychologist and filmmaker whose unprecedented selfie films have garnered over 200 placements and awards. Her singular vision is to help girls build resilience, self-esteem, and discover their own talents, abilities, and self-worth. Dr. Holstein has spent decades developing tools and techniques to help girls enhance self esteem and resilience. One of those tools, a workbook for girls titled, 'Looking Good, Feeling Good', achieved bestseller status, an honor that many of her other books have achieved. The ebook hit the top of the Teen and Young Adult Self Esteem eBooks.

Dr. Holstein hopes to bring parents, teachers, librarians, grandparents and media together to accomplish one goal: Change in the lives of young people who suffer from anxiety and a growing sense of hopelessness and despair. She wraps Positive Psychology concepts in forms of media that young people find engaging, relatable and inspiring. These include:

Five bestselling, award-winning books (perfect for school libraries)

Five self-esteem workbooks for girls 8 and up

Award-winning films and coming of age selfie films

Podcasts dedicated to addressing resilience and self esteem

Dedicated websites

Stage plays

A library of articles

Ted-style talks

Dr. Holstein’s workbook for kids, ‘Secrets’ also achieved bestseller status in the ‘Teen & Young Adult Nonfiction on Depression’ category.

Dr. Holstein's cutting-edge presentations, including selfie films and resilience and self esteem podcasts can be found on both YouTube, Vimeo and on the Roku channel and Amazon Fire TV, titled as 'The Enchanted Self Presents'.

Dr. Holstein is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at information about the Selfie Showcase is available at Selfie videos and selfie films can be uploaded at the site. Potential podcast guests can contact Dr. Holstein by email. More information is available at her primary website at


Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, internationally known Positive Psychologist is the creator of The Enchanted Self ®, a positive psychology method for happiness and a pioneer in Selfies as Film. Dr. Holstein's Enchanted Self website was included as one of the best websites in positive psychology. She is in private practice in Long Branch, New Jersey with her husband, Dr. Russell M. Holstein.

Dr. Barbara can be found on the web, interviewed, writing articles and posting video 'TED' style talks on Happiness, Positive Psychology, Relationships and Parenting. Her Roku channel is: The Enchanted Self Presents.

She has been a contributor to Your Tango, Heart and Soul, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Honey Good, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Redbook, Real Simple, Women’s World, The Wall Street Journal,, Time online, Readers Digest, Parade, the Today Show and Family Circle Magazine.


Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show® Lineup For The Week Of January 6, 2024

The Authors Show® serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley has announced The Authors Show® broadcast schedule for the week of January 6, 2024. The new show schedule is available at The Authors Show® site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show® helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show® shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

The Authors Show schedule for the week of January 6, 2024

Jan 6  
Channel 1     Deb Lewis  (USA)
Channel 2     Cynthia A. King (USA)
Channel 3     Bernadette Inclan (USA)
Channel 4     R.E. Dossett (Netherlands)
Channel 5     A.L. Tayler (United Kingdom)
Channel 6     Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7     Don A. Holbrook (USA)

Jan 7  
Channel 1     George A Bernstein (USA)
Channel 2     Diane Lang (USA)
Channel 3     Dante - (USA)
Channel 4     M.J. Polelle (USA)
Channel 5     Jake Kaminski (USA)
Channel 6     Eric Madeen (Japan)
Channel 7     Elizabeth A. Carter, PhD (USA)

Jan 8  
Channel 1     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 2     Charles Harvey (USA)
Channel 3     Elaine Cougler (Canada)
Channel 4     Nicole Audet (Canada)
Channel 5     Joseph Ganci (USA)
Channel 6     Katherine MK Mitchell (USA)
Channel 7     RICKY IAN GORDON (USA)

Jan 9  
Channel 1     Norman Brewer (USA)
Channel 2     J.D. Mitschke (USA)
Channel 3     Mel Foster (USA)
Channel 4     Steve Bassett (USA)
Channel 5     Deborah Wynne (USA)
Channel 6     Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7     Barbara R. Walker, Ph.D. (USA)

Jan 10 - Jan 12  
Channel 1     Randy Rolfe (USA)
Channel 2     J.D. Mitschke (USA)
Channel 3     Bernadette Inclan (USA)
Channel 4     Thomas Mark Johnston (United Kingdom)
Channel 5     Deborah Wynne (USA)
Channel 6     Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7     Elizabeth A. Carter, PhD (USA)

The Authors Show is a professional interview podcast created in 2005 that offers participants multiple benefits that authors who are serious about marketing their work need to consider, especially inasmuch as these benefits have long lasting effects. The Authors Show broadcasts interviews on multiple channels, each featuring one individual author for a full 24hrs Monday through Thursday, and 3-day weekends, Friday through Sunday.


Don McCauley
The Authors Show

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Thursday, January 2, 2025

Tokyo-ing! - Bestselling Author Eric Madeen's Literary Fiction Novellas Available in Ebook Format At No Charge At Amazon, January 6 Through January 8, 2025

Madeen’s latest book features a trio of tales for those interested in an utterly unique perspective on Asian American literature.

Bestselling author Eric Madeen has announced 'Tokyo-ing! Three Novellas' will be available at no charge in e-book format from January 6 through January 8, 2025 on Amazon at

'Tokyo-ing!' is an apt title for this trio of tales that chimes with anyone even slightly interested in Asia’s most dynamic metropolis and its glazing of layers – be they cultural or taking-wing exuberant.

About Face — An American professor is trophy hunted by a wily student who then boasts of her conquest, sparking a full-blown scandal. Brought to heel in tradition, he fights for his dignity and what a down and dirty fight it is!

Sobering Love — Told in first person female persona, a Japanese career woman is obligated to join after-work drinking sessions with her colleagues at behemoth ad agency Dentsu, leading to alcohol addiction and deteriorating health. There seems to be no way out, until she meets Frank, a high-octane executive ...

Fire Horse — A disillusioned expat musters the courage to break out of an unhappy marriage, then searches for love on Tokyo’s electrifying singles circuit. Can he beat the odds and find a soulmate born under the right star? Notable is that in the Chinese bestiary Fire Horse years are one in 60 and birthrates plummet in such years.

Tokyo-ing! Three Novellas is available at, or from his website at The ebook version will be available at no charge January 6 through January 8 at Amazon.

Readers and reviewers have expressed high praise for 'Tokyo-ing!' One Amazon review stated, "Eric Madeen's storytelling prowess shines brightly, and I wholeheartedly recommend Tokyo-ing! to anyone who loves exploring diverse cultures and compelling characters through the lens of expertly crafted stories." Another said, "Madeen's insight into Tokyo's dynamic landscape is unparalleled. An enthralling read for anyone fascinated by the complexities of Asia's bustling metropolis."

Eric Madeen writes cross-genre, and is the author of a number of other books:

'Water Drumming in the Soul' is a fiery tale set in steamy equatorial Africa, where Peace Corps volunteer David Fields is on mission: to build a medical dispensary in a village where spells are cast on enemies and fear of a geek-shaman reigns. David seldom has his bearings – cultural or geographical – and must fight a cocktail of tropical maladies as well as social taboos as he throws himself into work. Until... he meets Assam. Captivated by her water drumming, her playing the stream as a drum, David is drawn to her early on and becomes the hunter captured by the game. And what a rollicking game of love it is - with a tension or excitement between them that never dissipates, … until the haunting end.

One Amazon reviewer said, "Water Drumming in the Soul not only tells a passionate love story, but it also delves into thought-provoking themes like culture, identity, and the power of human connection. It's a rollercoaster of emotions that'll have you laughing, crying, and everything in between. This isn't your typical love story! This novel is so well-written and full of unexpected twists that it keeps you flipping those pages. Plus, the characters are so well-developed that you'll feel like you've known them forever. So, if you're ready for a wild and adventurous ride, grab a copy of this modern-day classic ASAP!"

'Asian Trail Mix: True Tales from Borneo to Japan' is a smorgasbord of travel essays which scale down the sprawl of Asia by focusing on the unique and revelatory in sharp, crisp prose. Readers will get to see up close and personal the razzmatazz of novice monks at play in northern Laos, the bonding with hustling pedicab drivers in Ho Chi Minh City, and rainforests blazed on gutsy treks across Borneo and Thailand's Elephant Island. Served up nice and spicy, Asian Trail Mix is slathered across 12 rocking-it essays plus a tall tale at its glorious ending, making for a baker's dozen of sumptuousness.

In a review for 'Asian Trail Mix,' one reader said, "The writing is lush and emotive. It contains images and turns of phrase that will stay with you." Another said, "'Mr. Madeen has a knack for taking one into the depths of Asian countries and introducing the reader to fascinating customs and interesting characters. Five stars!"

‘Tennis Clubbed, Snubbed and Rubbity-Dub Dubbed’ - In historically rich Yokohama, where Captain Perry and his Black Ships cracked open Japan, the wicked shiver of the tennis snub in the postmodern present pits David Adams against K: a puffed-up xenophobic tyrant who rules over the courts of a club that has as its anthem, ironically, the promotion of international friendship. Making it even more pithy is that a good half of it is set at a Japanese university where David as lecturer dives deep into a part of Japan so rarely and scintillatingly transcribed.

Eric Madeen is available for media interviews and can be reached at All of his books are available at Amazon at More information is available at his website at

About Eric Madeen:

Eric Madeen is an associate professor of modern literature at Tokyo City University and an adjunct professor at Keio University. He's an award-winning author of six books, and his writing has been published widely -- in Time, Asia Week, The East, Daily Yomiuri, Tokyo Journal, Kyoto Journal, Metropolis, Mississippi Review, ANA's inflight magazine Wingspan, Peace Corps Worldwide, Japanophile, Yomimono, The Pretentious Idea, Tombstone Epitaph, several anthologies, academic journals, therein his seminal essay "Under Western and Eastern Eyes" jointly published by the Ministry of Education of the Western Federation, Russia, and the Joseph Conrad Foundation, USA, and so on.

Madeen has been featured in several radio interviews (11 in the USA and 1 in Japan) and various print media. He once made his living copywriting for then-world's largest ad agency Dentsu for clients as diverse as Mazda, Subaru, Canon, Konica, Nikko Hotels International and Sony.

He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Francophone Gabon, Africa, where he built a primary school complex in an equatorial village surrounded by rainforest, a mind-blowing experience which inspired his first book.


Eric Madeen

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