Monday, October 14, 2024

Bestselling Author Norman Brewer's Ebook, Blending In, Political Thriller Exploring Domestic Terrorism, Available At No Charge On October 18, 2024

As a reporter, Brewer covered Congress, the White House, and federal agencies, and pursued investigative projects that earned recognition, including from the National Press Club. He was also Director of Employee Communications at the U.S. Transportation Security Administration.

Bestselling author Norman Brewer has announced that Book 1 in his Anti-Hero Rebellions series, 'Blending In, A Tale Of Homegrown Terrorism', will be available at no charge on October 18, 2024 at Amazon.

In this book, readers meet Stickman and Maple, homegrown terrorists hell-bent on insurrection and bringing down the government.

They break the mold of terrorists being social misfits, extremists seeking martyrdom. Stickman and Maple are trained and disciplined. They hold down jobs. They blend in. They could be your next-door neighbors. They are hell-bent on creating political upheaval and upending government. Readers can follow these anti-heroes as they launch terrorist attacks on soft targets – a press conference in DC, an iconic mall in the Heartland. Hundreds die. With civil unrest and democracy under siege, fear grips the nation. Other right-wing extremists join their horrific crusade.

Can they be stopped?

The book will be available at no charge October 18, 2024 at

Future giveaway dates for Brewer's novels in October, 2024 are:

Blending In – October 25 2024
January 6, A Novel – October 25
Killer Politics – October 31

All ebooks will be available for download at no charge on those dates at Amazon

One Amazon reviewer said, "From the story's beginning to the very last few pages, Blending In takes readers into the twisted minds of two vicious homegrown terrorists as they violently destroy everything in their path. Award-wining reporter and editor Norman Brewer, who also worked for the Department of Homeland Security, writes tightly with both authority and bright detail. For fans of thriller novels, Blending In does not disappoint. Characters are well developed throughout the story, with non-stop action that is not only lively, but also frighteningly realistic. It's one of those books that can be easily imagined as someday becoming a movie."

Another stated, "Author Norman Brewer has taken an almost documentary-style approach to this novel, and it works on any number of levels. It's more than just another good read. It grabs you at the opening page, it holds your interest from chapter to chapter, and it's (sadly) driven by the events of the world we live in, which makes it relevant. You can see the journalist at work here, weaving the story together through multiple directions and various separate strands. All in all, he's come up with a punchy winner."

Book 2 in the series is 'Killer Politics - A Satirical Tale of Homegrown Terrorism'. In this book a Trump-like president inspires a white supremacist to launch attacks on innocents in a ruthless bid to incite civil war - and defend the "American way of life."

Hoss, the supremacist, teams up with a "Most Wanted" terrorist to attack a rock concert, contaminate the food supply, destroy a reservoir and flood homeowners living downstream. People die. Fear mounts. A rogue FBI agent is in hot pursuit.

Razor-edged satire, aimed at a so-called President Tower, is "keen and stinging," one reviewer said.

Book 3 in the series is 'January 6: A Novel." In this political thriller, Democracy comes under siege when the President’s rally morphs into a mob and storms the Capitol.

Right-wing extremists take the House Speaker hostage, force a horrific standoff and unleash terrorism nationwide. Assassinations, bombings in malls and terrorist attacks against other soft targets inflame civil unrest.

The President weighs declaring martial law to restore order – and justify refusing to leave office.

Will we again face insurrection?

General Michael Hayden, retired four-star Air Force general and former director of the CIA and National Security Agency said, “January 6: A Novel underscores my worries that the assault on the Capitol could happen again, defiling our freedoms and threatening our democracy.”

In their review, Midwest Book Review stated, "Although a work of fiction, 'January 6: A Novel' provides genuine and vivid insider glimpses of what might come next in 2024 in real life. All kingdoms, empires, and nations throughout history have risen, flourished, and then fallen. America may not be an exception. Following a disputed election in 2020 and the possibility of an insurrectionist political candidate being once more defeated at the polls, the very real possibility of what is described in 'January 6: A Novel' makes it an unreservedly recommended addition to community and college/university library collections – and essential reading for those with interest in politics, terrorism, freedom, and the future of the United States of America."

Readers Favorite, in their review stated, "This domestic terrorism novel, January 6: A Novel by Norman Brewer, easily delivers one of the year's standout novels, brilliantly creating an alternative history with a chillingly plausible twist. Brewer’s writing is both polished and insightful, with great character development that is all the more impressive given the number of players presented. As a British reader who is ultra critical of political novels that scream about exceptionalism, Brewer was able to get me properly unsettled in a way that I haven't experienced since reading The Plot Against America by Philip Roth, or even the remarkable Sinclair Lewis’s It Can’t Happen Here. Brewer’s adept portrayal of "what could have been" forces readers to confront a nightmarish vision of how close the free world came to its downfall, proving the work to be both an entertaining and thought-provoking read. Very highly recommended."

Norman Brewer was recently featured on the cover of 'Great Writers You Should Be Reading' Magazine. He was interviewed on The Authors Show and his interview can be accessed at He is available for media interviews and can be reached by email at All of the books in the Anti-Hero Rebellions series are available in paperback and ebook versions at Amazon and other book retailers.

About Norman Brewer:

Norman Brewer is an award-winning reporter and editor who worked for The Des Moines Register and Tribune and for Gannett News Service in Washington, D.C. As a reporter, he covered Congress, the White House, and federal agencies, and pursued investigative projects that earned recognition, including from the National Press Club. He was also Director of Employee Communications at the U.S. Transportation Security Administration.

His experience has given him a powerful perspective regarding the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the Capitol, domestic terrorism, and the political landscape. Exposure to terrorism issues helped shape 'January 6: A Novel' as well as two earlier novels, 'Blending In: A Tale of Homegrown Terrorism,' and 'Killer Politics: A Satirical Tale of Homegrown Terrorism.' 'Killer Politics' can be read as a stand-alone book or as a sequel to 'Blending In.'

Brewer lives in Portland, Ore.


Norman Brewer

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show® Lineup For The Week Of October 14, 2024

The Authors Show® serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson, Executive Producer of The Authors Show®, have announced The Authors Show® broadcast schedule for the week of October 14, 2024. The new show schedule is available at The Authors Show® site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show® helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show® shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

The Authors Show schedule for the week of October 14, 2024

Oct 14
Channel 1     Mike F Elliott (USA)
Channel 2     Charles Harvey (USA)
Channel 3     Jody Sharpe (USA)
Channel 4     Jeffrey Marshall (USA)
Channel 5     L. D. Wenzel (Norway)
Channel 6     D. Terrence Foster, MD (USA)
Channel 7        Grace Blair (USA)

Oct 15  
Channel 1     Frank Root III (USA)
Channel 2     John William Law (USA)
Channel 3     Lissa Oliver (Ireland)
Channel 4     Thomas Mark Johnston (United Kingdom)
Channel 5     Colonel U. S. Army Ret. George A. Milton (USA)
Channel 6     Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7     Susen Edwards (USA)

Oct 16  
Channel 1     Tom Strelich (USA)
Channel 2     Irv Arenberg (USA)
Channel 3     Sharman Apt Russell (USA)
Channel 4     John Mahaffey (USA)
Channel 5     TF Burke (USA)
Channel 6     Susan M Baganz (USA)
Channel 7     Jake Kendall (United Kingdom)

Oct 17  
Channel 1     Kass Ghayouri (Canada)
Channel 2     Ricardo Jose Gonzalez-Rothi (USA)
Channel 3     Ronteé Marshall (Barbados)
Channel 4     Elsie McKenney (USA)
Channel 5     Gregory K. Mohr (USA)
Channel 6     Matt Armstrong (Australia)
Channel 7     Elizabeth A. Carter, PhD (USA)

Oct 18 - Oct 20  
Channel 1     Deb Lewis  (USA)
Channel 2     Cynthia A. King (USA)
Channel 3     L. J. Goodman (United Kingdom)
Channel 4     Steve Bassett (USA)
Channel 5     Valerie Doherty (USA)
Channel 6     Matt Armstrong (Australia)
Channel 7     Grace Blair (USA)


Don McCauley is a marketing strategist and is the facilitator of the Free Publicity Focus Group, a marketing and publicity firm. He also serves as the host of The Authors Show®.  Danielle Hampson is the Executive Producer of The Authors Show®.


Don McCauley
Free Publicity Focus Group

Danielle Hampson
The Authors Show

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No Charge Download Of Thriller Fiction Novella, Gun Games By Bestselling Authors J Bartell And Ginger Marin Of Bijou Entertainment, Will Be Available October 16 Through October 18, 2024

Gun Games is another book from Bijou Entertainment that creates movies in the mind, and is part of their "Film on Page Series".

Bijou Entertainment has announced that their latest thriller novella, 'Gun Games,' will be available in ebook form at no charge from October 16 through October 18, 2024 at Amazon.

'Gun Games' is a riveting and thought-provoking thriller that takes readers on a rollercoaster ride through the streets of Los Angeles. In the shadow of personal tragedy and a city on the brink of anarchy, a pacifist Los Angeles City Councilman breaks his own code, rallying a covert team of military friends to wage a secret war against the relentless gangs terrorizing the streets.

Readers are plunged into the gritty underbelly of Los Angeles through the eyes of Javier Rico, a dedicated city councilman and former Marine whose world is shattered when his daughter falls victim to a fatal gang drive-by. Rico, once a staunch pacifist advocating for social programs to curb violence, finds his beliefs systemically dismantled. Fueled by heartbreak and a thirst for justice, he unites with Mair Carling, a fiery former Marine, now stuntwoman and film studio weapons expert, and a handpicked team of loyal, skilled companions. They forge an audacious plan to dismantle the city's corrosive gang networks from the inside.

As Rico's covert war intensifies, he faces violent turf wars, climaxing in a perilous face-off at the gang stronghold, the ‘Alamo’. The stakes escalate when Rico confronts personal demons and explosive truths, navigating a maze of betrayal, vengeance, and redemption. Amidst a spectacular showdown that razes the gang's fortress to the ground, Rico emerges battle-scarred but resolute, his journey culminating in a poignant homage to his lost daughter and a renewed vision for his city's future. 'Gun Games' weaves a visceral tapestry of action, moral dilemmas, and a city's desperate cry for healing, promising to grip viewers until its electrifying end.

The ebook version of 'Gun Games' will be available at no charge October 16 through October 18, 2024, at

Bijou Entertainment specializes in "Stories That Create Movies In Your Mind." Their stories captivate both readers and movie lovers, as authors J Bartell and Ginger Marin, are also screenplay artists who also shine as actors and directors. They offer an enthralling selection of drama, espionage, action/thriller, dark comedy, and family-friendly books for kids, immersing readers in cinematic worlds with every flip of the page.

Both Bartell and Marin are available for media interviews and can be reached by email at All of their books are available at Amazon and other book retailers. More information is available at the Bijou Entertainment website at

About Bijou Entertainment:

J Bartell did black ops assignments as a subcontractor for the CIA during a ten-year period. In addition to his work with the CIA, J Bartell is a behavior specialist and former California licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor.

Ginger Marin is an actor, author, environmentalist, and animal rights advocate who previously served as producer and writer for NBC News' top new shows and various special reports.


Bijou Entertainment

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Friday, October 11, 2024

Bestsellling Author Saverio Monachino's Latest Literary Fiction Novel, Little Bit Of Faith, Will Be Available At No Charge In Ebook Format October 15 Through October 17, 2024

 Saverio Monachino amalgamates an odd collection of authors like John Irving, Tom Robbins, and Louise Penny into one, and the servings he presents come complete with a side order of comedy. Saverio believes adding a bit of humor helps wash down the truth while he discusses how open to interpretation the human condition can be.

Bestselling author Saverio Monachino has announced that his new work of literary fiction, 'Little Bit Of Faith', will be available at no charge in ebook form October 15 through October 17 at Amazon.

'Little Bit of Faith' is a unique work of fiction drawn from Monachino’s traumatic brain injury and time spent in a coma. Through skillful storytelling and rich character development, the book offers a captivating and often humorous exploration of the creativity of the human mind and the interconnectedness of existence. The book leaves readers pondering the nature of true faith, the boundaries of one’s perception, the foundations of belief, family love, religious fanaticism, and the meaning of existence, long after the final page is turned. There is a message. It is one word, four letters.

Anyone who handles a patient load knows how difficult some can be. Dr. Selwood (a neuropsychologist) had a real doozy of a case assigned to her, Dr. Arthur McAiden. When McAiden first began his outpatient stint at the Kessler Institute he had trouble stringing cognitive sentences together. Selwood suggested he write his thoughts down, and so he did.

At first, he wrote of the accident itself, which had her wondering how he knew what he did. Then his story moved on and intertwined his recovery process with what she believed to be a work of fiction. If he was trying to have fun at her expense, she did not know. Either way, it didn't matter, but, when he moved on and began describing his take on the triune others have used to describe his faith, she wanted to file this away in the circular trash can beside her desk. Then one of his characters came to life and paid her a visit. While her patient had struggled to re-enter the three-dimensional space those living on earth call home, Dr. Selwood, in turn, now struggled to accept the continuum of life Arthur had presented to her.

George Point, in a review in the Bucks County Herald said, " . . . And there is more, much more to ponder in “Little Bit of Faith,” as Monachino leads us through Arthur McAiden’s comatose, fevered inner life, weaving tales of an international bio-terrorist plot, a plot to wrest control of his biotech company, and a plot to topple another Arthur — a medieval Arthur — as well as Chaucer’s “The Miller’s Tale.” The full review is available at

Improbable as it may seem, Monachino’s gentle wit and informed narrative style are the glue that hold this metaphysical melange together. If you’re game to take a deep dive into the nature of consciousness, of bosons and other subatomic particles and the search for the ultimate intelligence, with a side trip into the Arthurian legend, 'Little Bit of Faith' may just be your cup of mead."

'Little Bit of Faith' will be available in ebook format at no charge October 15 through October 17, 2024 at

Monachino is also the author of the bestselling novel 'By Any Means'. In this spellbinding comic murder mystery, Monachino weaves a compelling narrative that immerses readers in a world of intrigue, humor, and suspense.

Leaking top secret information to the Press happens all the time. Just ask those holding government offices in Washington D.C. Up north in Montreal Inspector Gervais has experienced a perfected form of this art.

It all started on a typical summer night with Giorgio sitting on the roof reciting poetry, dressed from head to toe in leather and watching a man in the alley commit murder … with a hard salami. His life literally falls into the hands of the good Inspector and that’s when the fun begins.

“What,” Inspector Gervais wants to know, “do an overweight grocer, batman, tax attorneys, a dysfunctional Italian family, city politics and an esoteric secret society that may or may not be the remnants of the Knights Templar have in common?” Not much, but this is all he has to go on as he races to solve a gruesome murder ‘By Any Means’. Montréal in the summertime can be fun, murder can be funnier.

Readers and reviews alike have praised ‘By Any Means’. One Amazon reviewer said, "By Any Means is a fast paced, intriguing read. It immediately thrusts you into an unusual murder setting, which both grabs your interest to continue and introduces you to the witty writing style of the author. The book unfolds into a collage of family and other relationships, informative diversions into interesting areas of learning, and a front row seat to figuring out 'who dunnit’. I enjoyed the many interesting characters along with the wit and humor. I look forward to more from Saverio."

Another stated, "Funny? Yes, and the comedy is truly both deep and subtle. A mystery? Indeed, a murder mystery but those pages seem to cover the deeper mystery investigated by the author. It is obvious that BY ANY MEANS has gone to great lengths to open up more important questions than a who killed whom, as one begins to see the outlay of dysfunctional family dynamics, its development and picturesque guides to finding the right way to reconnect. After all, what in the world is more important, being the head of a super-secret organization that is hundreds, if not thousands of years old, or finding a mate who will hold your hand and bring a smile to your face. If that isn't enough of a psychological thriller then the author layers another common paradigm for the unrepentant on top; why is politics so much more important than truth."

Saverio was recently interviewed on "Let's Talk" on WDVR Radio in Sergeantsville, NJ. The interview is available at his website at

Saverio has also been interviewed by Theresa O’Brian. The interview and book review of ‘Little Bit of Faith’ is available at the Bethlehem Press website.

Saverio Monachino is available for media interviews and can be reached by email at More information is available on his website at

"A Little Bit of Faith" and "By Any Means" are available on Amazon at

About Saverio Monachino:

Saverio Monachino has worked in the Bio-Pharmaceutical arena in various regions of the U.S. and Canada (and dragged his family along with him). He had discovered compounds that advanced into clinical trials while managing large R&D teams. Things happen, life changes, comas come and when lucky, they go, and now, as a TBI survivor, he has had to, as the saying goes, ‘move the cheese’. Now, he lives, writes, and has fun.

One book he co-authored, "Frenchtown New Jersey: History Along the River," during his free time while helping run a bookstore in Frenchtown NJ. During his recovery process, he also organized a radio theatre troop which performed both on air and on stage and, more recently, became a founding member of a very distinguished philosopher’s guild where old men can pontificate on any topic they wish while asking the proverbial question ‘is anyone listening to me?’. Of course, first and foremost, writing about the experiences within his head while comatose is what drives his works of fiction


Saverio Monachino

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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Now Is The Time To Start Planning For 2025 Growth Says Top Motivational Speaker And Bestselling Author Rocky Romanella

Renowned as a keynote speaker, trainer, and Forbes Contributor, Romanella founded 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC. With 40+ years in leadership, he served as CEO and Director at UniTek Global Services after a 36-year UPS career.

As leaders, we understand we must at some point mentally turn the page and begin to prepare to take advantage of new growth opportunities. It is better that this happens sooner than later, especially in regard to planning for a new year. Top motivational speaker and bestselling author Rocky Romanella believes that planning for 2025 growth should begin now. He addressed this important topic in a recent newsletter article titled "Autumn Winds: Turn The Page". In that article he wrote in part:

As we turn the page in our calendar and start October, there are many autumn, fall, and harvest songs you can add to your playlist as a reminder of the time of the year. For me, "October Road" by James Taylor, "September" by Earth, Wind, & Fire, and "Harvest Time" by Luke Bryan are a few that are at the top of my list.

As leaders, each season represents a change. It's a reminder for us to stop and evaluate where we are, where we are in relation to our plan, and more importantly, where we are going. The difference with this time of the year is the balance we will need to strike as we assess our Business Health and Results. If we are off plan, we will need to consistently deliver positive short-term results to end the year on plan. If we are on plan or over plan, we must maintain that momentum going into the new year.

It's also time to evaluate from a growth perspective. Did we identify and successfully generate new product, market, and geographic growth opportunities? Especially if that was a strategic part of the plan for the current year. If it was not, do we need to add it to the upcoming plan?

This time of the year adds the complexity of balance. Balance in finishing the year strong tactically as we begin to build the 2025 plan strategically. You will need to exhibit seasoned judgment, and you will be tested to make good strategic choices. You will need to know when and how to emphasize and balance the company's short-term end-of-year results with the long-term strategic objectives you will be building.

It will be necessary to apply broad knowledge and experience when dealing with this complex issue. Your communications strategy and goals must be clear, and your decisions timely.

The Balanced Leadership approach, as outlined in the book 'Tighten The Lug Nuts', will serve as the foundational piece of building the plan and strategy and executing your short-term end-of-year results. You achieve balance when you thoughtfully consider all three constituents in your decision-making process: your customers, your people, and your shareowners and/or stakeholders.

Ideally, as you implement and execute the Balanced Leadership approach, you will see the following come to life and become a way of life within the organization. Your people will begin to:

Think like a customer by approaching each challenge as a true solutions provider.
Feel like a valuable employee by knowing their work matters and they are part of the solution, not part of the problem, and they will never compromise on safety.
Act like an owner by understanding the business and their role in what leads to success.

Some questions to answer as you begin the planning process with an eye to the future and an understanding of where you have been and where you are now:

- Are we creating and communicating a client-driven vision, corporately aligned, and engaging with all employees in pursuit of a common goal? Do we embrace the mission, values, and company ethics in all we do?

- Do our people believe, and have we demonstrated we are developing people from inside our organization for potential opportunities? Do we have a well-defined succession planning process that starts with the selection and retention of an excellent workforce within an environment that values diversity and respects individuality?

- Are we a continuous learning organization exhibiting the development of self and others to achieve maximum potential? Does it happen through open and authentic feedback, which allows the promotion from within policy to flourish?

- As leaders, do we positively affect the behavior of others and motivate them to achieve personal satisfaction and high performance through a sense of purpose and cooperation?

- Does our plan help us to utilize our teams intentionally and appropriately to focus leaders on building an enterprise that creates profit and generates business with the ultimate objective of delivering an attractive return on shareholder investment through the best, the brightest, most informed, and best people in the industry?

- By including this thought, skill, and vision, we aim to develop leaders who can "see around corners" to anticipate changes in market conditions and proactively position the company for future competitive advantage.

The full text of the piece is available at Romanella's website at in the newsletters section.

Rocky offers a number of resources on his website that offer powerful ideas for leaders at any level - business managers, educators or small group leaders:


Rocky is an official member of Forbes Business Council and a contributor on many different topics. A full list of his Forbes articles is available at


Rocky hosts The Leadership Library Podcast, now in its 8h season. New shows are posted every Tuesday and Thursday morning at

All of us are leaders in some way - parents, educators, athletes, special interest groups large and small, sales teams - the list is endless. Regardless of the role we play, Romanella's concepts, developed under the heading of Balanced Leadership, can be applied to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and results.

Morning coffee is one of the joys of life for many of us. When you add your Cup of Joe to your visit to the Leadership Library podcast, your morning coffee will add an educational, entertaining dose of leadership octane to your day. Past show topics include:

The Feeling Of Trust That Comes From Hope (over 7.5 K views)
Soft Skills For Great Results (over 3.1K views)
Balanced Leadership
Goal Setting
Leaving a Legacy
Personal Values
Performance of a Successful Team
Strategic Vision
Operational Excellence
Strategic Process
Are You A Job Skill Developer
Leadership Roles and Responsibilities
SWOT Analysis
Training and Development

with many more topics available and more on the upcoming schedule.

The podcast is now available at or visit The podcast is also available at Apple Podcasts. More on leadership, building a legacy and many other topics are also available at Romanella's website at


Rocky's book about leadership, Tighten The Lug Nuts: The Principles Of Balanced Leadership recently achieved number 1 bestseller status in both Business Management and Business Leadership.

In 'Tighten the Lug Nuts', Romanella uses his forty-plus years of experience at UPS, and his CEO and Director roles, to explore the ways a true leader can lead any organization and its people to new levels of success.

If you read only one business book this year, this is the book you should read.

Rocky's approach to leadership is unique and highly effective. He believes that great leaders challenge their people not to stop at the first right answer. 'Tighten The Lug Nuts' is a book about leadership that help readers move past that first right answer. It is full of detailed examples that are organized in an educational and entertaining way to form a framework of real-world concepts. The deceptively simple concepts, with powerful “How To Messages“ can be utilized by anyone who holds a leadership position - even parents, educators, and others. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a first-time manager, Tighten The Lug Nut is not only motivational, but also a call to action for those who have yet to make a mark in their field.

The book can also help position an organization for hyper growth coming out of the pandemic, Key concepts detailed in the book will prepare leaders and their teams to hit the ground running as they rapidly refocus and rebuild. Tighten The Lug Nuts is loaded from cover to cover with practical information that can help leaders become more effective, more productive, and more successful. It is not just another "book about leadership."

Tighten The Lug Nuts is available at online book retailers. More information is available at his website at and at

Rocky Romanella has built an entire library of cutting-edge resources, available at his website, to help position ourselves to come out of the pandemic stronger, leaner, faster and to get a jump-start on the Rapid Rebuild process. Those resources include:


Rocky has been doing virtual conferences and training sessions with a keen eye on POST COVID and the Rapid Rebuild of our businesses. He can build a program, live or virtual, for any organization. Topics can include any or all of the 23 Leadership Competencies, concepts from the book, Tighten The Lug Nuts: The Principles Of Balanced Leadership, or any topic that might be appropriate.


Every item on the list will play a vital role during the Rapid Rebuild of our economy, our businesses and our lives. Any or all of them will be appropriate for virtual meetings, talks or presentations.


Over 108 podcasts that take a deep dive into Leadership topics. These can be searched by topic, show name or Leadership Competency.


The video library includes training videos, Balanced Leadership videos, Keynote Speaking videos, Tighten The Lug Nuts videos, interviews videos, Coach's Corner videos and much more.

More on leadership skills, virtual keynotes, training sessions, virtual meetings and conferencing calls, training workshops, strategy sessions and general information on the relaunch of the economy is available at Romanella’s website.


As a special incentive for those who are ready for a Rapid Rebuild, Rocky will be offering meeting calls at no charge for those who purchase 20 or more copies of his 5-star rated book on leadership, 'Tighten The Lug Nuts'. Contact Rocky for details at, and or 610-322-0720 to schedule your session.

With over 4 decades of “boots on the ground” leadership experience, Rocky Romanella is one of the best keynote motivational speakers in the country and internationally. He has spoken in large and small venues all over the US including cities such as Atlanta, San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, NYC, Dallas, Chicago, Miami, Houston, LA, Charlotte, and many others. Internationally, he has presented keynotes in Toronto, Mexico City, Milan, London, and Krakow. He is known for creating excitement through his energy, passion, and knowledge, while employing his talents and experience to motivate, inspire and entertain audiences, regardless of size.

Romanella has garnered praise for his ability to connect to a wide range of audiences with his storytelling ability and innate charisma. Richard Snowden, President of Raven House International said, "An engaging speaker and facilitator, Rocky leads business executives to break-through results through break-through thinking." Conrad Swanson, Sr. VP Agency Development of Arpin Van Lines Inc. stated, "Rocky inspired many to look inward and improve the way they operate their businesses and lead their team members."

A winner of the UPS Chairman’s Award for Excellence, Romanella has created a legacy of motivating teams to achieve their best. He pulls in audiences with real life stories from an illustrious career spanning nearly 40 years at one of the most recognized and admired brands in the world. Rocky brings leadership expertise in supply chain, logistics and transportation, retail, sales and operational excellence strategy, telecommunications engineering/construction management and installation. Having led many company sales efforts, rapidly building brands, restructuring events, and developing a culture needed to integrate past acquisitions, he inspires audiences to create a unified company with one vision.

Rocky Romanella is available for keynote speaking engagements and media interviews. He can be contacted using the information below or by email at Full information on 3SIXTY Management Services, more information on keynote speaking and 'Tighten The Lug Nuts' is available at the company website at

About Rocky Romanella:

Rocky is the Founder and CEO of 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC, a management consulting firm specializing in Executive Speaking, Leadership Development and Consulting Services. He also serves on the board of Goodman Networks, a leading provider of end-to- end network infrastructure, field and professional services to the wireless telecommunications and satellite television industries.

Rocky is an experienced CEO who led one of the largest rebranding initiatives in franchising history – The UPS Store, revolutionizing the $9 billion retail shipping and business services market.

While leading The UPS Store, the network increased retail unit, same-store sales by 5.8%, outpacing the National Retail Federation results of 4.6% during a recession.

Rocky steered UPS’s entry into the health care industry and created the mantra, “It’s a patient, not a package.®”

He also led the integration of more than 20 acquisitions to improve financial performance, capabilities, and global network footprint.

Through his executive roles and leadership advisory services, Rocky delivers results by developing and implementing his Balanced Leadership Model across enterprise operations. This includes a laser focus on customer needs, employee empowerment and the demands of shareholders.

Rocky has the rare ability to see a clear vision of the changing business landscape, the passion to develop strategies, tactics, and metrics to drive desired results.


Rocky Romanella

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