Thursday, June 4, 2015

Psychics, Mediums And Life After Death: Pat Chalfant, Author of 'Spirit Lights A Path To Mediumship', Offers Guidance

Is there proof of life after death? Pat Chalfant, a credentialed Spiritualist medium, offers convincing proof

The belief in an afterlife offers hope to a very large percentage of the human race. But where is the proof? Unfortunately, without verifiable evidence, we are forced to rely on faith and hope. That opens the door for deception, as there are many people who are more than willing to play off our fear of death in exchange for money. Movies, television shows, psychics, and many other forms of entertainment, masquerading as mediumship, attempt to sensationalize contact with the 'other side'. Unfortunately many people believe that's reality. Pat Chalfant, author of 'Spirit Lights, A Path To Mediumship', urges people to be cautious, as true mediumship is another thing altogether.

"I realize," Pat stated, "that society’s collective belief about mediums has been largely based on television shows that have purportedly described the lives of real, working mediums, but were actually concocted by writers and producers whose only purpose was to produce fast-paced, terrifying shows that made money, while ignoring the reality of the lives and purposes of true mediums."

"I am a Spiritualist medium.  Everything I do as a medium is solidly based on my certainty that we continue to live after death.  Spiritualists call this concept 'The Continuity of Life.' As a result, each time I do a reading for someone, I know I am likely to receive a vivid image or verbal description that will identify a 'dead' person to my living client, something that can convince him that someone he cared for in life is still alive and well on the Other Side."

"One Sunday as I gave readings in the message part of the worship service in our church, The Chapel of the Flowers, in Panorama City, CA, I saw a beautiful vase, very delicate and fragile.  I described it to the young man I was reading for and he thanked me, then explained that the vase I described  was the one his beloved spiritual teacher, who had since passed away, had given him years before.   It meant to him that she was there that day and wanted him to know she was.  It was like a special spiritual reunion and he and I were both deeply touched."

"The difference between the Christian belief that we continue to live after death (based on Jesus’ return after his crucifixion), and the Spiritualist’s belief in the Continuity of Life is that mediums routinely bring actual evidence of life after death to clients and/or church members while those predicting life after death who are not mediums have no 'proof' to offer."

"I can think of no more exciting prospect in life than my daily anticipation of perhaps delivering such proof to people, knowing that I can give them spiritual inspiration by bringing evidence of life after death.  I thank God (Spirit) daily because by renewing someone else’s belief in eternal life, perhaps even making them believers for the first time, God works through us to take away the most  widespread, debilitating emotion in the world — mankind’s fear of death.  I can’t imagine a greater purpose to have in this world  than that."

'Spirit Lights A Path To Mediumship', explains how Pat, a real skeptic regarding such matters, developed mediumship abilities and now lives a life transformed by the spiritual. Mediumship is a controversial issue and Pat understands this, but she also believes that credible mediumship holds the promise of real benefits for mankind that have not been fully explored.

In addition to offering one-on-one client consultations, Pat has penned the 'Spirit Lights Song Book' and three of those songs are in the National Spiritualist Association of Churches hymn book. There are samples of the words and music on her web site,, and ‘Spirit Lights’ song books for sale there, too. She does readings for clients by phone and teaches mediumship development classes. She has also created a DVD entitled 'Spirit Lights Psychic Development DVD'.

Pat Chalfant is currently appearing on The Authors Show. Her interview is available now at The Authors Show site. 'Spirit Lights A Path To Mediumship' is available at her website and at Amazon. Pat is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at Pat maintains a Youtube channel at  She is also available for inspirational lectures. More information is available at her website at

About Pat Chalfant:

Oregon Spiritualist Medium Pat Chalfant's amazing psychic gifts have helped hundreds of individuals worldwide. Pat has written a column on parapsychology and interviewed Hollywood stars and the psychics who read for them for a national newspaper. Other topics she’s taught and written about are: past life therapy, death and dying, the Edgar Cayce work, the Cathars, and Spiritual healing.

The Association for Past Life Research and Therapies newsletter published a series of her interviews with psychiatrists, psychologists, and hypnotherapists who were all west coast pioneers of past life therapy. Pat believes that series is destined to become a book.

She teaches internationally online and also hosts an online Spiritualist circle, Spirit Lights Chapel.


Pat Chalfant