Monday, May 16, 2022

White House Covid Chief Issues Dire Warning For Fall - A Result of Vaccines Dumbing Down The Immune System Says Dr. Richard Ruhling

Dr. Richard Ruhling is an expert on Biblical prophecy and is also the author of 'The Alpha & Omega Bible Code'

“Fauci/Pfizer mischief that included ‘gain of function’ studies have resulted in a shot that reduces symptoms while not addressing the underlying cause, as is so often the case with pharmaceuticals,” says Richard Ruhling, MD, a retired physician who was board-certified in Internal Medicine before teaching Health Science at Loma Linda University.

Ruhling applauds the UK and Israel in reporting 90% of Covid deaths are in people fully vaccinated, a recognition that the shot does not prevent infection, severity or death while hype from the CDC failed to disclose an FDA warning online, page 16 at

The American Heart Association journal for cardiologists supports concern: “We conclude that the mRNA vaccines dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.” Stephen Gundry, MD, Circulation (11-16-2021, Vol 144, Issue Suppl_1)

But Biden gave media $1 Billion to boost the boosters in an ever-failing cycle of needing more, when natural immunity is proving best in spite of CDC’s inadequate assessment, says Ruhling, warning against further shots. He suggests a plant-based diet that the British Medical Journal reported 73% less severity for 500 healthcare workers who got Covid. BMJ

Biden is pushing global government and control of our personal healthcare at a time when medical care has nothing to do with healthy habits that constitute real healthcare, says Ruhling, citing recent reports.

CDC reluctance to help the public with natural immunity is a direct result of the billions they make from their relationship with pharma for vaccine patents and recommendations for even tiny babies to be immunized in spite of almost no risk, says Ruhling who offers his own example of what anyone might do for a virus infection.

Ruhling was working Emergency Room when he developed symptoms of the flu with a sore throat, runny nose, feeling cold and achy. His temperature was normal, but he was taught that fever helps the body’s immune system to kill the virus faster, so Ruhling took a break and filled a tub with water as hot as he could tolerate. In 20 minutes, he had a fever of 102.5 and as the water was running out of the tub, he poured cold water front and back several times—he says it can double the white blood count, and he ate no supper—wanting those white cells hungry to eat the germs. Flu comes after holidays with cookies and cake--sugar lowers immunity. He felt better and saw his patients until 11 PM when he took another fever treatment. In the morning, he was well with no symptoms.

The body was designed for self-healing that we have all experienced with cuts or burns. The body also overcomes infections better if we avoid cold medications that lower fever. We do better to cooperate with the body’s healing mechanisms, says Ruhling, noting the Bible is negative on pharma in Revelation 18 where the Greek word pharmakeia “deceives all nations” and every reference to “physicians” has a negative context in the Bible, written 2000 years ago! It’s a subtle warning that’s overlooked by most readers, but Daniel wisely opted out of government healthcare and that’s the book Christ recommended when He was asked about the end of the world.

Dr. Ruhling's latest book, MegaQuake 2023, includes a surprise link that is relevant to the Covid crisis we see. The book is available at Dr. Ruhling is available for speaking engagements and media interviews and can be reached by using the contact information below or by email at More information is available at his website at

About Dr. Richard Ruhling:

Dr. Ruhling graduated from Loma Linda University medical school and planning for overseas work, took a Masters Degree in Public Health. After Internal Medicine training and board certification, he also had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda’s School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a low fat, low cholesterol diet reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure.


Richard Ruhling