Sunday, June 30, 2024

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show® Lineup For The Week Of July 1, 2024

The Authors Show® serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson, Executive Producer of The Authors Show®, have announced The Authors Show® broadcast schedule for the week of July 1, 2024. The new show schedule is available at The Authors Show® site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show® helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show® shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

The Authors Show schedule for the week of July 1, 2024

Jul 1  
Channel 1     Kathy J Forti (USA)
Channel 2     Lisa Marie Shankles (USA)
Channel 3     Peter Riva (USA)
Channel 4     Christina Weigand (USA)
Channel 5     A.L. Tayler (United Kingdom)
Channel 6     Jaqueline H. Becker, Ph.D. (USA)
Channel 7     S.G. Blaise (USA)

Jul 2  
Channel 1     Kass Ghayouri (Canada)
Channel 2     John William Law (USA)
Channel 3     Tom Madden (USA)
Channel 4     Barry Finlay (Canada)
Channel 5     Valerie Doherty (USA)
Channel 6     TF Burke (USA)
Channel 7     Bill Humbert (USA)

Jul 3  
Channel 1     Larry Lockridge (USA)
Channel 2     Josiah Akhtab (USA)
Channel 3     Ronteé Marshall (Barbados)
Channel 4     Dr. Kixx Goldman (USA)
Channel 5     Fish Nealman (USA)
Channel 6     Gene S. Jones (USA)
Channel 7     Grace Blair (USA)

Jul 4  
Channel 1     Mike F Elliott (USA)
Channel 2     Jamey O'Donnell (USA)
Channel 3     Victoria Gail Oltarsh (USA)
Channel 4     Jeffrey Marshall (USA)
Channel 5     Anne Wedgwood (United Kingdom)
Channel 6     Anthony J. Mohr (USA)
Channel 7     Don A. Holbrook (USA)

Jul 5 - Jul 7  
Channel 1     Deb Lewis  (USA)
Channel 2     Ricardo Jose Gonzalez-Rothi (USA)
Channel 3     Jody Sharpe (USA)
Channel 4     Elsie McKenney (USA)
Channel 5     Deborah Wynne (USA)
Channel 6     Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7     Elizabeth A. Carter, PhD (USA)


Don McCauley is a marketing strategist and is the facilitator of the Free Publicity Focus Group, a marketing and publicity firm. He also serves as the host of The Authors Show®.  Danielle Hampson is the Executive Producer of The Authors Show®.


Don McCauley
Free Publicity Focus Group

Danielle Hampson
The Authors Show

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Top Motivational Speaker And Bestselling Author Rocky Romanella On How To Become A World-Class Organization

 Renowned as a keynote speaker, trainer, and Forbes Contributor, Romanella founded 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC. With 40+ years in leadership, he served as CEO and Director at UniTek Global Services after a 36-year UPS career.

Today the Internet has made it possible for any organization to extend their reach across the globe. Doing that however is not the same as attaining world-class status. Becoming a world-class organization requires much more, in the form of an unwavering commitment to a set of standards of excellence. Top motivational speaker and bestselling author Rocky Romanella, in a recently published newsletter article titled “How Do We Become A World-Class Organization?” presented a sharply detailed guide to understanding and implementing those principles. In that article he said in part:

Through our organizational culture is how we become a world-class organization. It is through disciplined people with disciplined thought creating our world-class organization through disciplined action. Let’s talk about these areas in more detail.

1. Disciplined People

A) Level of Professionalism
We use only acceptable language when we engage with our people, customers, and vendors.
We do not tolerate off-color jokes and inappropriate comments. Disparaging comments have no
place in our organization. We are consummate professionals.

B) We Are a Learning Organization
We are constantly working on our business acumen, people skills, and communication skills. We understand the value of learning in all functional areas of our business. We understand finance as the language of business and use it to effectively monitor and improve business performance. We know how to utilize a Balanced Business Scorecard to augment financial planning. We work to become experts in all aspects of business planning, and we lead our management teams in highly effective planning protocols.

C) Investment in Self-Development
We insist that relevant learning takes place at every level. We have a developmental leadership model defined and successfully implemented, and a developmental strategy and process for everyone. Our leadership team knows how to motivate and inspire high-potential individuals and act as a leadership role model, mentor, and coach.

D) Self-Accountability Owner
Understands and “owns” goals. Plans to achieve measurable results and holds themselves accountable to Business Plan requirements. They demonstrate they know and understand their role in the organization’s success.

2. Disciplined Thought

A) Collaborative Team Building
Establishes a climate where team collaboration and effectiveness flourish. Establishes constructive and solid interpersonal relationships and treats others with courtesy, tact, and respect. Works effectively with others, regardless of organizational level, background, gender, race, or ethnicity, and works to resolve disagreements, attempting to persuade others and reach agreements. Finally, supports group decisions when group decisions are appropriate; leads and facilitates team interaction and maintains focus on group goals.

B) Integrity in All We Do
Does what is right for customers, people, shareholders, and stakeholders; role models consistency between their words and actions; lives their word; establishes open, candid, trusting, respectful relationships at all levels; treats all people inside and outside fairly; makes decisions that are effective rather than politically correct.

C) Forward-Looking
Is a visionary thinker with a vision for the business and business units. Maintains a long-term, big-picture view while dealing effectively with the short-term business challenges. Quickly identifies obstacles and opportunities; stimulates breakthrough ideas from the best talent; fosters innovative solutions, resulting in new effective business strategies.

D) Detailed Succession Planning
Empowers employees by giving them the authority to get things accomplished in the most efficient and timely manner. Provides candid and helpful performance feedback to direct reports on a regular basis, both formally and informally. Ensures that performance feedback is an integral part of every supervisor’s/manager’s daily job responsibility. Insists that leaders accept developing subordinates as a major job requirement and has created a history of developing written succession plans and mobilizing company resources to support the plan.

E) Constructively Dissatisfied
Is open to constructive criticism from a 360-degree perspective: boss, subordinates, and peers. Deals effectively with ambiguity and learns from success and failure.

F) Customer-Based Focus on Developing Solutions
Works effectively with both internal and external customers. Knows how to gather and analyze customer data to discover business opportunities, continuously improve customer value, cement customer retention, and develop competitive advantage. Understands how to utilize customer relationships to identify high-potential business opportunities and create innovative products/services that create first-mover advantage.

3. Disciplined Action

A) Balanced Leadership
Manages from a balanced leadership approach, ensuring that the three key constituents—customers, people, and shareholders—are represented in all decisions.

B) Consistent and Timely Communications Across the Enterprise
Creates and communicates a client-driven vision, corporately aligned and engaging with all employees in pursuit of a common goal. Embraces the mission, values, and company ethics in all we do.

C) Compensation and Benefits
Distributes rewards fairly: ensuring that pay, recognition, and other rewards are distributed in a fair manner, with clear guidelines and enforcement of those guidelines.

D) Promotion from Within
Developing people from inside for potential opportunities is all part of a well-defined succession planning process. It starts with the selection and retention of an excellent workforce within an environment that values diversity and respects individuality. It promotes continuous learning and the development of self and others to achieve maximum potential. Through open and authentic feedback, the promotion-from-within process can flourish.

E) Engineer Solutions to Improve Overall Business
Has developed excellent intuitive problem-solving insight supported by proven problem-solving methodology. Has an impressive, documented history of correctly diagnosing complex business problems and creating solutions that deliver acceptable outcomes. Leads others to adopt highly effective problem-solving processes.

F) Celebrate Success
Creates recognition programs that positively affect the behavior of others and motivate them to achieve personal satisfaction and high performance through a sense of purpose and cooperation

With this understanding of how culture is the foundation of a world-class organization, we will also create organizational agility. We will know, respect, and leverage the company culture and assets. It will allow us to lead integrated change within a business and/or business unit to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.

The full text of the piece is available at Romanella's website at in the newsletters section.

Rocky offers a number of resources on his website that offer powerful ideas for leaders at any level - business managers, educators or small group leaders:


Rocky is an official member of Forbes Business Council and a contributor on many different topics. A full list of his Forbes articles is available at


Rocky hosts The Leadership Library Podcast, now in its 8th season. New shows are posted every Tuesday and Thursday morning at

All of us are leaders in some way - parents, educators, athletes, special interest groups large and small, sales teams - the list is endless. Regardless of the role we play, Romanella's concepts, developed under the heading of Balanced Leadership, can be applied to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and results.

Morning coffee is one of the joys of life for many of us. When you add your Cup of Joe to your visit to the Leadership Library podcast, your morning coffee will add an educational, entertaining dose of leadership octane to your day. Past show topics include:

The Feeling Of Trust That Comes From Hope (over 7.5 K views)
Soft Skills For Great Results (over 3.1K views)
Balanced Leadership
Goal Setting
Leaving a Legacy
Personal Values
Performance of a Successful Team
Strategic Vision
Operational Excellence
Strategic Process
Are You A Job Skill Developer
Leadership Roles and Responsibilities
SWOT Analysis
Training and Development

with many more topics available and more on the upcoming schedule.

The podcast is now available at or visit The podcast is also available at Apple Podcasts. More on leadership, building a legacy and many other topics are also available at Romanella's website at


Rocky's book about leadership, Tighten The Lug Nuts: The Principles Of Balanced Leadership recently achieved number 1 bestseller status in both Business Management and Business Leadership.

In 'Tighten the Lug Nuts', Romanella uses his forty-plus years of experience at UPS, and his CEO and Director roles, to explore the ways a true leader can lead any organization and its people to new levels of success.

If you read only one business book this year, this is the book you should read.

Rocky's approach to leadership is unique and highly effective. He believes that great leaders challenge their people not to stop at the first right answer. 'Tighten The Lug Nuts' is a book about leadership that help readers move past that first right answer. It is full of detailed examples that are organized in an educational and entertaining way to form a framework of real-world concepts. The deceptively simple concepts, with powerful “How To Messages“ can be utilized by anyone who holds a leadership position - even parents, educators, and others. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a first-time manager, Tighten The Lug Nut is not only motivational, but also a call to action for those who have yet to make a mark in their field.

The book can also help position an organization for hyper growth coming out of the pandemic, Key concepts detailed in the book will prepare leaders and their teams to hit the ground running as they rapidly refocus and rebuild. Tighten The Lug Nuts is loaded from cover to cover with practical information that can help leaders become more effective, more productive, and more successful. It is not just another "book about leadership."

Tighten The Lug Nuts is available at online book retailers. More information is available at his website at and at

Rocky Romanella has built an entire library of cutting-edge resources, available at his website, to help position ourselves to come out of the pandemic stronger, leaner, faster and to get a jump-start on the Rapid Rebuild process. Those resources include:


Rocky has been doing virtual conferences and training sessions with a keen eye on POST COVID and the Rapid Rebuild of our businesses. He can build a program, live or virtual, for any organization. Topics can include any or all of the 23 Leadership Competencies, concepts from the book, Tighten The Lug Nuts: The Principles Of Balanced Leadership, or any topic that might be appropriate.


Every item on the list will play a vital role during the Rapid Rebuild of our economy, our businesses and our lives. Any or all of them will be appropriate for virtual meetings, talks or presentations.


Over 108 podcasts that take a deep dive into Leadership topics. These can be searched by topic, show name or Leadership Competency.


The video library includes training videos, Balanced Leadership videos, Keynote Speaking videos, Tighten The Lug Nuts videos, interviews videos, Coach's Corner videos and much more.

More on leadership skills, virtual keynotes, training sessions, virtual meetings and conferencing calls, training workshops, strategy sessions and general information on the relaunch of the economy is available at Romanella’s website.


As a special incentive for those who are ready for a Rapid Rebuild, Rocky will be offering meeting calls at no charge for those who purchase 20 or more copies of his 5-star rated book on leadership, 'Tighten The Lug Nuts'. Contact Rocky for details at, and or 610-322-0720 to schedule your session.

With over 4 decades of “boots on the ground” leadership experience, Rocky Romanella is one of the best keynote motivational speakers in the country and internationally. He has spoken in large and small venues all over the US including cities such as Atlanta, San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, NYC, Dallas, Chicago, Miami, Houston, LA, Charlotte, and many others. Internationally, he has presented keynotes in Toronto, Mexico City, Milan, London, and Krakow. He is known for creating excitement through his energy, passion, and knowledge, while employing his talents and experience to motivate, inspire and entertain audiences, regardless of size.

Romanella has garnered praise for his ability to connect to a wide range of audiences with his storytelling ability and innate charisma. Richard Snowden, President of Raven House International said, "An engaging speaker and facilitator, Rocky leads business executives to break-through results through break-through thinking." Conrad Swanson, Sr. VP Agency Development of Arpin Van Lines Inc. stated, "Rocky inspired many to look inward and improve the way they operate their businesses and lead their team members."

A winner of the UPS Chairman’s Award for Excellence, Romanella has created a legacy of motivating teams to achieve their best. He pulls in audiences with real life stories from an illustrious career spanning nearly 40 years at one of the most recognized and admired brands in the world. Rocky brings leadership expertise in supply chain, logistics and transportation, retail, sales and operational excellence strategy, telecommunications engineering/construction management and installation. Having led many company sales efforts, rapidly building brands, restructuring events, and developing a culture needed to integrate past acquisitions, he inspires audiences to create a unified company with one vision.

Rocky Romanella is available for keynote speaking engagements and media interviews. He can be contacted using the information below or by email at Full information on 3SIXTY Management Services, more information on keynote speaking and 'Tighten The Lug Nuts' is available at the company website at

About Rocky Romanella:

Rocky is the Founder and CEO of 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC, a management consulting firm specializing in Executive Speaking, Leadership Development and Consulting Services. He also serves on the board of Goodman Networks, a leading provider of end-to- end network infrastructure, field and professional services to the wireless telecommunications and satellite television industries.

Rocky is an experienced CEO who led one of the largest rebranding initiatives in franchising history – The UPS Store, revolutionizing the $9 billion retail shipping and business services market.

While leading The UPS Store, the network increased retail unit, same-store sales by 5.8%, outpacing the National Retail Federation results of 4.6% during a recession.

Rocky steered UPS’s entry into the health care industry and created the mantra, “It’s a patient, not a package.®”

He also led the integration of more than 20 acquisitions to improve financial performance, capabilities, and global network footprint.

Through his executive roles and leadership advisory services, Rocky delivers results by developing and implementing his Balanced Leadership Model across enterprise operations. This includes a laser focus on customer needs, employee empowerment and the demands of shareholders.

Rocky has the rare ability to see a clear vision of the changing business landscape, the passion to develop strategies, tactics, and metrics to drive desired results.


Rocky Romanella

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Friday, June 28, 2024

Coming Of Age In Baja In The 1960s - Earl Vincent de Berge's Bestselling Biography, A Finger Of Land On An Old Man's Hand, Is Both Compelling And Profound

 'A Finger of Land' by Earl Vincent de Berge is not just a memoir; it is instead a masterful retelling of a journey that unravels the depths of self-discovery and the intricate tapestry of human connection with nature and God.

Coming-of-age stories provide a unique perspective on growth and self-discovery. During that time in our lives, many of us are seeking an identity or our life's purpose—an emotional connection, the meaning of life perhaps. Readers enjoy these types of stories immensely, as they offer a safe space to explore their own fears, dreams, and aspirations. They can provide a roadmap or perhaps give us an insider's view regarding how others have approached those all-important life issues. The enduring appeal of coming-of-age stories offers inspiration to readers of all ages.

While every coming-of-age story is necessarily unique, some stand head and shoulders above the ever-growing crowd. One such book is Earl Vincent de Berge's memoir of exploring Baja during the 1960s. It is a story that is as enlightening as it is engaging.

'A Finger of Land on An Old Man's Hand' immerses readers in four explorers' transformative journey through Baja California in 1962 and 1964, inspired by 'The Forgotten Peninsula' by Joseph Wood Krutch. This riveting narrative transports readers into the untamed landscapes of 1960s Baja, where rugged mountains, lush oases, and harsh deserts collide with the vast ocean. It's a tale that resonates deeply, evoking the longing for youthful adventures many of us harbor.

Through evocative prose and striking, previously unreleased photographs, the book chronicles the explorers' encounters with Baja wildlife, the warmth of frontier families, and the relentless Pacific storms. Against this dramatic backdrop unfolds a saga of profound discovery, resilience, and personal evolution. From encounters with gold prospectors to meetings with reclusive hermits, each character's narrative weaves together thrilling challenges, adventurous escapades, and spiritual growth, offering a compelling testament to the human spirit's capacity for transformation.

“I wrote my “Finger of Land” narrative to record a life-changing adventure and to inspire young and not so young readers interested in learning what exploration of a wilderness desert can teach; about the challenges and rewards in store for those who would pit their brains, skills and physical stamina against an unforgiving wilderness. But more important,” notes de Berge, “the book relates how adventurers, each in their own way, learned to calmly overcome nature’s trials that seemed to await us around every bend in the trail -- if there was a trail. Every experience strengthened our self-confidence, polished our individual survivals skills and deepened our respect for people of a culture new to us. I found myself pausing every day to examine my worldviews relative to everything -- from the environment to the ways in which dirt-poor settlers opened their hearts to the ethic that they are their brother’s keeper."

One reviewer called the book, ". . . a beautifully written, fabulous tale of an incredibly brave and daring journey." ReaderViews, in their 5-star review said, "A Finger of Land on an Old Man’s Hand by Earl Vincent de Berge is the stark, witty, and profound memoir of four college students testing their limits on the Baja Peninsula in the summer of 1962. One could think of this as the classic literary assignment, 'How I Spent My Summer Vacation.' Only to do so would be to grossly underestimate this narrative."

Earl’s adventures in Baja deepened his youthful fascination with the Sonoran Desert and its plants and animals, and inspired him to write collection of charming stories for young readers. The main characters are Big Ears Jack – a huge magician jackrabbit – and other animals, birds and plants of the Sonoran Desert and its coastal regions. “Big Ears Jack and Friends,” will be published this summer.

Earl also published three collections of his poems, “Allegro to Life,” “Swans to Carry Me,” and “Wind in the Elephant Tree,” which touch on nature, human nature, love, desert silence, and life in Guatemala.

All of de Berge's books are available at Amazon and other online book retailers. More information, including an excerpt from the book and a pdf of selected photos with insider details revealing Baja in the 1960s is available at his website at

About Earl Vincent de Berge:

Author Earl Vincent de Berge is an Arizona native, writer, photographer, and poet. With a master’s degree in political science from the University of Arizona, he founded Behavior Research Center, Inc., and created the respected and widely published Rocky Mountain Poll (RMP), of which he was Editor for 35 years. Earl’s photographs, logbooks, and essays reflecting on life experiences serve as foundations for his prose and poetry. He has recently published three collections of his poems, “Allegro to Life,” “Swans to Carry Me,” and “Wind in the Elephant Tree,” which touch on nature, human nature, love, desert silence, and life in Guatemala.

He is currently assembling “The Man Who Ate His Dreams,” a biography of a rags-to-riches businessman, artist, and poet, and a book of young reader stories in which the main characters are animals and birds of the Sonoran Desert and coastal regions of Baja.

Earl and his wife Suzanne split their time between Arizona and Guatemala where they founded the nonprofit Seeds for a Future to help impoverished rural women improve their families’ access to adequate food and nutrition.


Earl Vincent de Berge


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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show® Lineup For The Week Of June 24, 2024

The Authors Show® serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson, Executive Producer of The Authors Show®, have announced The Authors Show® broadcast schedule for the week of June 24, 2024. The new show schedule is available at The Authors Show® site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show® helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show® shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

The Authors Show schedule for the week of June 24, 2024

Jun 24  
Channel 1     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 2     Carolyn Ridder Aspenson (USA)
Channel 3     Martin Klubeck (USA)
Channel 4     John Mahaffey (USA)
Channel 5     Colonel U. S. Army Ret. George A. Milton (USA)
Channel 6     Lisa Fox (USA)
Channel 7     Ian T Gwilliams (United Kingdom)

Jun 25  
Channel 1     Deb Lewis  (USA)
Channel 2     Irv Arenberg (USA)
Channel 3     James Vogelzang (USA)
Channel 4     Richard Trayler (USA)
Channel 5     Richard Trayler (USA)
Channel 6     L.R.W. Lee (USA)
Channel 7     Wytisha Williams (USA)

Jun 26  
Channel 1     Alex Punch Hyde-White (USA)
Channel 2     Ricardo Jose Gonzalez-Rothi (USA)
Channel 3     L. J. Goodman (United Kingdom)
Channel 4     Neill McKee (USA)
Channel 5     Gill Calvin Thomas (United Kingdom)
Channel 6     Matt Armstrong (Australia)
Channel 7     Alfred James Dansbury, Sr. (USA)

Jun 27  
Channel 1     Randy Rolfe (USA)
Channel 2     David Cairns of Finavon (Australia)
Channel 3     Elaine Cougler (Canada)
Channel 4     Elsie McKenney (USA)
Channel 5     Deborah Wynne (USA)
Channel 6     Rosanne D'Ausilio, Ph.D (USA)
Channel 7     Barbara R. Walker, Ph.D. (USA)

Jun 28 - Jun 30  
Channel 1     Ken Parejko (USA)
Channel 2     Leslie Johansen Nack (USA)
Channel 3     Laura Moss White (USA)
Channel 4     Thomas Mark Johnston (United Kingdom)
Channel 5     Gregory K. Mohr (USA)
Channel 6     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 7     Pam Ostrowski (USA) 


Don McCauley is a marketing strategist and is the facilitator of the Free Publicity Focus Group, a marketing and publicity firm. He also serves as the host of The Authors Show®.  Danielle Hampson is the Executive Producer of The Authors Show®.


Don McCauley
Free Publicity Focus Group

Danielle Hampson
The Authors Show

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Historical Fiction Ebook, Aaron’s War, A Gripping Tale Of One Jewish Soldier's Moral Dilemma And Struggles With PTSD During WWII, Available At No Charge June 24 Through June 26, 2024

McMaster deftly weaves WWII in Ukraine, coming of age, antisemitism, forbidden marriage, PTSD, and substance abuse into a masterpiece of a novel that delivers a breathtaking story of love, courage, and sacrifice.

Richard McMaster, author of Aaron's War, has announced the ebook version will be available at no charge at Amazon June 24 through June 26, 2024.

Aaron's War is at once gut-wrenching in its realism and elegant in its simplicity. It is a masterful piece of writing that will likely take its place as one of the best WWII historical fiction novels ever written.

This coming-of-age, historical fiction story is set against the backdrop of World War II. Aaron Vanko, an innocent Iowa farm boy, must wrestle with the ultimate test of humanity that so many veterans have faced: the willingness to kill in the name of duty. Aaron finds himself torn between his allegiance to his country and his personal belief system. Remarkably, just hours before deployment, a shocking revelation rocks his world: he discovers his Jewish heritage, shattering his sense of identity to its core.

Despite his sense of dread, Aaron forges ahead, driven by a profound sense of duty and patriotism. But now he finds he must battle on two fronts - the enemy forces without, sworn to wipe the Jewish race from the face of the earth, and the ethical dilemma within himself.

The ebook will be available June 24 through June 26 at

Readers and reviewers has have praised Aaron's War. USA Today bestselling author Holly Roberts called Aarons War, "A coming of age story that grips your soul and takes you on a thought-provoking journey." Tom Porter, author of All I Need To Know About Business I Learned From A Duck stated, "An engaging, informative and thought-provoking tale of survival, love and faith. Make room for Richard McMaster on your list of up-and-coming authors." Lynn M. Safris said, “The descriptions and details given throughout this author's writing draw the reader into each page, making Aaron's journey feel like their own. I believe this book would appeal to a wide audience of readers. I truly enjoyed reading Aaron's War and I highly recommend this book."

Richard McMaster is also the author of A Love Divided By Time, described as "one part The Notebook, one part suspenseful psychopath story, and one part Somewhere in Time." In that book, Forrest and Allie believed they found love in a previous life and being born again was a game of hide-and-seek to find each other in plain sight, seeking their better halves, united and whole. When tragedy strikes, Forrest makes a pact to find her killer, raise their daughter and find peace by joining her in the ever after.

Richard McMaster is available for media interviews and can be reached at More information is available at his website at All of his books are available at Amazon at

About Richard McMaster:

Richard McMaster is a former health care executive who led three different start-up companies and served on numerous boards. He is an Iowa native who lived in North Idaho for nearly twenty years and now resides in Phoenix, Arizona.

As a young man two career paths diverged, the safe and ready one and the less traveled lonely winding one with an uncertain destination--the writer. He chose the well-worn path and early career success pushed him further along the business path. But the path has now taken him back to the one he wished he had taken.


Richard McMaster

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Trauma Of Aging And The Possibility Of A Full Life Addressed By Dr. Kixx Goldman, Author Of Bestselling Book, Speak From Your Heart And Be Heard

'Speak From Your Heart And Be Heard' contains fictionalized inspiring stories, based on real life and professional experience. The ebook version is a bestseller in the Single Author Short Stories category.

When we think about aging, we don't necessarily think about the trauma that may accompany it for some. Aging can become a disturbing or distressing experience that can evoke a deeply emotional response. The psychological impact of aging is compounded in Western society by its attitudes toward its older members. Youth and vitality are celebrated, often at the expense of honoring the wisdom and experience that come with age.

These attitudes and perceptions can lead to isolation and feelings of loneliness and worthlessness among older adults. In many cases, aging presents a challenge, which may involve physical decline, social neglect and inner turmoil.

Yet, we know that many older adults maintain good health and cognitive functioning. Aging is a diverse process and there are great differences between individuals. Things usually aren't as bleak as many people expect.

Research tells us that there are a great number of artists and musicians who became more creative and generative later in life. People need to know they have opportunities improve their outlook and to shape the process by making good lifestyle choices. These choices include important aspects such as nutrition, physical and intellectual activity, among others.

Referencing the movie "Queen Bees" starring Ellen Burstyn, bestselling author Dr. Kixx Goldman addressed this vitally important issue in a piece posted on her website titled, "Healing My Own Trauma Of Aging". In that piece she said in part:

“If Ellen Burstyn can do it, so can I. And so can Joe Biden.” That’s what I repeated to myself as I watched in awe as this charming Netflix trope of the “Queen Bees” unfolded on our screen.

The story is about Helen, an older, independent widow – played by Ms. Burstyn– who moves temporarily into a senior community while her home is being repaired, with surprising results–including romance with Dan –played by James Caan.

The message of the film is about the possibilities of life in senior years.

In the film, made a few years ago, Ellen Burstyn is an attractive, articulate, fit looking woman in her mid-eighties.

Although I, too, qualify as an aging member of society, I prefer to think of myself, like Ellen’s character, as an energetic and fit ‘superager.’

Hooked and encouraged by this uplifting tale, the film was a great balm for my own traumatic responses which had been in great need of healing, after watching Fareed Zakaria’s CNN show, on October 1st of ’23:

To my great dismay, only two days after she’d been laid to rest, Diane Feinstein’s photo flashed on the screen during Fareed’s Sunday GPS (global public square) show, without so much as a respectful word to honor an accomplished senator who’d contributed so much to our country.

I was appalled when Ms. Feinstein’s photo was followed by Fareed’s question posed to his guests,

“What is it about American politics that’s attracting a kind of Gerontocracy?”

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a big fan of Fareed’s Sunday morning show. His messages raise my awareness of current events and I often agree with his politics and analyses of troubling world situations. Issues are usually carefully considered and explored with fairness and intelligence.

The October 1st show was no exception—at least, up until that segment!

In this unfortunate segment, Fareed’s ‘gerontocracy’ question became a jumping off point for a desultory discussion on the pitfalls of “old folks in politics” and bashing of several of our aging politicians in the US.

When Fareed declared Ms. Feinstein was “not the only person in the US Senate these days who makes you wonder whether they’ll die before they retire. Is America’s leadership so old,” the full flush of fury began to take up residence in my body. I’d been close to hurtling a missive at my TV screen before, but this time, I came the closest.

Before that Sunday show, I’d been reading impressive tributes to Ms. Feinstein, the veteran senator. I’d been delighted to see the recognition for a woman who “worked so tirelessly on behalf of California and all of America.” (Bill Clinton). Throughout her illustrious career, she championed worthwhile causes and fought for what she believed in. Her work made a powerful, positive impact on the lives of so many.

Alas, none of the tributes to Dianne Feinstein were even acknowledged or alluded to in Fareed’s discussion.

My shock at this trashing of our older population led me to the Internet and my exploration of the American Psychological Association’s “take” on our society’s attitudes on aging.

In her cover story on Monitor on Psychology, Author Kirsten Weir reported that, “Psychologists are examining the age discrimination that pervades American culture and helping people to reimagine healthier relationships with their older selves…

Ageism is one of the last socially acceptable prejudices. Psychologists are working to change that.

“From antiaging face creams to wisecracking birthday cards about getting older to “OK, boomer” memes, the message is clear: Being old is something to avoid."

The full text of the piece is available at

In her bestselling book, 'Speak From Your Heart And Be Heard - Stories Of Courage And Healing', Dr. Kixx takes readers on a journey that is an illuminating exploration into intuition, resilience, and emotional honesty. Through a collection of eight realistic but fictional stories, she begins to show us key strategies for navigating life's challenges with courage and authenticity. Every one of the stories serves as a compelling testament to the transformative power of honoring one's own inner voice. The key word here is "own". Every form of trauma is unique to the individual, and thus requires a one-of-a-kind approach. She has a talent that allows her to help guide readers to discover their own paths, without resorting to preaching or promising.

From the struggles of devoted fathers and resilient teachers to the often courageous defiance of therapists and survivors, the characters in "Speak from Your Heart" exemplify the resilience of the human spirit and will. Through these stories, readers are reminded of the inherent strength that lies within each of us, inspiring us to heal and reclaim our power. "Speak from Your Heart" is not just a book—it's a beacon of hope and healing, offering readers real insight for navigating life with grace and resilience.

The eight engaging fictional stories in this collection are personal, drawn from experiences in Dr. Kixx's life and the lives of her clients. The characters are tested by everyday traumas...

• A devoted father and his daughter find hope in rewriting their past.
• With remarkable grit, a teacher escapes a surprise attack.
• To heal his childhood wounds, a man must conquer his fears.
• A therapist defies the establishment to protect her clients.
• As she confronts the church, a therapist regains her standing.
• A woman learns the risks of not speaking out.
• By sharing her story and bonding with peers, a woman overcomes her trauma.

As the characters in these stories find the courage to triumph over their challenges, they heal and grow.

Inspired by real life people, characters show readers how to find the courage to transform difficult and traumatic life experiences, speak their truth and reclaim their power.

'Speak From Your Heart And Be Heard: Stories Of Courage And Healing' has received rave reviews from readers and reviewers. Leslie S. Greenberg, PhD, distinguished Research Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Psychology, York University said, " In each story, the characters' resilience is illustrated by how they transform difficult life stories into constructive final narratives. They find the courage to triumph over challenges to heal and they grow. The message of the book: speaking one's truth makes for desired change and healing."

In her review, Liz Moulden said, "The short stories from Speak From Your Heart And Be Heard have given me a second chance and a voice, the voice I never had. What's exciting about this book is each main character in these short stories experienced some kind of abuse/ trauma but each finds their inner voice. With help, they're able to heal. Anyone who has ever experienced abuse or trauma as I have will be able to see snapshots of themselves in these stories."

In addition, Dr. Goldman offers a treasure trove of related information on her blog. Her articles span topics from diversity to human relations, psychology, single parenting, immigration and children, marriage and family and much more. The blog can be found at her website.

Dr. Kixx Goldman is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at 'Speak From Your Heart And Be Heard' is available at Amazon and other book retailers. More information is available on her website at

About Dr. Kixx Goldman:

Dr. Kixx Goldman is an author, a psychologist, and a coach. Kixx grew up in post-war Seattle. Before following the call of the desert and moving to Arizona, Kixx married a Canadian, lived in Vancouver, and raised three children. During those years, she acted in the local theater. She played the vindictive Abigail in Arthur Miller’s Crucible. It was her most memorable role and a catalyst in her life.

Kixx earned graduate degrees in education and counseling psychology. In her private practice, she helped couples untangle fight cycles and recreate emotional intimacy. She also worked with individuals and families, and taught workshops on personal empowerment and conflict resolution. As a consultant in public schools, she helped students overcome learning problems and develop social skills.


Dr. Kixx Goldman

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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Bestselling Author Jody Sharpe Discusses Animal Rescue And Bullying On Angel Inspirations

As a former teacher of special needs children, Sharpe has direct experience regarding the effect bullying has on children. Her award-winning, bestselling books help readers find hope, inspiration and gratitude.

Bestselling author Jody Sharpe recently took first place in the 2024 National Federation of Press Women's Professional Communication contest at the regional level for one of her novels, ‘Summer of Angels’. This is the fourth NFPW win for her. Previously, ‘20 Moon Road, An Angel’s Tale’ took First Place nationally in the novella category. ‘Town Of Angels Christmas’ placed At Large, as did ‘Special Needs Children, The Angels On My Shoulder’.

Sharpe develops many of her award-winning story lines around a set of core issues – angels, bullying and animals. As a former teacher of special needs children, Sharpe has direct experience regarding the effect bullying has on children. She recently discussed the importance of animal rescue on a piece on her site titled 'Angel Inspirations - Animal Rescue'. Jody sees a direct connection between saving children from bullying and rescuing animals from abuse, as her calls for action against both not only condemn cruelty but also point the way toward healing and resilience. In that piece she wrote in part:

"Bless The Beasts and the Children, one of my favorite songs from the seventies, has a wonderful lyric. 'Keep them safe, keep them warm.' I’ve written many times about protecting our children from man’s inhumanity to man. As of now, bullying is considered almost the norm in politics, dividing people. However, I also feel strongly about the well being of our animal friends. Protecting them from animal abuse has recently driven me to write it as a main theme in my new novel coming soon.

"My husband and I have rescued many animals and continue to advocate for them around the world, whether companions to people or in the wild. They are innocent and vulnerable and the poor way some individuals regard them shows all of us what these people are made of. Animals can’t speak for themselves. Just like we all should share in protecting the children of the world, we are also the animals’ voices of hope. I believe in hope, love and helping those who need our strength and our kindness."

Sharpe's books about angels transcend the realm of escapism. Her books encourage a profound paradigm shift, urging us to gaze through the lens of kindness. She sees beauty amid chaos and compassion amid cruelty. This point of view can shape our perceptions and infuse our daily lives with newfound strength and increased awareness.

Diane Donovan at Midwest Book Review stated, "Do angels come to children with special needs? In Mystic Bay, they do. As the truth emerges about the town's makeup, history, and mission, readers become immersed in a spiritual story of angels and beliefs that drive positive changes and kindness in the world and spread beyond the small town of angels.”

Books by Jody Sharpe include:

To Catch an Angel - Jody is also the author of 'To Catch an Angel', written in memory of her late husband Steve. In 'To Catch an Angel', miracles happen in Mystic Bay, California, the town with the psychic and angel vibe. Angels are calling. Psychic Maggie Malone returns home to find she's swept up in the miracle of it all. She can't imagine why her mother left or who her father might be. But these questions pale in comparison to the wonder of the angels. Maggie meets writer, Noah Greenstreet. They realize they've met before, but where? Maggie and Noah embark on a journey to find our world is all awash with angels.

The Angel's Daughter - A secret lies in Mystic Bay, California, and only two people know it. First, there’s Hannah, a tender curly-headed half-angel. Then there’s her father, Gabe, an effervescent, teddy bear of a full-blooded angel. And it’s up to Hannah to keep the secret safe, but she’s made a colossal mistake telling her ex-boyfriend and writing professor, Sam Blakely. Now he's written a book exposing the secret to the world.

Town Of Angels - Angel vs. Bully in the town of Mystic Bay, California, where a well-kept secret lies. Angels live as humans there. After angels appeared to three children, all was blissful in the town full of psychics, and ordinary folk. But as brute, Klaus Waxman, comes to town, angel Ken Leighton, a storeowner, must carefully guide his flock of humans not to give in to the bully's efforts.As Klaus opens a store mocking the resident angel sightings, angel Ken guides psychic Justine Greer, and her family to thwart his efforts. And with the help of the indomitable oldest psychic in town, Madam Norma, the bully meets his match through the soft voices and intuitive minds of his neighbors.

Special Needs Children, The Angels On My Shoulder is a memoir based on her twenty-five years teaching children with special needs. The book placed second in the National Federation Of Press Women's At-Large Communication contest. The book is as entertaining as it is illuminating. It's a love story about the special students and others who over the years graced her life with just that, their grace.

With hearts of angels and challenges to face, the children took Sharpe along their journeys and inspired her own life's journey of self-discovery. When sorrow came, their kindness helped her through. The synchronicity of events from high school to retirement changed her life for the better, turning her face toward heaven.

Midwest Book Review stated, "Sharpe's ability to see the good in circumstances and people identifies the 'special' in 'special needs' as she delineates her journey through the education system and those teaching and social encounters which changed her perspective and life."

"Teachers (especially those working with special needs kids) will find this spiritual and social reflection easily accessible. It's presented in vignettes which offer small, digestible bites of insight into a world where angels and kindness are present in more than one form."

Special Needs Children followed her recently released children's book about angels, When The Angel Sent Butterflies. The new book helps children understand that love from their parents and others surrounds them. Love conquers fear, and believing that angels are near can help sweep any childhood fear away. This concept is presented in the book when Angel Ken sends Jones and Kate butterflies. The book, appropriate for ages 2 to 7, is now available at Amazon and Ingram.

Her latest book, Summer Of Angels, is a mystery novel. Meteorologist and psychic, Gayle Force proves a force to be reckoned with as she moves back to her beloved Mystic Bay, California. While sleeping, an angel sent her a vision in a dream of a future event. Gayle realizes she must use her intuition to save an old man from drowning. But who is this old man?

With the help of intuitive attorney, Alex Knight, she finds they are caught in the middle of a future crime. But can Gayle and Alex solve the case and save the old man before it’s too late? With surprising twists and turns of intrigue and love, Gayle and Alex find there are angels at the helm as they help prove the bully never wins.

In addition, on the "Tuesdays With The Angels" section of her site, Sharpe presents stories of real-life encounters with angels. The stories are available at Sharpe's website at

Sharpe hopes to create a collection of angel stories that involve sightings of angels, interaction with angels, miraculous angel encounters, and other types of accounts or stories. Everyone is welcome to submit angel stories. All submissions will be considered, but inclusion is not guaranteed. Stories may be submitted at

Sharpe's YouTube channel brings all of this together, offering segments on all of these topics. One topic of special interest is bullying, specifically as it relates to special needs children.

In addition to the National Federation of Press Women’s award, Jody was chosen as a winner in the annual "50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading" Book Awards. She was chosen from a field of hundreds of authors through a public voting process.

Jody also announced recently that two new screen treatments of her books are now available: The Angel's Daughter and Town Of Angels Christmas.

Jody Sharpe is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at Angel stories can be submitted at All of her books are available at online book retailers. New quotes will be added every Tuesday to the "Tuesdays With The Angels" section of her blog, which can be found at her website at


Jody Sharpe had a rewarding career as a Special Education teacher. Writing about angels became healing after losing her daughter and then her husband. The valuable lessons she learned about moving forward and loving life in the now have set her on a mission to tell the stories with love, humor and spiritual awakening. The fictitious town of Mystic Bay has given her an avenue to put characters and themes together hopefully enlightening the reader towards contemplation of the precious life and memories we are given.


Jody Sharpe

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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show® Lineup For The Week Of June 17, 2024

The Authors Show® serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson, Executive Producer of The Authors Show®, have announced The Authors Show® broadcast schedule for the week of June 17, 2024. The new show schedule is available at The Authors Show® site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show® helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show® shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

The Authors Show schedule for the week of June 17, 2024

Jun 17  
Channel 1     Glenn Cooper (USA)
Channel 2     John William Law (USA)
Channel 3     Ronteé Marshall (Barbados)
Channel 4     Jeffrey Marshall (USA)
Channel 5     Nancine Meyer (USA)
Channel 6     Cherika Shields (USA)
Channel 7     Jody Sharpe (USA)

Jun 18  
Channel 1     Larry Lockridge (USA)
Channel 2     Jamey O'Donnell (USA)
Channel 3     Laura Moss White (USA)
Channel 4     Claudette Milner  (USA)
Channel 5     Sylvie Beljanski (USA)
Channel 6     Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7     Don A. Holbrook (USA)

Jun 19  
Channel 1     Mike F Elliott (USA)
Channel 2     Leslie Johansen Nack (USA)
Channel 3     Nicholas Anderson (France)
Channel 4     John Mahaffey (USA)
Channel 5     Sylvie Beljanski (USA)
Channel 6     Anthony J. Mohr (USA)
Channel 7     Elizabeth A. Carter, PhD (USA)

Jun 20  
Channel 1     Gary D Wilson (USA)
Channel 2     Sherrida Woodley (USA)
Channel 3     Jody Sharpe (USA)
Channel 4     M.J. Polelle (USA)
Channel 5     Gregory K. Mohr (USA)
Channel 6     D. Terrence Foster, MD (USA)
Channel 7     Pam Ostrowski (USA)

Jun 21 - Jun 23  
Channel 1     Norman Brewer (USA)
Channel 2     Cherika Shields (USA)
Channel 3     Dante - (USA)
Channel 4     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 5     Jake Kaminski (USA)
Channel 6     D. Terrence Foster, MD (USA)
Channel 7     Jody Sharpe (USA)


Don McCauley is a marketing strategist and is the facilitator of the Free Publicity Focus Group, a marketing and publicity firm. He also serves as the host of The Authors Show®.  Danielle Hampson is the Executive Producer of The Authors Show®.


Don McCauley
Free Publicity Focus Group

Danielle Hampson
The Authors Show

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bestselling Author Dr Barbara Becker Holstein Announces New Interview With Award Winning Children's Book Author Julia Cook On Resilience And Self Esteem

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein is a bestselling author and visionary filmmaker who uses positive psychology concepts to help kids deal with bullying, anxiety, depression, loneliness, school shootings, and social media issues. In the tradition of authors like Judy Blume, Dr. Holstein pushes the envelope in covering the challenges girls really face without sugarcoating it or downplaying the feelings or passions young girls experience.

All of us would agree that growing up has always posed significant challenges, but the modern day environment, particularly for girls grappling with body image, psychological stress, school shootings, lockdowns, anxiety, climate change and cyberbullying is beyond most kids' ability to cope. The traditional roles of parents, grandparents, and educators have been diminished, as many older adults struggle to even begin to comprehend these new realities. This disconnect underscores the need for innovative approaches to support the mental health and resilience of today's youth, ensuring they receive guidance that is both relevant and effective. How can we reach them? And, assuming we can reach them, what should we offer them?

We can't change the world. But we can teach young people coping skills that will serve them.

Resilience, which could be described as the ability to recover from setbacks, adapt well to change, and keep going in the face of adversity, is a cornerstone of mental well-being.

Self-esteem on the other hand is the internal perception of one’s worth and abilities. It is the core of a young person’s emotional health. High self-esteem enables children to approach tasks with confidence, take risks in learning, and engage socially without undue fear of judgment.

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein recently interviewed award-winning author Julia Cook on her Resilence and Self Esteem Podcast. Their conversation was lively, serious and enlightening. Julia is nationally recognized as an award-winning children’s book author and parenting expert. Her books have been referenced in such publications as Parent’s Magazine, The New Yorker, Green Child Magazine, The Huffington Post, The Chicago Tribune,, and She has also been featured on CNN’s HLN News and local news shows in many major metropolitan areas.

Born and raised in Salt Lake City, Julia became actively involved in teaching children how to ski, an experience that led to a love of teaching in general. Her Master’s degree is in Elementary School Counseling. While serving as a professional school counselor, Julia often used children’s books to enhance her classroom lessons.

"The truth is there are tons of children's books written," Dr. Holstein stated. "Why was I so excited to have Julia Cook on my new podcast show: Resilience and Self Esteem? Because Julia as a writer goes way beyond just stories for kids. She understands the psychological stresses that kids are under and weaves those stresses into her books in ways that help the children find the courage to go beyond their own moods and disappointments as they read the books. She teaches them to emotionally fly without needing the sky.

"Likewise there are many other devoted authors who have taught kids to fly as they read one of their books. Judy Blume instantly comes to my mind.In her books she has found ways to engage her girls so they are no longer afraid to face so many of the struggles of coming of age that we all have or will fash.

"I remember my sister saying to me that she couldn't imagine making it to adulthood without Judy Blume. Via Judy's books my sister and millions of other girls got comfortable with their periods, divorce, needing a bra, family life that wasn't perfect and so much more.

"I am so eager to have compassionate authors on my podcast. It is time to share their wisdom again and again. Our girls need our help in so many ways to lessen their stress and improve their mental health. A good book that accepts a girl where she is and helps her move forward is a major source of mental health care. Whether the author studied psychology or not. Just like a delicious meal or a wonderful day out you don't always need credentials. But you do need the right forces to come together.

"Let's make sure we bring the best authors and psychologists and others who have helped kids to the forefront. I can do that via my podcast and others can find their own way of helping our girls.

"I know as a positive psychologist helping a girl can be as simple as getting to know the kids on your block. I remember when I was growing up the lady next door took a pottery class and had made a bunny. She gave it to me out of the blue and I loved that bunny for many years. Being kind and inclusive is easy once you start it. I salute Julia Cook and Judy Blume for their courage to share their writing skills and wisdom with so many children.

The new podcast series is now available at

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein is a visionary psychologist and filmmaker whose unprecedented selfie films have garnered over 200 placements and awards. Her singular vision is to help girls build resilience, self-esteem, and discover their own talents, abilities, and self-worth. Dr. Holstein has spent decades developing tools and techniques to help girls enhance self esteem and resilience. One of those tools, a workbook for girls titled, 'Looking Good, Feeling Good', achieved bestseller status, an honor that many of her other books have achieved. The ebook hit the top of the Teen and Young Adult Self Esteem eBooks.

In this workbook, Each girl is offered an engaging opportunity to develop her creative talents and potential as she processes and better understands the angst of growing up and how it can be successfully handled. She can bring her own talents to her thoughts and responses to the issues presented which will further take her along a road of enhanced resilience and better self esteem. She can share her creative thoughts and answer questions, and even create poetry, start a play, draw a picture, or she can get out her phone and use it as a diary, or a means of sharing ideas about growing up with a friend, her mom or grandma. Or she can actually make selfie films with her phone which can be a great enhancer for self esteem and sharing one's creative talents.

She has also announced the release of a new selfie film series. The new series includes 7 films:

Self Esteem And Resilience Series - Video 1. The Truth - A Short Film
A young girl shares her diary - falling in love, hating her mother, hating her parents fighting, being afraid to grow up, being upset that they may move, loving the locket her aunt gives her and feeling loved in ways by her aunt that her parents can't seem to muster, wishing the boy she is in love with would grow taller, confronting her disappointment that she has no relationship with him, sharing her glee at having a best friend and confiding in each other, coming to terms with growing up, letting go of her first love, getting ready to move and more.

Self Esteem And Resilience Series - Video 2. Falling In Love - A Coming Of Age Selfie Film
A young teen talks to 'you' via Selfies on her smart phone. In these conversations the girl shares her loneliness moving, losing her best friend, her beginning friendships with new kids, and her realization that she has fallen in love again.

Self Esteem And Resilience Series - Video 3. Secrets - A Coming Of Age Selfie Film
Based on Secrets, Diary of a Gutsy Tween, this 10 minute film takes the audience on the complicated roller coaster ride of being 13. The 'girl' hates her parents, falls in love, has puberty and body concerns, realizes that secrets matter and finds herself in a miserable accidental situation. But all ends on an upbeat note with the girl realizing she is most in touch with happiness and a sense of joy when she is being true to herself.

Self Esteem And Resilience Series - Video 4. Conflict And A Bit Of Magic - A Coming Of Age Selfie Film
The 'Girl' is traumatized by being ditched by a boyfriend, a bully, alcohol and kids taking drugs. Who can understand and help her? Maybe her aunt, who she gets to visit. A seance with a Medium in which the 'girl's' great-grandmother comes through gives her the courage she needs to ask her mom questions and in turn to learn some family secrets.

Esteem And Resilience Series - Video 5. The Medium - A Coming Of Age Selfie Film
The girl, unhappy, goes to visit a favorite aunt who takes her to see a medium. The girl's great grandmother is channeled in and changes happen for the better. Was this real of a set-up? Does that matter?

Self Esteem And Resilience Series - Video 6. Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction - A Coming Of Age Selfie Film
Two traumatic events structure the 'Girl's' high school year: a lockdown and a family secret. She is shocked yet manages to recover and to understand the importance and value of family and the complexity of truth.

Self Esteem And Resilience Series - Video 7. Lockdown
Three teens find themselves in the girls' bathroom during a lock down in school. Each respond emotionally differently. All are affected.

All the films are available at, and on the Roku channel, The Enchanted Self Presents.

Dr. Holstein hopes to bring parents, teachers, librarians, grandparents and media together to accomplish one goal: Change in the lives of young people who suffer from anxiety and a growing sense of hopelessness and despair.

Dr. Holstein wraps Positive Psychology concepts in forms of media that young people find engaging, relatable and inspiring. These include:

Five bestselling, award-winning books (perfect for school libraries)

Five self-esteem workbooks for girls 8 and up

Award-winning films and coming of age selfie films


Dedicated websites

Stage plays

A library of articles

Ted-style talks

As a school psychologist and in her private practice, Dr. Holstein has worked with many children and parents, helping them to develop life skills in decision-making, recognition of their own talents, feel more courageous, and helping both kids and parents develop more successful inter-generational skills. Her last book, ‘Conflict and a Bit of Magic’, helps kids build self-esteem though reading the journal of a girl, identifying with the girl, and understanding they have more courage and resiliency than they thought they had. The book is based on the experiences of the already famous “girl” from 'The Truth, Diary of a Gutsy Tween' and 'Secrets, Diary of a Gutsy Teen', and achieved bestseller status in the multi-generational families category.

Dr. Holstein’s workbook for kids, ‘Secrets’ also achieved bestseller status in the ‘Teen & Young Adult Nonfiction on Depression’ category.

Dr. Holstein's cutting-edge presentations, most recently based on the Covid-19 pandemic issues, can be found on both YouTube, Vimeo and on the Roku channel and Amazon Fire TV, titled as 'The Enchanted Self Presents'.

Dr. Holstein is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at information about the Selfie Showcase is available at Selfie videos and selfie films can be uploaded at the site. Potential podcast guests can contact Dr. Holstein by email. More information is available at her primary website at


Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, internationally known Positive Psychologist is the creator of The Enchanted Self ®, a positive psychology method for happiness and a pioneer in Selfies as Film. Dr. Holstein's Enchanted Self website was included as one of the best websites in positive psychology. She is in private practice in Long Branch, New Jersey with her husband, Dr. Russell M. Holstein.

Dr. Barbara can be found on the web, interviewed, writing articles and posting video 'TED' style talks on Happiness, Positive Psychology, Relationships and Parenting. Her Roku channel is: The Enchanted Self Presents.

She has been a contributor to Your Tango, Heart and Soul, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Honey Good, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Redbook, Real Simple, Women’s World, The Wall Street Journal,, Time online, Readers Digest, Parade, the Today Show and Family Circle Magazine.


Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
170 Morris Ave.,
Long Branch, New Jersey 07740

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Award-winning Author Mark D. Walker Announces Bestseller Status For His New Travel E-Book, The Guatemala Reader

 Walker is the author of several award-winning articles and books. His second book, My Saddest Pleasures: 50 Years on the Road, was recognized by the Peace Corps Writers for Best Travel Writing. The Guatemala Reader debuted as a #1 New Release on Amazon.

Bestselling travel writer Mark D. Walker has announced that his latest travel e-book, The Guatemala Reader: Extraordinary Lives and Amazing Stories, has achieved bestseller status in the Guatemala History and the Guatemala Travel Guides categories.

A graduate of the Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of Texas in Austin with over a half-century of study and writing about Guatemala, Walker delves into the extraordinary lives and stories of its people. At a time when Guatemala faces a crisis of democracy and persistent turmoil along its borders, understanding these human realities is more crucial than ever.

Guatemala attracts several million tourists per year, with visits often beginning in Central America's largest city before venturing to ancient Mayan ruins and contemporary Maya villages. Over the years, Walker has journeyed to remote areas of Guatemala that remain unseen, even by most Guatemalans. Through his personal encounters with ordinary Guatemalans and his profiles of local Mayan leaders, advocates, writers, and poets, he offers a profound appreciation and nuanced understanding of this vibrant country.

Maps, graphs, fact sheets, and photos support 18 stories to provide insights into the inner workings of Guatemalan society, starting with stories seen through literary and biographical prisms.

The reader can also tap into the "Yin and Yang of Travel Series," which transports the reader to the far-off reaches of the country and includes some of his "saddest pleasures"- horrendous journeys that "gave him eyes." The remaining stories focus on contemporary Guatemala, from the impact of the Peace Corps over the last 60 years to the dynamics leading to the ongoing immigration crisis, ending with an insightful overview of Guatemala's political, cultural, and economic life with a new section at the end about how individuals can make a difference through their actions and philanthropy.

"Join me on an epic journey through our fascinating, yet often misunderstood Central American neighbor," Walker stated. "After studying and writing about Guatemala for fifty years, I've focused this book on some of the country's extraordinary people and their amazing stories. Given the crisis of democracy in Guatemala and the continued turmoil on our border, this is the time to understand the human realities better and take action to secure a more promising future."

The new travel book has received rave reviews from readers and reviewers. One 5-star reviewer called the book "A treasure trove of things Guatemalan." Another said, "I recommend this book to anyone who seeks a humanistic view of the country and its people not gained except through intimate contact."

Bob Graham, Author of 50-50 at 50 and Founder of the Katalysis Partnership and Namaste Direct, said, "As a 50+ year student of all things Guatemalan, I can enthusiastically say the book is a modern-day classic."

Joe Lurie, Emeritus Executive Director of UC Berkeley's International House, stated, "The Guatemala Reader offers inspiring escape hatches from misleading, oversimplified stereotypes and opens the possibility for enriching personal and humane engagement. As a former Peace Corps volunteer, like Mark, I see his book as an important and increasingly relevant and fulfilling contribution to the Third Goal of The Peace Corps –“ 'To help promote a better understanding of other peoples among Americans."

Professor of English Literature at the University of New Mexico, Stephen Benz, said, "The Guatemala Reader is brimming with wisdom, insight, and compassion. Mark D. Walker is the ideal guide for those looking for a deeper understanding of the issues confronting Guatemala and Central America."

In his second book, My Saddest of Pleasures: 50 Years on the Road, he describes how as a young Peace Corps Volunteer with no overseas travel experience, the world was his oyster, and he figured he could go anywhere if he set his mind to it—with little or no money. Then he married a Guatemalan lady and had to think more about "our" needs; three children meant additional requirements and responsibilities. Later, as a professional fundraiser, he set up donor visits to program areas where the organizations he represented needed funds. This meant considering the needs of up to fifteen individuals of all ages, including children and some donors in their 70s and 80s. He's become a savvier trekker, although he was still prone to the occasional snafu. The book is part of the "Yin & Yang of Travel" Series."

His first book, a memoir, Different Latitudes: My Life in the Peace Corps and Beyond, was recognized by the Arizona Literary Association for Non-Fiction. More than 20 of his articles were published in journals, including Ragazine, Literary Yard, Literary Travelers, Quail Bell, and WorldView Magazines. He is a contributing writer for Revue Magazine, Literary Traveler and the Wanderlust Journal. He has a column in the Arizona Authors Association newsletter, "The Million Mile Walker Review, What We’re Reading and Why." His reviews can also be found on the Midwest Review Book Shelf, GoodReads and his website. "Hugs not Walls, Returning the Children" was an essay winner for the Arizona Authors Association 2020 Annual Literary Awards. Another article from his "Yin & Yang of Travel" series, which is also included in his new book, was recognized in the Solas Literary Awards for Best Travel Writing.

Mark D. Walker is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at His books are available at his website and online book outlets. More information is available at his website:

About Mark D. Walker:

Walker was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Guatemala and spent over forty years helping disadvantaged people in the developing world with groups like Make A Wish International, MAP International, and HAGAR USA, where he was the CEO. Walker's three books are Different Latitudes: My Life in the Peace Corps and Beyond, My Saddest Pleasures: 50 Years on the Road and The Guatemala Reader: Extraordinary Lives and Amazing Stories.  He's written 80 book reviews, and of his 30 published essays, two were recognized by the Solas Awards for Best Travel Writing. He's a contributing writer for "The Wanderlust Journal" and "Literary Traveler." His column, "The Million Mile Walker Review: What We're Reading and Why," is part of the Arizona Authors Association newsletter. His honors include the "Service Above Self" award from Rotary International. He's a Board member of Advance Guatemala and the Arizona Authors Association. His wife and three children were born in Guatemala. You can learn more at



Mark D. Walker

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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show® Lineup For The Week Of June 10, 2024

The Authors Show® serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson, Executive Producer of The Authors Show®, have announced The Authors Show® broadcast schedule for the week of June 10, 2024. The new show schedule is available at The Authors Show® site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show® helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show® shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

The Authors Show schedule for the week of June 10, 2024

Jun 10  
Channel 1     Deb Lewis  (USA)
Channel 2     Irv Arenberg (USA)
Channel 3     L. J. Goodman (United Kingdom)
Channel 4     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 5     Deborah Wynne (USA)
Channel 6     Paul Zarou (USA)
Channel 7     Alfred James Dansbury, Sr. (USA)

Jun 11  
Channel 1     Ken Parejko (USA)
Channel 2     Ricardo Jose Gonzalez-Rothi (USA)
Channel 3     Dante - (USA)
Channel 4     Thomas Mark Johnston (United Kingdom)
Channel 5     A.L. Tayler (United Kingdom)
Channel 6     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 7     Barbara R. Walker, Ph.D. (USA)

Jun 12  
Channel 1     Randy Rolfe (USA)
Channel 2     David Cairns of Finavon (Australia)
Channel 3     Elaine Cougler (Canada)
Channel 4     Barry Finlay (Canada)
Channel 5     Jake Kaminski (USA)
Channel 6     Lee Adam (United Kingdom)
Channel 7     Bill Humbert (USA)

Jun 13  
Channel 1     Kass Ghayouri (Canada)
Channel 2     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 3     Peter Riva (USA)
Channel 4     Christina Weigand (USA)
Channel 5     Anne Wedgwood (United Kingdom)
Channel 6     Jaqueline H. Becker, Ph.D. (USA)
Channel 7     S.G. Blaise (USA)

Jun 14 - Jun 16  
Channel 1     Kathy J Forti (USA)
Channel 2     Lisa Marie Shankles (USA)
Channel 3     Tom Madden (USA)
Channel 4     Dr. Kixx Goldman (USA)
Channel 5     Fish Nealman (USA)
Channel 6     Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7     Grace Blair (USA)


Don McCauley is a marketing strategist and is the facilitator of the Free Publicity Focus Group, a marketing and publicity firm. He also serves as the host of The Authors Show®.  Danielle Hampson is the Executive Producer of The Authors Show®.


Don McCauley
Free Publicity Focus Group

Danielle Hampson
The Authors Show

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A Chilling Vision Of An Armed Insurrection In The US: Norman Brewer's Spellbinding Political Thriller 'January 6: A Novel' Explores America's Darkest Nightmare

Midwest Book Review "unreservedly" recommends 'January 6: A Novel,' calling it "essential reading."

It goes without saying that most of us were mesmerized, riveted to our screens on January 6, 2021, as the U.S. Capitol fell under siege by extremists determined to keep a former president in power. They were not successful. The seldom-used term "insurrection" has since become part of our lexicon. While most of us understand what "insurrection" means at the surface level, few truly grasp its profound ramifications. A successful insurrection in the United States would not only disrupt governmental functions but also pose a dire threat to democratic institutions, ignite civil unrest, destabilize the economy, encourage domestic terrorism, and potentially lead to the imposition of martial law. It did not happen. But what if? That is the subject of Norman Brewer's stunning political thriller 'January 6: A Novel'.

Who better to present a dire warning via an engrossing political novel than a former award-winning Washington journalist? Ron Cohen, former managing editor of UPI, said, "Journalist/novelist Norm Brewer has masterfully combined both those skills in a cracklingly good narrative of the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. His terrorists might be fictional characters, but he has so skillfully woven them into the horrors of that day you will feel like you've known them all your life."

In Brewer's masterful political tale, democracy is assaulted when the President’s rally morphs into a mob and storms the Capitol. Right-wing extremists take the House Speaker hostage, force a horrific standoff, and unleash terrorist attacks nationwide. The President weighs declaring martial law to restore order – and justify refusing to leave office.

In their review, Midwest Book Review stated, "Although a work of fiction, 'January 6: A Novel' provides genuine and vivid insider glimpses of what might come next in 2024 in real life. All kingdoms, empires, and nations throughout history have risen, flourished, and then fallen. America may not be an exception. Following a disputed election in 2020 and the possibility of an insurrectionist political candidate being once more defeated at the polls, the very real possibility of what is described in 'January 6: A Novel' makes it an unreservedly recommended addition to community and college/university library collections – and essential reading for those with interest in politics, terrorism, freedom, and the future of the United States of America."

"I wrote the book to entertain and warn that our democracy is in greater danger today than it was on Jan. 6, 2021," Brewer stated. "Then, Donald Trump was on his way out. If elected again, he’ll have years to destroy his foes and gather the power needed to realize his autocratic ambitions.”

Readers and reviewers alike have praised 'January 6'. Retired Army Maj. Gen. Mari Eder said, "Everyone who watched the events of January 6th unfold live on television that day in Washington knows how close this country came to total calamity. Norman Brewer's take on the events of that day is fiction, but only barely so. It will enthrall, frighten, and draw in the reader to feel as though they are inside the events of the day and leave them gasping with the awareness of what might well have been."

G. J. Meyer, New York Times bestselling author of 'A World Undone,' stated, "Drawing on skills honed as a Washington journalist, building on his exhaustive knowledge of what happened at the Capitol on that horrendous January day, Norman Brewer spins an all-too-plausible tale showing how easily events could have followed a worse course, with consequences even more ominous for the future of our democracy. The result is a great read and a work of genuine value."

'January 6: A Novel' is book 3 in the Anti-Hero Rebellions series. Book 1, 'Blending In: A Tale of Homegrown Terrorism,' introduces Stickman and Maple, homegrown terrorists hell-bent on bringing down the government. They break the mold of terrorists being social misfits, extremists seeking martyrdom. Stickman and Maple are trained and disciplined. They hold down jobs. They blend in. They could be your next-door neighbors.

Except for being hell-bent on upending government, these anti-heroes launch murderous attacks on “soft” targets – a press conference in DC, an iconic mall in the Heartland. Hundreds die. Fear grips the nation. Other extremists join their horrific crusade.

In Book 2, 'Killer Politics: A Satirical Tale of Homegrown Terrorism,' a Trump-like president inspires a white supremacist to launch attacks on innocents in a ruthless bid to incite civil war – and defend the "American way of life." Hoss, the supremacist, teams up with a "Most Wanted" terrorist to attack a rock concert, contaminate the food supply, destroy a reservoir, and flood homeowners living downstream. People die. Fear mounts. A rogue FBI agent is in hot pursuit.

Razor-edged satire, aimed at a so-called President Tower, is "keen and stinging," one reviewer said.

Norman Brewer was interviewed on The Authors Show. His interview can be accessed at He is available for media interviews and can be reached by email at All of the books in the Anti-Hero Rebellions series are available in paperback and ebook versions at Amazon and other book retailers. 'January 6: A Novel' is also available at Amazon in audiobook format.

About Norman Brewer:

Norman Brewer is an award-winning reporter and editor who worked for The Des Moines Register and Tribune and for Gannett News Service in Washington, D.C. As a reporter, he covered Congress, the White House, and federal agencies, and pursued investigative projects that earned recognition, including from the National Press Club. He was also Director of Employee Communications at the U.S. Transportation Security Administration.

His experience has given him a powerful perspective regarding the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the Capitol, domestic terrorism, and the political landscape. Exposure to terrorism issues helped shape 'January 6: A Novel' as well as two earlier novels, 'Blending In: A Tale of Homegrown Terrorism,' and 'Killer Politics: A Satirical Tale of Homegrown Terrorism.' 'Killer Politics' can be read as a stand-alone book or as a sequel to 'Blending In.'

Brewer lives in Portland, Ore.


Norman Brewer

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