Sunday, March 23, 2025

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show® Lineup For The Week Of March 24, 2025

The Authors Show® serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley has announced The Authors Show® broadcast schedule for the week of March 24, 2025. The new show schedule is available at The Authors Show® site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show® helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show® shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

The Authors Show schedule for the week of March 24, 2025

Mar 24  
Channel 1     Don Baldwin (Ireland)
Channel 2     Cynthia A. King (USA)
Channel 3     L. D. Wenzel (Norway)
Channel 4     Michael Jai Grant (USA)
Channel 5     Fish Nealman (USA)
Channel 6     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 7     Grace Blair (USA)

Mar 25  
Channel 1     Larry Lockridge (USA)
Channel 2     B.D. Lawrence (USA)
Channel 3     Sharman Apt Russell (USA)
Channel 4     Elsie McKenney (USA)
Channel 5     Lisa Norman M.D. (USA)
Channel 6     Anthony J. Mohr (USA)
Channel 7     S.G. Blaise (USA)

Mar 26  
Channel 1     Norman Brewer (USA)
Channel 2     Amy Mackin (USA)
Channel 3     Karina Fabian (USA)
Channel 4     Jeffrey Marshall (USA)
Channel 5     Penny Orloff (USA)
Channel 6     Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7     Wytisha Williams (USA)

Mar 27  
Channel 1     Douglas Norman (USA)
Channel 2     Ricardo Jose Gonzalez-Rothi (USA)
Channel 3     Craig Snyder (USA)
Channel 4     M.J. Polelle (USA)
Channel 5     Ettie Zilber (USA)
Channel 6     Alphonsus Obayuwana, MD, PhD, CPC (USA)
Channel 7     Bill Yarborough (USA)

Mar 28 - Mar 30  
Channel 1     Eleanor Lawrie (Canada)
Channel 2     Jody Sharpe (USA)
Channel 3     Elaine Cougler (Canada)
Channel 4     Tomeko Brown (USA)
Channel 5     Joseph Ganci (USA)
Channel 6     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 7     Elizabeth A. Carter, PhD (USA)


The Authors Show® is a professional interview podcast created in 2005 that offers participants multiple benefits that authors who are serious about marketing their work need to consider, especially inasmuch as these benefits have long lasting effects. The Authors Show broadcasts interviews on multiple channels, each featuring one individual author for a full 24hrs Monday through Thursday, and 3-day weekends, Friday through Sunday.


Don McCauley
The Authors Show®



"Trump's Economic Policies Are Utterly Destructive" Says Elizabeth Graham, Author Of From Democracy To Democrazy, Available In eBook Format At No Charge On March 26, 2025 At Amazon

 Kirkus Professional Book Reviewers said: "Graham's new book is an intriguing and informative ‘must read’ from a woman who is probably the best-informed American on the terrifying realities concerning Vladimir Putin's motivations and his control over Trump. It is a warning to all Americans."

Elizabeth Graham, author of the bestselling ebook, 'From Democracy to Democrazy', has announced the ebook version of the book will be available at no charge on March 26, 2025 at Amazon at

Elizabeth Graham had a Top-Secret Security Clearance while a senior in high school, and immediately upon graduation began working undercover with the CIA. She later joined the SAIC's Foreign Systems Research Center (FSRC) for 12 years. Eight of these years were spent studying Russia and Russian, and she managed the largest Russian-language military, technical and intelligence library in the U.S. She began to travel to the Soviet Union and then became one of the very few Americans to move to the USSR. She lived under Communism in the Soviet Union, then Russia, and Central Asia long enough to become bi-cultural - she became Russian. Her first-hand knowledge and understanding of life in a communist or dictatorship country is shared with Americans in her book and in her Substack by the same name ( She believes the U.S. is headed for a cataclysm – a disaster. In a recent article, she wrote in part:

Trump is the bankruptcy king. The Trump Taj Mahal failed just one year after opening due to poor financial decisions and mammoth debt. His Castle and Trump Plaza suffered the same death. A few years later (2004), Trump hotels and casino resorts filed a Chapter 11, and in 2009 so did the Trump Entertainment Resorts. His list of crimes associated with his bankruptcies and real estate including: (1) he didn’t pay the people who did the work, and (2) racial discrimination in renting practices.

The Trump graveyard of business ventures include: (1) Trump University, (2) Trump Steaks, (3) Trump Vodka, (4) Trump Airlines, and (5) His Trump Foundation was found to be his personal piggy bank, just like his requests asking Trump followers for donations which he used to pay his personal attorneys to keep him out of prison. His convicted crimes include massive business fraud, 34 felony counts, and he is now legally labeled a sexual predator. He has proved without a doubt that he is a business failure, a con man, and a criminal. His un-convicted crime – yet to be conclusive is his relationship with Russia.  Why, then,  do millions of Americans not see the truth about Mr. Trump?

A stated goal of Mr. Trump’s administration’s trade policy is “to bring back jobs to America.” (The Washington Post, 10/25/2016) HE LIED. Since taking office in January 2025, DOGE has laid off over 274,900 Americans, and this does NOT account for the 83% of the USAID programs which have been closed. (FORBES, Sara Dorn and Molly Bohannon, March 18, 2025) By cutting USAID contracts, American farmers lost $2 billion in subsidized crop support for the USAID food program that fed the poor worldwide. We promised to help these people, and we failed them.  Now, numerous children around the world are starving to death and women are again dying during childbirth.

When our government imposes a tariff (a tax on imported goods), that money comes from somewhere. Those hit by this tax are (1) the exporter in the foreign country, but also the (2) importing company in the U.S. as well as the (3) consumer – YOU AND ME. Even more importantly, those exporting countries – who were our allies, no longer consider us bedfellows – so international trade as well as cooperation is disrupted and/or destroyed.

He is turning allies into enemies.

“As President Trump imposes tariffs on products from countries around the world, foreign governments are answering back with tariffs of their own. China has targeted corn farmers and carmakers. Canada has put tariffs on poultry plants and air-conditioning manufacturers, while Europe will hit American steel mills and slaughterhouses.” (NYT, 3/17/2025) And instead of sourcing the U.S. for corn or other agricultural products, some European countries and even China are now looking at South American countries as a source of products previously traded with America.

The New York Times article on March 19, 2025, states, “The retaliatory tariffs are an attempt to put pressure on the president to relent. And they have been carefully designed to hit Mr. Trump where it hurts: nearly 8 million Americans work in industries targeted by the levies and the majority are/were Trump voters. . . Mr. Trump has argued that tariffs will help boost American jobs. But economists - those with far more economic education and experience than Trump - say that retaliatory tariffs can cancel that effect. (Ibid)

The countermeasures are aimed at industries that employ 7.75 million people across the United States. The bulk of those — 4.48 million — are in counties that voted for Mr. Trump in the last election, according to calculations by The New York Times.

The full text of the piece is available at

Ms. Graham went on to say, "We are trying to get one million Americans or others around the world to file a complaint with the International Criminal Court in Helsinki, Finland. You can file anonymously.  Both Musk and Trump knew that people would die when they closed USAID. Parts of Africa are now facing a genocide because of their actions.  This is a "crime against humanity." Please help and send out this message to others. Read the following for more information:"

All of this information and much more is available in Graham's book, 'From Democracy To Democrazy: A Warning To All Americans', now available at Amazon at The bestselling ebook version will be available at no charge March 26, 2025. More information is available at her website at

About Elizabeth Graham:

Elizabeth Graham lives in a quiet rural city in northern Arizona. She had 4 children and has 3 grandchildren. Her oldest daughter died July 16, 2016 - three months before the U.S. 2016 election and while living/working in Japan. The Tokyo Police ruled her death a homicide by an unknown substance – possibly a poison - which is the signature lethal method used by Russians. There is more about her death in From Democracy to Democrazy.

Elizabeth was indoctrinated at a young age by her father who was a senior manager working undercover with the CIA. Her college days were in Los Angeles with the desire to become a high school teacher. However, she was destined to study Russia, Russian language, and live a life of Top-Secret clearances and undercover work. This led to senior nonprofit management positions and consulting jobs in strategic places like Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia, all the former Soviet countries (15 countries including the Baltics, Central Asia, and Ukraine), Pakistan, Afghanistan, and many other locations. In this process of living and working abroad, she became bi-cultural - American to Russian and back – only to find that her birth country was in the process of losing its democracy and becoming a dictatorship.


Elizabeth Graham

Top Motivational Speaker Rocky Romanella Discusses How 'What If' Visionaries Combine Traditional Values With Vision To Become The Architects Of Their Destiny

Renowned as a keynote speaker, trainer, and Forbes Contributor, Romanella founded 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC. With 40+ years in leadership, he served as CEO and Director at UniTek Global Services after a 36-year UPS career.

Strategic planning is a core component of any business strategy. A multitude of factors, all equally important, enter into this equation and many of us are quite good at putting together solid business plans. Strategic thinking on the other hand is a different skill altogether, requiring the ability to envision future trends and possibilities. Top motivational speaker Rocky Romanella recently published an article titled, "Are You A 'What If' Visionary" in which he discussed the importance of this visionary approach and how this builds a bridge to the future. In that article he stated in part:

Over the past 9 months I have had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with some incredible people and companies. Businesses of all sizes, that have great people, wonderful technology and energy and enthusiasm for growth.

Many of these companies are in traditional businesses. All possess two things in common, they all have core values that are traditional and a vision that is exciting and new! I will call them the “WHAT IF VISIONARIES.”

They are the people who believe that someone is going to be the best at what they do, why not us? They are the architects of their own destinies and believe you should never allow anyone to affect you more than you can affect yourself.

I have had the opportunity to partner with them on strategies, create training workshops and deliver keynotes where we inspired each other.

It caused me to examine some of the paradigms, wise tales, and urban legends I grew up with. Here are two that I think the “what If visionaries” would not accept!

The first is one we have all heard and probably used. Does this sound familiar?

The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.

While this may work with Wall Street investors who like consistency in expectations, it can be harmful in many ways as a leader. Let us look at it from a few perspectives.

1. People: you may stick too long with a person who needs a change of job or scenery. It may be time for a new position but because they are the person you know, no change is made, you stick with the status quo, the safe bet. The real casualty is the value you place on variety of thought and the encouragement of a wide range of viewpoints among team members to avoid group thinking. It hinders your ability to create more impactful solutions and opportunities for advancement.

2. Business: sticking with the devil you know does not allow you to identify and successfully generate new products, markets, and geographic growth opportunities. It stifles you from continually searching for ways to add value and to position the organization for future success.

3. You will always stop at the first answer. The “What if Visionaries” look past the first right answer to create breakthrough, first to market answers!

Another one is:

It is not the plan that is important, it is the planning.

1. If you focus on the planning process (the activity of planning) only and not the desired outcome and how to accomplish the desired outcomes, along with the key metrics, this leads to an organization with a poor plan and poor results but with some great planning meetings.

2. It brings into question the business acumen of the leader. Do they understand and have experience in all functional areas of their business? Do they understand finance as the language of business and use it to effectively monitor and improve business performance and do they know how to utilize a Balanced Business Scorecard to augment financial planning?

3. They should be credible with the investor community and all other stakeholders as they are building the plan. Finally, they need to become an expert in all aspects of business planning and lead the management team in highly effective planning protocols.

Working with the “what if visionaries” is motivating, empowering and creates great energy and enthusiasm inside an organization. The change in thinking for them is questions like:

• What if we viewed our people as our greatest asset?
• What if we aspired to have the best, the brightest, most informed, and best people in our industry?
• What if our processes created our quality results?
• What if we are a technology company that happens to make “X” product or “Y” services?
• Are we the sum of many little things done well?
• What does good look like?

The list can go on and on. But for me one thing is clear, the “What If Visionaries” are the next generation of business leaders who will be the Architects Of Their Own Destiny!

These are the people I want to work with, consult with, train with, strategize with and speak with, because they see things differently and challenge themselves not to stop at the first right answer.

"What if Visionaries" embrace and understand that leadership is about building a bridge to the future. Success will be measured by the degree to which you give your people the opportunity to help build that bridge by communicating and educating each one of them on the vision and strategy.

The full text of the piece is available at Romanella's website at in the newsletters section.

Romanella's bestselling book on Balanced Leadership, Tighten The Lugs Nuts, took First Place in the Business genre in The Authors Show® 2024 Book Cover contest. Results of the contest can be viewed at

Rocky offers a number of resources on his website that offer powerful ideas for leaders at any level - business managers, educators or small group leaders:


Rocky is an official member of Forbes Business Council and a contributor on many different topics. A full list of his Forbes articles is available at


Rocky hosts The Leadership Library Podcast, now in its 8h season. New shows are posted every Tuesday and Thursday morning at

All of us are leaders in some way - parents, educators, athletes, special interest groups large and small, sales teams - the list is endless. Regardless of the role we play, Romanella's concepts, developed under the heading of Balanced Leadership, can be applied to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and results.

Morning coffee is one of the joys of life for many of us. When you add your Cup of Joe to your visit to the Leadership Library podcast, your morning coffee will add an educational, entertaining dose of leadership octane to your day. Past show topics include:

The Feeling Of Trust That Comes From Hope (over 7.5 K views)
Soft Skills For Great Results (over 3.1K views)
Balanced Leadership
Goal Setting
Leaving a Legacy
Personal Values
Performance of a Successful Team
Strategic Vision
Operational Excellence
Strategic Process
Are You A Job Skill Developer
Leadership Roles and Responsibilities
SWOT Analysis
Training and Development

with many more topics available and more on the upcoming schedule.

The podcast is now available at or visit The podcast is also available at Apple Podcasts. More on leadership, building a legacy and many other topics are also available at Romanella's website at


Rocky's book about leadership, 'Tighten The Lug Nuts: The Principles Of Balanced Leadership' recently achieved number 1 bestseller status in both Business Management and Business Leadership.

In 'Tighten the Lug Nuts', Romanella uses his forty-plus years of experience at UPS, and his CEO and Director roles, to explore the ways a true leader can lead any organization and its people to new levels of success.

If you read only one business book this year, this is the book you should read.

Rocky's approach to leadership is unique and highly effective. He believes that great leaders challenge their people not to stop at the first right answer. 'Tighten The Lug Nuts' is a book about leadership that help readers move past that first right answer. It is full of detailed examples that are organized in an educational and entertaining way to form a framework of real-world concepts. The deceptively simple concepts, with powerful “How To Messages“ can be utilized by anyone who holds a leadership position - even parents, educators, and others. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a first-time manager, 'Tighten The Lug Nuts' is not only motivational, but also a call to action for those who have yet to make a mark in their field.

The book can also help position an organization for hyper growth coming out of the pandemic, Key concepts detailed in the book will prepare leaders and their teams to hit the ground running as they rapidly refocus and rebuild. 'Tighten The Lug Nuts' is loaded from cover to cover with practical information that can help leaders become more effective, more productive, and more successful. It is not just another "book about leadership."

'Tighten The Lug Nuts' is available at online book retailers. More information is available at his website at and at

Rocky Romanella has built an entire library of cutting-edge resources, available at his website, to help position ourselves to come out of the pandemic stronger, leaner, faster and to get a jump-start on the Rapid Rebuild process. Those resources include:


Rocky has been doing virtual conferences and training sessions with a keen eye on POST COVID and the Rapid Rebuild of our businesses. He can build a program, live or virtual, for any organization. Topics can include any or all of the 23 Leadership Competencies, concepts from the book, Tighten The Lug Nuts: The Principles Of Balanced Leadership, or any topic that might be appropriate.


Every item on the list will play a vital role during the Rapid Rebuild of our economy, our businesses and our lives. Any or all of them will be appropriate for virtual meetings, talks or presentations.


Over 108 podcasts that take a deep dive into Leadership topics. These can be searched by topic, show name or Leadership Competency.


The video library includes training videos, Balanced Leadership videos, Keynote Speaking videos, Tighten The Lug Nuts videos, interviews videos, Coach's Corner videos and much more.

More on leadership skills, virtual keynotes, training sessions, virtual meetings and conferencing calls, training workshops, strategy sessions and general information on the relaunch of the economy is available at Romanella’s website.


As a special incentive for those who are ready for a Rapid Rebuild, Rocky will be offering meeting calls at no charge for those who purchase 20 or more copies of his 5-star rated book on leadership, 'Tighten The Lug Nuts'. Contact Rocky for details at, and or 610-322-0720 to schedule your session.

With over 4 decades of “boots on the ground” leadership experience, Rocky Romanella is one of the best keynote motivational speakers in the country and internationally. He has spoken in large and small venues all over the US including cities such as Atlanta, San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, NYC, Dallas, Chicago, Miami, Houston, LA, Charlotte, and many others. Internationally, he has presented keynotes in Toronto, Mexico City, Milan, London, and Krakow. He is known for creating excitement through his energy, passion, and knowledge, while employing his talents and experience to motivate, inspire and entertain audiences, regardless of size.

Romanella has garnered praise for his ability to connect to a wide range of audiences with his storytelling ability and innate charisma. Richard Snowden, President of Raven House International said, "An engaging speaker and facilitator, Rocky leads business executives to break-through results through break-through thinking." Conrad Swanson, Sr. VP Agency Development of Arpin Van Lines Inc. stated, "Rocky inspired many to look inward and improve the way they operate their businesses and lead their team members."

A winner of the UPS Chairman’s Award for Excellence, Romanella has created a legacy of motivating teams to achieve their best. He pulls in audiences with real life stories from an illustrious career spanning nearly 40 years at one of the most recognized and admired brands in the world. Rocky brings leadership expertise in supply chain, logistics and transportation, retail, sales and operational excellence strategy, telecommunications engineering/construction management and installation. Having led many company sales efforts, rapidly building brands, restructuring events, and developing a culture needed to integrate past acquisitions, he inspires audiences to create a unified company with one vision.

Rocky Romanella is available for keynote speaking engagements and media interviews. He can be contacted using the information below or by email at Full information on 3SIXTY Management Services, more information on keynote speaking and 'Tighten The Lug Nuts' is available at the company website at

About Rocky Romanella:

Rocky is the Founder and CEO of 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC, a management consulting firm specializing in Executive Speaking, Leadership Development and Consulting Services. He also serves on the board of Goodman Networks, a leading provider of end-to- end network infrastructure, field and professional services to the wireless telecommunications and satellite television industries.

Rocky is an experienced CEO who led one of the largest rebranding initiatives in franchising history – The UPS Store, revolutionizing the $9 billion retail shipping and business services market.

While leading The UPS Store, the network increased retail unit, same-store sales by 5.8%, outpacing the National Retail Federation results of 4.6% during a recession.

Rocky steered UPS’s entry into the health care industry and created the mantra, “It’s a patient, not a package.®”

He also led the integration of more than 20 acquisitions to improve financial performance, capabilities, and global network footprint.

Through his executive roles and leadership advisory services, Rocky delivers results by developing and implementing his Balanced Leadership Model across enterprise operations. This includes a laser focus on customer needs, employee empowerment and the demands of shareholders.

Rocky has the rare ability to see a clear vision of the changing business landscape, the passion to develop strategies, tactics, and metrics to drive desired results.


Rocky Romanella

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Water Drumming In The Soul, Bestselling Literary Fiction Ebook By Author Eric Madeen, Available At No Charge At Amazon March 26, 2025

‘Water Drumming In The Soul’ has been called a "modern-day classic" that redefines traditional narratives.

The bestselling literary fiction ebook, 'Water Drumming In The Soul: A Novel Of Racy Love in the Heart of Africa' by Eric Madeen will be available at no charge in e-book format March 26, 2025 on Amazon at

Eric Madeen is an award-winning, bestselling author of six books. His writings have landed in executive suites of publications, from senior to junior worldwide.

Like wunderkind best-seller Paul Theroux, Eric Madeen will always think of himself as a Peace Corps volunteer, one who, just after graduating from the University of Arizona, constructed in Francophone Gabon, Africa a primary school complex in an equatorial village surrounded by rainforest … where he got lost for three days while hunting monkeys for the cooking pot … and where notably he fell in love, giving his first novel, 'Water Drumming in the Soul' a vigorous fictional reality.

In this fiery tale set in steamy equatorial Africa, Peace Corps volunteer David Fields is on mission: to build a medical dispensary in a village where spells are cast on enemies and fear of a geek-shaman reigns. David seldom has his bearings – cultural or geographical – and must fight a cocktail of tropical maladies as well as social taboos as he throws himself into work. Until... he meets Assam. Captivated by her water drumming, her playing the stream as a drum, David is drawn to her early on and becomes the hunter captured by the game. And what a rollicking game of love it is - with a tension or excitement between them that never dissipates, … until the haunting end.

Readers and reviewers have expressed high praise for 'Water Drumming In The Soul'. Zaheer Baber; Professor of Sociology; University of Toronto, said, "Madeen's storytelling prowess shines through and resonates with authenticity. The characters, particularly Assam, are beautifully developed, challenging traditional stereotypes as in presenting a more nuanced and genuine portrayal of African culture.”

Elizabeth Montano, author of The Eternal Dawn Trilogy, called it " a novel so beautifully and realistically written I found it on par with works by whom we consider masters … Hemingway definitely comes to mind."

One Amazon reviewer said, "Water Drumming in the Soul not only tells a passionate love story, but it also delves into thought-provoking themes like culture, identity, and the power of human connection. It's a rollercoaster of emotions that'll have you laughing, crying, and everything in between. This isn't your typical love story! This novel is well-written and full of unexpected twists that keep you flipping those pages. Plus, the characters are so well-developed that you'll feel like you've known them forever. So, if you're ready for a wild and adventurous ride, grab a copy of this modern-day classic ASAP!"

Eric Madeen writes cross-genre, and is the author of a number of books:

Tokyo-ing! - This is an apt word for this bestselling trio of tales chiming with anyone even slightly interested in Asia’s most dynamic metropolis and its glazing of layers – be they cultural or taking-wing exuberant. Madeen does deep dives in three fascinating directions and voices, including the persona in first-person female. Then doesn’t let readers come up for air because they don’t want to -- until the delicious end.

Asian Trail Mix: True Tales From Borneo to Japan, a bestselling travelogue mixes it up on the Asian Trail in a voice that's by turns personal, passionate and ohhhh so very soulful. "So I get up at dawn and marvel at fog burning off into mist tumbling down like the finest mosquito netting of silk. The hills beyond the rivers' confluence, like shoulders of a woman undressing, the way the misty shroud lifts off feminine curves, higher and higher ... I tingle all over, feeling there on Borneo the dream tug of Joseph Conrad's fiction, notably Lord Jim." By turns literarily pathbreaking and intimate, this smorgasbord of travel essays scales down the sprawl of Asia by focusing on the unique and revelatory in gemmy prose. See up close and personal the razzmatazz of novice monks at play in northern Laos, the bonding with hustling pedicab drivers in Ho Chi Minh City, the rainforests blazed on gutsy treks across Borneo and Thailand's Elephant Island and novel things Japanese. Served up nice and spicy, Asian Trail Mix is slathered across 12 rocking-it essays plus a tall tale at its glorious ending, making for a baker's dozen of sumptuousness.

Tennis Clubbed, Snubbed and Rubbity-Dub Dubbed - In historically rich Yokohama, where Captain Perry and his Black Ships cracked open Japan, the wicked shiver of the tennis snub in the postmodern present pits David Adams against K: a puffed-up xenophobic tyrant who rules over the courts of a club that has as its anthem, ironically, the promotion of international friendship.

'Water Drumming In The Soul: A Novel Of Racy Love in the Heart of Africa' will be available at no charge in e-book format March 26, 2025 on Amazon.

Eric Madeen is available for media interviews and can be reached at All of his books are available at Amazon at More information is available at his website at

About Eric Madeen:

Eric Madeen is an associate professor of modern literature at Tokyo City University and an adjunct professor at Keio University. He's an award-winning author of six books, and his writing has been published widely -- in Time, Asia Week, The East, Daily Yomiuri, Tokyo Journal, Kyoto Journal, Metropolis, Mississippi Review, ANA's inflight magazine Wingspan, Peace Corps Worldwide, Japanophile, Yomimono, The Pretentious Idea, Tombstone Epitaph, several anthologies, academic journals, therein his seminal essay "Under Western and Eastern Eyes" jointly published by the Ministry of Education of the Western Federation, Russia, and the Joseph Conrad Foundation, USA, and so on.

Madeen has been featured in several radio interviews (9 in the USA and 1 in Japan) and various print media. He once made his living copywriting for then-world's largest ad agency Dentsu for clients as diverse as Mazda, Subaru, Canon, Konica, Nikko Hotels International and Sony.

He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Francophone Gabon, Africa, where he built a primary school complex in an equatorial village surrounded by rainforest, a mind-blowing experience which inspired his first book.


Eric Madeen

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Award Winning Author Deborah Henderson Announces First Place Honors for Psychological Mystery Novel, Losst: The Indestructible Power of Love

Henderson took first place in The Authors Show® 2024 Book Cover Contest.

Award-winning author Deborah Henderson has announced that her psychological mystery novel, 'Losst: The Indestructible Power of Love', took First Place in The Authors Show® 2024 Book Cover Contest.

Henderson's novel is set apart from many others in the genre by being a story that is both vivid and immersive. It is a profound work that explores human emotions, relationships, love, and loss. It is both heart-wrenching and uplifting.

After the tragic loss of her father and then her mother, Samantha is left with a monster of a man and becomes a prisoner in her own home. At the young age of thirteen, she manages to escape.
With no specific destination, she hitches a ride north. She ends her journey in beautiful Sayward, BC, where she turns the page and creates a beautiful new chapter in her life. As much as she tries, though, the monster relentlessly haunts her in her dreams and nightmares.

Once again cursed by tragedy, Samantha's life takes a tailspin. This time, she loses her grip on reality. In a vengeful attempt to seek justice, she collects her hiking gear and supplies and embarks on an adventure that leads to a painful reality.

She is also the author of 'The Missing Pieces', a thriller that was an Author Academy Award First Prize Winner.

After twenty years in prison, Bobby is granted her freedom. With no recollection of her past and the events that led to her incarceration, she sets off to build a life for herself. Alone in the world, she cautiously tries to integrate back into society.

As she goes about her new daily life, the pieces of her past start exploding around her. Nightmares, flashbacks, and people she meets connect her to fragments of a frightening life before prison. Knowing that Bobby suffers from PTSD, her new friends try to help her put the missing pieces of her life back together.

“I write because it makes me feel better,” Henderson stated. “It's a kind of therapy, I guess. Readers enjoy my books because they realize that they are not alone and that there is hope. We can all find the strength to survive if we dig down deep enough inside ourselves. Do what makes you happy and never give up.”

Deborah Henderson is available for media interviews and can be reached at

Both books are available on Amazon in print and eBook form. 'The Missing Pieces' is also available as an audiobook. For more information, visit her website at

About Deborah Henderson:

Deborah Henderson enjoys painting, music, writing, nature, and outdoor adventures including hiking, kayaking, and the occasional rock climbing, parachuting, and scuba diving. Like many people, she has lived a challenging life. Many traumatic experiences still weigh heavily on her soul, the most recent of which is the loss of her daughter and grandson.

Deborah has also conquered personal challenges. As part of the Cancer Research Society Kilimanjaro Challenge, she raised $11,000 for cancer research. After five days of climbing, she summitted on October 28, 2013, a day she will never forget. She, like her protagonist Bobby, is a survivor who finds the strength to keep going. Deborah finds peace today living with her husband on Vancouver Island, Nanaimo, BC, surrounded by lakes, mountains, and the ocean.


Deborah Henderson