Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Traditional Publishing Versus Self Publishing - Authors, Agents And Publishers Invited To Offer Opinions On The Best Options

The world of book publishing has seen dramatic and sweeping changes over the last few years. New authors are often confused by the seemingly endless choices. Author Rusty Blackwood has been through it and now hopes to help new authors make informed and intelligent decisions by offering up the experiences of those who have been through the publishing process

Acclaimed Canadian author Rusty Blackwood, author of the 'Passion In Paris' series, today announced that she invites authors, agents and publishers, both traditional and non-traditional, to participate in a discussion of the pros and cons of publishing models now available to authors. Her hope is to offer up the experiences of those who have been through the process as a resource for authors new to publishing. She also hopes this effort will give publishers a feel for what is important to authors and writers in today's book marketing environment.

“I began writing seriously in 2001,” says Canadian author Rusty Blackwood, when recently asked about her work. “Being able to express my emotions in expressive word has always been an endearing passion to me which is why I continue to follow my dreams, as well as my heart when it comes to bringing this passion to public awareness. I believe that is the simple bases in which most writers continue to write and produce their craft, regardless of the endless hours it takes to comprise something worthy of their talent, or the endless rejection from editors telling them their latest effort does not make the cut via a scribbled note telling the author: ‘very nice, but not what we are looking for at this time’. Yet regardless of the excuse, the rejection continues to be difficult, mainly because one wonders whether it’s simply a way of telling the prospective author that the piece they have slaved over, poured their heart and soul into, is in actuality, not good enough, or they are simply not cut out to write. Either excuse generates the same disheartening reaction within the soul of the writer. Thus, one turns to the self-publishing route and the all too-often undesirable conflicts surrounding that route."

Ms. Blackwood continues, “I speak first hand on this subject, for I took this route in the fall of 2008 to disastrous endings both in bungled services, and unexpected debt. I did not enter into this venture blindly for I had thoroughly done my research of the company I used. I have since pulled away from said company and revised and republished previous titles through another venue, and am in the process of revising a major title with hopes of gaining literary representation and following the traditional publishing route. I can only hope this will result in a much better ending than what I have experienced thus far.”

Comments can be posted at Blackwood's blog at Click on the 'Publishing Opinions' tab. Ms. Blackwood requests that no company names or identifiable information be used in these comments and reserves the right to edit all comments. The comments, opinions and ideas expressed will be posted and available to the public so that writers, authors, agents and publishers can access the information to help them make informed decisions.

Ms Blackwood's titles are available at,, and at her website bookstore.

Ms. Blackwood resides in St. Catharines, Ontario and is the author of a number of romance novels, poetry books and children's books.


Rusty Blackwood
Romance novels:
Other works: