Friday, November 18, 2011

Allen Schatz, Author Of 'Game 7 Dead Ball', Named As One Of '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading'

Schatz was picked from a field of hundreds of authors who appeared on The Authors Show. His work, entitled 'Game 7: Dead Ball', is a thriller filled with secrets, lies and revenge set against the backdrop of baseball's World Series

Allen Schatz, author of 'Game 7 Dead Ball', has been named one of '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading'. His award came as a result of his appearance on The Authors Show. Schatz was chosen from a field of hundreds of authors through a public voting process. 'Game 7: Dead Ball' is the first in the Marshall Connors series of novels, that also includes '7th Inning Death' and 'Rally Killer'.

"I feel honored," stated Mr. Schatz, "to be included in the '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading' book. Knowing that so many thought my work worthy of a vote is humbling. My journey into the publishing world has been challenging to say the least. Having the support of readers makes it all worthwhile."

In 'Game 7: Dead Ball', the story follows fictional events over a two week period during the 2008 baseball World Series. Locations include Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Tampa / St. Petersburg, Florida and New York City. In the storyline, a puzzle takes shape as the Series unfolds, but the pieces don’t seem to fit: missing women, strange threats, gambling problems, kidnappings, and relationships long dormant are all somehow connected, but major league umpire Marshall Connors may run out of time before he can solve the mystery. With the help of his best friend, Thomas Hillsborough--ex-CIA spy--Marshall fights to solve the puzzle before the Series reaches its climax.

A recent Amazon review stated, "Allen Schatz, in his first novel, has proven a welcome newcomer to an overcrowded thriller market sadly diluted with average ho-hum fare... I would highly recommend this book to any thriller fan who is tired of the same old mediocre drivel that is plaguing our bookshelves currently. Schatz has proven he belongs in the writing game."

Allen Schatz is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at More information is available at his website: 'Game 7: Dead Ball' is available in softcover at, Barnes& and CreateSpace. The book is available in ebook format at, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Diesel, Sony, Kobo and Smashwords.


'Game 7: Dead Ball' is the first book in what is now known as the Marshall Connors Series of novels. Allen has been writing in various forms throughout his 25+ year professional career (CPA/accountant; currently providing consulting services out of his home office). He added fiction writing to the mix beginning in 2008 and has built a solid following of fans in the time since.

Known throughout his career as a creative problem solver, the transition came naturally to Allen. He believes writing offers him the opportunity to dive deeper into that side of his personality, without the inherent boundaries of the business world. His goal in creating works of fiction, on top of letting that part of his persona shine, is to give the reader an escape, if only for a moment, from the day-to-day grind.

Allen currently lives in southwestern PA with his wife of 26 years.


Allen Schatz