Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Edward Fairley Releases 'The Handbook For Increasing Your Relationship IQ' - Sensible Relationship Advice For Real People

Relationship advice has always been a popular topic worldwide. From 'Dear Abby' to Dr. Phil, there has never been a shortage of relationship advice. But in a world dominated by online relationship services, social sites, reality television and media megastars, practical advice is often very difficult to come by. Edward Fairley believes the time has come for real world, sensible relationship advice that makes sense for real people who live in the modern world

Edward L. Fairley has released 'The Handbook For Increasing Your Relationship IQ'. Fairley's book is aimed at providing sensible relationship advice for real people in a world dominated by online dating services and social media. Fairley's approach is very different from the 'he said/she said', male/female advice given in years gone by.

Fairley does not believe people are statistics, nor are they members of scientific groups. Fairley's approach also holds out that the emphasis on male and female gender needs actually exacerbates relationship difficulties. Rather than rehash all the typical advice for couples, Fairley instead offers some twists on conventional thinking that provide readers with down-to-earth information that is outside the boundaries of conventional relationship advice. Fairley's use of language and example allows him to simplify the complex dynamics of love, romance, and marriage. The result is practical, real world advice that is both enlightening and engaging.

"My relationship counsel," stated Mr. Fairley, "is built on the foundation of teaching the reader to communicate in a manner that helps them to understand their mate, not their 'male' or 'female' partner. Some writers base their counsel on studies and scientific theories. They conclude from these statistics that, due to a high percentage of a certain gender responding to situations in a certain way or sharing the same patterns, that the entire gender is one way and vice versa for the other gender. This is ridiculous, as people then make decisions based on assumptions about their partner offered by a book based on statistics. It's no wonder so many relationships experience difficulty. My book isn’t based on taking the studies and statistics of other people's work and massaging it to make it my own. It is based rather on how one person relates to another person."

Fairley's lack of emphasis on male/female gender role playing lies at the heart of his message. Rather than using an 'us vs them' mentality, his approach emphasizes that every person is precisely that - a person. His message resonates with those who have grown up with computer technology and cell phone usage. His counsel is particularly appropriate for young people, but is equally relevant for anyone who might be pursuing, or is already in, a committed relationship.

"I don't want to be Dear Abby or Dr. Phil," stated Mr. Fairley, "in fact, I hope to do just the opposite. Advice with a mass appeal does not mean much in a relationship created by two individuals. Each must find his or her own way. Every relationship is unique and one of a kind. There is no 'one size fits all' solution to relationship challenges."

Edward Fairley is available for media interview and speaking engagements. He can be contacted using the information below or by email at imwilling2investnu@gmail.com. 'The Handbook For Increasing Your Relationship IQ' is available at his website or at online book retailer sites. More information, including excerpts of the book, are available at his website.


Edward Fairley
P.O. Box 2055
Chesapeake, Va. 23327