Monday, July 6, 2015

Christian Author John DeFilippis Issues Statement Regarding Supreme Court Ruling On Gay Marriage

DeFilippis believes the ruling all but guarantees an assault on religious freedom

Author John DeFilippis has issued a statement regarding the recent Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. While epic Christian fantasy novels would at first glance appear to have little to do with the subject of religious freedom, just the opposite is true. In DeFilippis' books,  the stories detail life in a kingdom where religious faith is being systematically removed by those in power.

“This decision by the Supreme Court all but guarantees an all-out assault on religious freedom," DeFilippis stated. "We’ve already seen photographers and bakers punished in terrible ways for refusing to work gay weddings. So what happens now when a Catholic university refuses to provide housing to a same-sex married couple? What happens to Catholic Community Services when they refuse to allow a same-sex married couple to adopt a child? What happens when churches refuse to allow gay weddings? Will they lose their tax exempt status? It sure looks like we’re moving in that direction.”

“The message in my books couldn’t be timelier, because the story depicts life in a kingdom where all traces of religious faith are being systematically removed by those in power, and the results aren’t pretty.”

In the tradition of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, DeFilippis' books offer a message of faith and hope while remaining true to the epic fantasy fiction form. Crossroad Press recently released John DeFilippis’ fourth novel, 'The Last of the Thirteen'. 'The Last of the Thirteen' is the final volume of DeFilippis’ epic fantasy series, 'The Medallion of Mavinor'. John's works have been compared to 'The Lord Of The Rings' and 'Game Of Thrones'.

Picking up where “The Crusade Against Darkness” left off, the new fantasy fiction novel follows the crusaders’ plight as they aim to defeat Malgyron’s forces and eradicate the darkness once and for all. While some go their separate ways to fulfill specific roles that have been assigned to them, others march together to wage an epic battle that could well determine the fate of the world. But as the conflict comes to a head, all of them realize one thing—they will need more than just courage and might to win the day. For the most lethal weapon they wield is neither sword nor shield, but rather the faith that resides deep in their hearts. The first two books in the series are titled 'The Quest Of The Thirteen' and 'The Birth Of Malgyron'.

"The heroes of my story are ultimately faced with two choices,"  DeFilippis concluded. "They can take up their swords and fight for their freedom, or bow down and join the enemy. Those who decide to take up the fight soon learn that the greatest weapon they have in their arsenal is their faith. It is my hope that Christians everywhere will also take up the fight as our freedoms come under attack, and that they too will realize that if God is with us, then who can possibly be against us?”

Dr. John DeFilippis is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below. All of DeFilippis' titles are available in print, ebook and pdf formats at Crossroad Press. More information is available at John DeFilippis’ website at

About Author John DeFilippis:

Dr. John DeFilippis grew up in the Greenville section of Jersey City, graduating from Our Lady of Mercy Grammar School in 1984. In 1988 he graduated from Saint Peter’s Prep and went on to study at Rutgers College in New Brunswick, New Jersey. After earning his Bachelor of Science degree, Dr. DeFilippis attended the School of Theology at Seton Hall University for three years, from 1993 to 1996. During this time he earned his master’s degree in theology and discerned a call to the Catholic priesthood. After ultimately deciding that he did not have a religious vocation, Dr. DeFilippis transitioned into the field of education.

He taught for four years at both the elementary and secondary levels, and earned a second master’s degree in educational administration. In 2000 Dr. DeFilippis made yet another transition, this time accepting an offer to become an academic administrator at Saint Peter’s University in Jersey City. He would spend the next seven years there, and in 2007 he completed his Ph.D. in educational leadership at Seton Hall University. After finishing his doctoral degree, he accepted an offer to become a director in the Division of Academic Affairs at New Jersey City University.


Dr. John DeFilippis