Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Inspirational Book, 'The Caleb Years: When God Doesn't Make Sense' Earns Honorable Mention In Foreword Reviews Indiefab Book Of The Year Awards

'The Caleb Years' is a refreshing and inspirational account of the journey through treacherous waters of uncertainty and deep emotional wounds parents of chronically ill children must endure

'The Caleb Years' by David Ingerson has earned the Honorable Mention in Foreword Reviews Indiefab Book Of The Year Awards for the best indie books of 2014.

Winners were chosen from over 1,500 entries in 63 categories by a select panel of librarians and booksellers. Winners were announced during the American Library Association Annual Conference in San Francisco on June 26. This year’s list of winners includes the Dalai Lama, Lev Grossman, Jeet Heer, Chuck Palahniuk, Zack Whedon, Georges Jeanty, Lee & Low Books, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Kent State University Press, Rizzoli, Abingdon Press, Quirk Books, Cleis Press, and Six Sisters Stuff.

'The Caleb Years' is a refreshing and inspirational account of the author’s journey through the treacherous waters of uncertainty and the deep emotional wounds parents of  chronically ill children must endure. It chronicles the medical maladies and life-stirring challenges Ingerson and his family faced after his fourth child, Caleb, was born with a major congenital heart defect (CHD)--as does Bret Baier's book, 'Special Heart: A Journey of Faith, Hope, Courage and Love.'

"I am very pleased," Ingerson stated, "that my book has been recognized by this competitive award. I believe my story will be helpful to many others as they read how we faced and overcame the challenges all parents experience when their children suffer with life-and-death medical struggles."

Ingerson encourages his grieving readers to also read the inspirational book 'Losing Cooper: Finding Hope to Grieve Well, ' by J.J. Jasper. For those that are seeking further inspiration in dealing with the questions of suffering, Ingerson highly recommends one of Max Lucado's latest books, 'You'll Get Through This - Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times,' as well as Philip Yancey's recent book, 'The Question That Never Goes Away: Why?.' Likewise, Ingerson enjoyed reading 'Tuesdays with Morrie,' by Mitch Albom during his tumultuous Caleb years. For further inspiration he also heartily recommends 'Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption,' by Laura Hillenbrand.

To fight for the life of a child with a long-drawn-out chronic illness is agonizing enough, but to then lose that child, as the Ingerson family did, as the result of the reckless behavior of another—a blood donor giving his potentially HIV-tainted blood despite his known at-risk behavior--is beyond words.  Despite his raging anger, Ingerson did not seek vengeance when faced with this very situation. Instead, he took action and vowed to do something to help prevent this type of tragedy from happening to others.

Although we may not be able to determine the final outcome of such tragic situations, we can decide how we are going to live each day – with hope and thankfulness or with anger and bitterness. David Ingerson and his family, as intensely described in this inspirational story chose the way of hope, even when facing the menace of Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) and the dread of HIV. While it did not take away their pain, it did give them the strength to live each day with meaning.

Phillip Yancey, 'NYT' best-selling author of 'The Jesus I Never Knew' states, “I have read the full account of Caleb’s life in ‘The Caleb Years’, and I’m glad I did. Especially, I appreciated that David didn’t offer saccharine answers. He showed the raw, up-and-down vulnerability that always accompanies such a trial.”

Eugene H. Peterson, best-selling author and translator of ‘The Message’ and Professor Emeritus of Spiritual Theology at Regent College said, "Caleb was born with several undiagnosed congenital anomalies and endured ten major surgeries. His father writes the story, saturated with both pain and prayer, but remarkably without a trace of bitterness. His marvelous witness written with such skill, crafted in language honest and vivid, will not fail to deepen the faith and joy of all who trust God."

"Faith and forgiveness are two key themes of our story. Our faith was tested when after our son was born with CHD, so many asked, 'Why was Caleb born this way?' Also, in that our son was infected with HIV due to the irresponsible action of a donor who knew of his at-risk behavior but chose to keep quiet about it and donate his blood anyway, we were forced to face the difficult question, 'Can we forgive the donor for his reprehensible act?'"

About David Ingerson:

David P. Ingerson is an exciting communicator who has spoken to audiences around the world. During his twenty years as a U.S. Air Force officer and pilot he traveled extensively and lived abroad with his family. He has trained and led teams on short-term missions to the Philippines and Cambodia. As a corporate pilot he has traveled to nearly every country on five continents and takes with him great respect and appreciation for the myriad of cultures he encounters.

Having suffered his own share of trials and setbacks as an entrepreneur, he encourages his listeners to rise above life's difficulties and griefs. Given his track record of overcoming challenges, Ingerson has credibility when he exhorts others that the path to success is found and walked with intentionality, faith and hard work. He is genuine and passionate as he encourages his listeners to honestly admit their challenges and disappointments. Through his personal inspirational story of triumph through tragedy, he spurs others to rise above life's frustrations and overcome in spite of intimidating obstacles—even as dreadful as facing CHD, HIV and grieving the death of a child.

David and his wife, Kathleen, are the parents of five children and make their home in Shreveport, Louisiana.


David Ingerson